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High Speed Audio Transcription

The ins and outs of audio transcription, using a Word Processor. 180 wpm is an achievable verbatim transcribing speed. Higher if you integrate speech recognition. Using a Maltron Keyboard, WordPerfect and Dragon Naturally Speaking.


Using the Word Processor Effectively

Using The Word Processor for Text Expansion

Whilst there a few pretty good text expander programs on the market, I've steered clear of these simply because they are "external" to the word processing program, and there can be clashes with native WP functions. And when I buy a new computer, I have yet another package to remember to install and "tune up".

This article covers the 2 most common word processors, MS Word (MSW) and WordPerfect (WP), both Windows (WPWIN) and 5.1 for DOS (WPDOS).

WordPerfect for Dos

In WPDOS there is nothing similar to the QuickCorrect in WPWIN or MSW's AutoCorrect. Instead I created my text expander using the macro function.

To create an abbreviation eg Your Honour the following keystrokes are needed:

Ctrl F10 to define (name) the macro.
Type "yh" [enter]
Type "your Honour"
Ctrl F10 to finish macro creation.

NOTE: In some cases a string of text may sometimes begin with a capitalised letter. In WPDOS there is no automatic "initial word" capitalisation function. If the string is likely to need this, ie it's something appears at the start of a sentence fairly frequently, for this choice I insert a single character pause. (Click on the graphic to see the whole picture.)


To execute the macro the keystrokes are Alt F10 [macro name] [Enter].

I found this to be fairly keystroke intensive, especially for a macro to insert a short word or phrase. I needed a different approach to speed things up.

I was after the same thing that QuickCorrect/AutoCorrect, and indeed the Glossary function in WP 6.1 for DOS does, type in the abbreviation and have a single keystroke executing it.

I created this macro:


What this macro (which I call "Glossary" to match it to the WPDOS 6.1 function) does is select back to the beginning of the abbreviation (eg "yh") copy it, delete the abbreviation, set the VAR0 (variable zero) to read the deleted text, then execute the macro with the name VAR0, in other words tell the program to execute the macro with the name of the abbreviation. I then attach the "Glossary" macro to whichever key I like, so what I do is type in the abbreviation eg "yh", tap the execute key and the expanded "your Honour" appears (unless I have the pause to type in a capital or lower case letter).

Before I (reluctantly) ceased using WPDOS I had created about 1500 macros and was able to type quite fluently using them.

Because these are created in DOS, each macro has a limit of 8 character for its name, which is not really a difficulty, one of the requirements for an abbreviation is ... brevity. I have 3 rules which I use:


ALAN: - the macro name must be As Long As Necessary (up to 8 characters in DOS)
ASAP: - the macro name must be As Short As Possible.
WDIM: - It must mean something to you (and only you). What Does It Mean.

NOTE: In DOS there are a couple of "reserved" words which cannot be used for macro names. The only one I've encountered is CON.

Keyboard File

WordPerfect (both DOS and Windows) has a function for altering/adding functions to keystrokes. Whilst MSW has this function, only one keyboard file per document template seems to be permitted, and I have not been able to "change keyboards" in mid-document. (I have, under certain circumstances, been able to "attach" a different document template to achieve this end, but it is rather finicky.) To be able to do this is an extremely useful function. For example, when I'm doing say a coroner's hearing, and the forensic pathologist gets into the witness box and starts reading out the post-mortem report, I can change to my medical keyboard, then when proceedings return to "normal", I go back to my "normal" keyboard.

Other differences between WPWIN and MSW are shown in the following graphic:


At the top is the WPWIN keyboard "map" and underneath is the MSW equivalent. The map shows instantly which keystrokes are free to be used, whereas the MSW only shows one function at a time.

I've found to get the best out of my package, I've had to go right back to the very basics and go through the keyboard map and strip out all the functions I don't think I'll need. (Things like going to the next open window, next open document, previous open document etc, most of which are used very little and can be achieved by mouse clicking on this odd occasion.) I can also re-assign from one key to another. In comparing MSW to WPWIN you will notice that MSW has very few functions actually attached to the F(unction) keys, whereas WPWIN has something attached to EVERY function key, with duplications eg format bold face can be Ctrl B or F6. I chose to remove the function from Ctrl B and leave it on F6.

Each F key has 8 functions.
Fx shift
Fx ctrl
Fx ctrl+shift
Fx Alt
Fx alt+ shift
Fx alt+ctrl
Fx alt+ctrl+shift

With the normal "characters" there are 6 functions. There are also other keys such as [, ], et cetera. I once calculated in total in WPWIN there were 512 keystroke functions available for the greedy operator. (In WPDOS there are not so many). MSW has a vaguely similar number, but I don't use it much.

What do I use them for?

In my "normal" keyboard my "Ctrl" (primary) functions are mostly text strings:

A - ation
B - because
C - ?---Correct.
D - don't
E - ever
F - from
G - ough
H - that
I - ing (Alt I - ight)
J - just
K - hank you
L - able
M - ment
N - n't
O - ould
P - probably
Q - question
R - This is used for capitalising the initial letter of a word. Alt R is for lowercasing an initial capital
S - sort (Alt S - ?---)
T - the
U - under
V - very
W - which
X - exhibit
Y - you
Z - (nothing)


Because I can maintain multiple keyboard files, I can have one for each case or job. You will see I've used the Ctrl functions, but hardly any Alt functions. I keep these in reserve for specific topics or cases. (My "secondary" functions.)

I can use either words, parts of words or functions. Eg if I wish to create the word "adjustment" I can key in the "ad" then hit Ctrl J and Ctrl M. "W", or "sh", or "c" followed by Ctrl O gives me "would", "should" or "could". You can probably see many other things one could do.

I use pretty much the same functions in both WPDOS and WPWIN.

Text Expansion

When I changed over to WPWIN, I found that the QuickCorrect/ QuickWords functions were not to my liking, mainly because the expansion of the abbreviations was tied to the space bar, full stop etc. I wanted to have the expansion occur when, and ONLY when I wanted it, not when the machine decided. There were a couple of reasons. I didn't want to spend my time thinking up ways of creating an abbreviation that wouldn't expand at the wrong time. My system of creating abbreviations depended upon me NOT having to remember them. (In WPWIN QuickCorrect I use in the vicinity of 6000 entries, which is a large number in anybody's language.) So I found that if I had a word or phrase that I used often enough to warrant its own abbreviation, I merely thought to myself "What would be a good one?" and tried that out. If NOTHING happened then straight away I had created a connection, and I've found that if I do the same thing again next time I come across the same word or phrase, and I do the instinctive thing, there it is, on the screen. If, however, as sometimes happens, I've already attached something to a particular abbreviation, I decide to either just make another one, or see which of the 2 expansions I use more often, and get rid of the old one if the newer one is likely to be used more often.

In this fashion, I'm using my instinct rather than memory, and it actually works very well.

In using MS Word's AutoCorrect function, bear in mind that there are limitations to the number entries/size of the file (which has an *.acl extension) in this program.

According to this Microsoft Website, many versions of MS Word are apparently limited to 64 KB of memory!! cf this to WPWIN, in which so far, my largest QuickCorrect file is 300+ KB. I've never heard of anybody finding a limit to this function.


Secondly, sometimes the most logical abbreviation couldn't be used. When I first started out, I wanted to abbreviate the days of the week and months of the year, so I thought of using the first 2 letters, but JUne and JUly undid me. A logical system with an exception was not logical or systematic. So the first 3 letters. Fine. Except that some of the abbreviations (Sat, Sun, Wed, May, Mar, etc) were "proper" words and likely to expand unexpectedly if I relied upon the space bar function. (This apparently is (or perhaps was) a fairly common problem with Stenotyping, trying to get a short form that isn't a proper word.)

To remove the expansion function from the space bar proved very easy with WPWIN, but despite a very close similarity, success in MSW has been elusive. (The actual steps are the same, but once they are put into a MSW macro, they don't work.)

Here's a look at how it will function.

To begin, in your QuickCorrect/AutoCorrect list create an abbreviation. ("Yh" for "Your Honour"). Go into the function menu, and untick the box which allows the abbreviation to replace words while you're typing.

You are now ready to go.

Type the abbreviation. "yh"

(These are the steps the macro will go through - as noted above, exactly same steps work for both WPWIN and MSW.)

Go into the QuickCorrect menu. Check the box to replace the text as you type. Go back to the document, hit the space bar (this expands the text), back into the menu, uncheck to "replace as you go" box, back to your document and delete the space after the expanded text. (I've found this to be very useful to do this, because normally when I type I have to decide when to put the space in, not when to remove it. Eg my abbreviation for "fortunate" is "fnu". If I want to make "fortunately" I would have to expand the abbreviation then remove the space before I could add the "ly", otherwise I would have "fortunate"[space]"ly".

Here is the WPWIN macro in its entirety:

Application (WordPerfect; "WordPerfect"; Default!; "EN")
QuickCorrect (State: On!)
Type (Text: " ")
QuickCorrect (State: Off!)
DeleteCharPrevious ()

NOTE: The expression "EN" may vary, depending on which language/ country you are using.

If you cut and paste this into a blank macro, then attach the macro to whichever keystroke you think is suitable (even if you have to remove the current function and re-assign it to somewhere else - eg if you attach it to the "page up" key, this function can be relocated to say Alt Page Up) you should then have the ability to simply type in the abbreviation, hit the key and have your expanded text appear when you want it to, yet be able to use the abbreviation as a proper word, or even use the abbreviation AS an abbreviation without it expanding. Eg in Australia we have the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, usually referred to as ACCC (A triple-C). However, I don't always want to have ACCC expanded into Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. So I have the choice of typing either the abbreviation (as is usually spoken) OR using the (most logical) abbreviation to expand into the full text immediately.

Note: In MS Word it seems that macros cannot be attached to all keys, only function keys.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure that the spelling check option is selected to prompt before auto replace, otherwise any of your abbreviations which happen to be "proper words" will expand. (Eg for months of the year and days of the week I use the first 3 letters. May, mar, Wed, Sat, Sun etc.) This option is a "set and forget" one and doesn't need to be checked again, unless you re-install WPWIN, or move to a different computer.

As shown above there seems to be no limit to number of keyboard files I can create.

How Many Libraries?

Many of the "Text Expander" programs make great play of their ability to have more than one "library" of abbreviations, so the operator can have sets of abbreviations for different topics. How many such libraries can WPWIN have? Well, how many would you like? A cursory examination would indicate in the vicinity of 40.

Each set of QuickCorrect entries is maintained in a file tagged *.uwl, with a reference in the name to (a) the version of WPWIN and (b) the language associated. eg I have version 9 of WP and I use the OZ (English - Australian) language set, so my relevant file is entitled WT9OZ.UWL. This is stored in the "shared\writing tools\9.0\Corel user files" directory. It may be different on your machine.

Further, my very limited experience with using a shared machine indicates that every user who has their own log-in ID will have their own set of files. From memory I think the WT9 is replaced by the user's ID. So therefore logic would tell me that every user can have 40 or so *.uwl files.

So how easily can one change the QuickCorrect file? There's a bit of jiggery-pokery to initially set it up, but once that's out of the way it's literally about two-three mouse clicks or a small handful of keystrokes.

In the "Tools" menu there is an item for "Settings" which reveals that there is a "Language" setting. The menu for this shows that some 40 languages are supported by WPWIN. Each of these languages has its own *.uwl file. I'm using OZ. If I wish to create a whole bunch of blank QuickCorrect files, I insert my WPWIN installation CD and cycle through each language. Click on the language to be selected. After the program has done this open your QuickCorrect file. You should then have a dialogue box showing the installation of this language.

In some cases the QC box will be empty, in others it will have an ex-factory set of corrections. Note which language has an empty QC file. For the next step you will need to exit WPWIN and go into the Windows Explorer ("My Computer") for the directory where these files are stored. (I actually have a quick link on my desktop to this directory, because I do so much work in it.) Click on the *.uwl file of a language with an empty file, and copy the file to same directory as many times as you need to create QC's. This will give you a series of numbered copies. If you wish to create new QC for the English-UK language set, delete the existing WT9UK.uwl file and rename one of the numbered copies with this name. Congratulations. You have a blank QC file to start working with.

Assuming you need a file for medical terminology, select a new language (say CA - Catalan) and create your new entries. You can then work with the new one simply by clicking on the "Tools\ Setting\ Language" menu. You can then revert to your original language by either switching on "Reveal Codes" and deleting the "Language" code OR selecting the appropriate language. This will mean you'll have to go through your document at the end and delete these language switches, because they can cause problems sometimes with fonts and printing. I have a "clean-up" macro which I run at the end of document creation to go through my document and remove these and other little idiosyncratic codes I put in for various reasons; sometimes eg I accidentally hit Ctrl Space, which gives an unbreakable space between words. It takes about a second or so, and I just add any new "clean-up" as necessary.

QuickWords/AutoWordsTill now I've talked about the "Correct" functions, ie QuickCorrect in WPWIN or AutoCorrect in MSW, and not mentioned the QuickWords/ AutoWords functions. Being the contrarian that I am, I've actually reversed the usage of these 2 and I use the "words" function to pick up any consistent typing errors or lazinesses. Eg when I'm using speech recognition, and I have to transcribe "section 2 6 1" of a piece of legislation, it usually should be typed as "section 2(6)(i)",

(I'd speak section 2 [no space][open bracket] six [close bracket] [open bracket][lower case "i"] (or little Roman 1)[close bracket])

but I just create a QuickWords entry which automatically replaces "261" (two hundred and sixty one) with 2(6)(i). Almost anything which is the "QuickWord" list is very temporary and removed as quickly as possible, whereas my "QuickCorrect" list usually remains unchanged, except if I have a clash between an old abbreviation and a newer one.

(The only thing I have to do is make sure that the automatic formatting is switched off, in case I have to type a document in a type font which is different to that used when I created the QuickWords entry.)

Going to Another Computer

If you are a "temp" and you travel from office to office (assuming these offices use WordPerfect) or you have to reinstall WPWIN for some reason, how can you recreate your high-speed system? You really only need to transfer 3 files, or perhaps more accurately 3 TYPES of files. The QuickCorrect (*.uwl) files, which contain all your shortforms, your macros (*.wpm) and your template file (*.wpt) file(s). Template files contain your keyboard files.

I don't bother with transferring the QuickWords file, since most of the entries in there are usually job specific, and probably won't be useful doing something else.

For convenience, I keep my *.uwl files and my *.wpt files in the same directory so I can copy everything quickly. Whilst I haven't been able to reset WPWIN to recognise a *.uwl file in another directory, it is easy to define where your template is lives in your "settings\files" menu.

Make sure when you reinstall WPWIN that your "Glossary" macro is correctly attached in your keyboard file with the correct path. Otherwise you'll be back to executing your abbreviations with your space bar again.

How Effective is the Text Expanding/Hot Key Combination?

Obviously this is a very subjective measure, but have a look at the text below. This is a piece of transcript I did a couple of years ago, but the names have been changed for confidentiality reasons:


HIS WORSHIP: Yes, thank you?

MR MONITOR: May it please the court, my name is Monitor, I appear on behalf of the first and second plaintiffs.

MS FEATHERN: May it please you sir, Ms Feathern for the defendant.

HIS WORSHIP: Yes, thank you.

MR FRANKLE: May it please you your Worship, I appear for the third party.

HIS WORSHIP: Yes, thank you. Mr Monitor?

MR MONITOR: If your Worship pleases, this is a copyright case involving an action by the plaintiffs as against the defendant, Richard Keith Haute. The case arises as a consequence of the second plaintiff, Homestead Holdings Pty Ltd, otherwise trading as Anthem Homes, being a builder that designed a set of drawings for a house to be built for the defendant, a Mr Richard Keith Haute. The - - I'll call them - - instead of calling them the second plaintiff, I'll call the second plaintiff Anthem Homes, if that pleases the court, the third party, Beeswing Holdings Pty Ltd, that company trades as Machard Homes, so we have Anthem Homes and Beeswing Homes. Gregory Thomas Ching, he is the owner of the copyright, the original architectural design, of a particular design of house, and he licensed the use of that to Anthem Homes. For the purpose of these proceedings, your Worship should have an amended particulars of claim, particulars of amended defence, amended statement of claim against the third party, and a re-amended particulars of defence by the third party.

What I propose to do is take you through the particulars of claim to start with. The first plaintiff is a building designer. He will give evidence to tell the court of his background and experience. The second plaintiff is a company that is incorporated. On the amended defence there is a denial of the Anthem Homes or Homestead Holdings Pty Ltd being an incorporated company. That denial is now withdrawn.

MR FRANKLE: Can I just rise, and I do apologise to my learned friend for interrupting him, but there's a minor housekeeping matter that should be dealt with at this early stage.


MR FRANKLE: And that is for the third party. I simply seek a direction, that we haven't had one the past, although the case has been run that way, and the direction I seek is the direction that the third party's liability to the defendant be determined at this trial.


Above is the published transcript. Below is what I actually keyed in. It looks a bit of a mish-mash but I'll try and explain my "code". Where you see an asterisk "*" followed by a letter, this is a key stroke combination. Eg *t means I pressed Ctrl (Or Alt) T to get the text string "the". However where you see a text string followed by a hash "#", this is a QuickCorrect expansion. Eg Yh# means I've typed "yh" and hit my expansion key to get "Your Honour". (I haven't always been consistent and sometimes the asterisk will appear AFTER the letter, but you can refer to my keyboard file list above.)

As you can see there is a considerable saving in keystroking, an even greater saving when you take into account the "invisible" savings created by reduction in typing errors. An example is my proclivity to key the word "the" by typing t-e-h- [backspace] [backspace] h-e. So using the keystroke Ctrl T actually saves me typing more than one extra keystroke.  Using the word/ character counter in my word processor, I find that the "expanded" text has 1891 characters (keystrokes) where as the "abbreviated" text contains 1324 keystrokes, close to 70%, a saving of 30% keystrokes.

If this text appears to "jammed up" this is because when there is a change in speaker, the new paragraph spacing is included in the keystroke combo, as described above.


*1Yes, t*k? *3Miplc#, my name is Monitor, I ape# obhfo# *t ft# and sec# ptf#s. *4Mipl# y* sir, Ms Feathern for *t dft#.
*1Yes, t*k. *5Mipl# y* yw#, I ape4# *t 3pty#. *1Yes, t*k. Mr Monitor? *3If yw* pl*s, this is a copyright case ivog# an acn# by *t ptf#s as ais# *t dft#, Richard Keith Haute. *t case arises as a cnsq# of *t sec# ptf#, Homestead Holdings Pty Ltd, otw# trading as Anthem Homes, be*i a bldr# *h designed a set of draw*is for a house to be built for *t dft#, a Mr Richard Keith Haute. *t - - I'll call *tm - - instead of calling *tm *t sec# ptf#, I'll call *t sec# ptf# Anthem Homes, if *h pl#s *t crt#, *t 3pty#, Beeswing Holdings Pty Ltd, *h coy# trades as Machard Homes, so we hv# Anthem Homes and Beeswing Homes. Gregory Thomas Ching, he is *t owner of *t copyright, *t orgl# archtl# design, of a pt# design of house, and he lcs#d *t use of *h to Anthem Homes. For *t pu# of *tse pcdg#s, yw# sh*o hv# an amdd# pt#s of claim, pt#s of amdd# dfc#, amdd# stm# of cl# ais# *t 3pty#, and a re-amdd# pt#s of dfc# by the 3pty#. *W I pps# to do is ty# thr*g *t pt#s of cl# to start with. *t ft# ptf# is a bldg# designer. He will give ev# to tell *t crt# of his bakg# and xpc#. *t sec# ptf# is a coy# ie# inc#d. On the amd# dfc# th# is a denial of *t Anthem Homes or Homestead Holdings Pty Ltd be*i an inc#d coy#. *h denial is now wdwn#. *5Can I *j rise, and I do apols# to mlf# for interrupting him, but th#e's a minor hskpgm# *h sh*o be dtw# this early stage. *1Yes. *5And *h is for *t 3pty#. I simply seek a drn#, *h we hvn# had one *t past, alth*g *t case has been run *h way, and *t drn# I seek is *t drn# *h *t 3pty#'s lbly# to *t dft# be dtm#d at this trial.


Obviously I could have made some "case specific" abbreviations, eg Athem Holdings etc to reduce the keystroking even further.

At the very end of this blog I've published my complete word abbreviation list as at 28/9/2011.

Pedalling for Productivity

Having got this far, I've no doubt that some people may find some of my pronouncements bordering on heresy. But to be frank, MSW is a very simple program, but totally inadequate for high speed transcription. I've used both, and whilst prima facie MSW is simpler, and easier to learn, with a lot of its functions very instinctive to operate, WPWIN seems to require very tortu(r)ous thought processes to get to grips with its reliance on the function keys rather than (or as well as, in some cases) mnemonic keystrokes.

A person who is desirous of achieving an increase in productivity (ie the number of words transcribed per hour or day or whatever) can either pound the keys faster, which to me seems to be a rather pointless and indeed dangerous approach, or use the word processor as it's meant to be used - cleverly. Many (in fact most) people I talk to about increased productivity (and use MSW) are reluctant to consider changing to WPWIN because "I've already learned how to use MSW". However, what they don't seem to understand is they've only learned how to use SOME of the functions of the package, and in fact are adapting their work practices to the program rather than vice versa, adapting the program to suit them. There can be no productivity increase without "hotting up" the program, and the greater the degree of productivity increase desired, the greater the amount of tailoring of the program, until, at a certain stage, the program has been so radically altered it is no longer the MS Word (or indeed WordPerfect) that they learned initially. It's an entirely new program. So if you are going to have to learn a new program in order to achieve greater efficiency, why not use a program that has a greater capacity to be altered?

I'm an avid cyclist and I generally make the comparison between MSW and WPWIN of that to a single speed, backpedal brake iron framed bicycle and Cadel Evans' carbon framed, titanium fitted 21-speed road machine. I would find riding the single speeder very simple and comfortable, and the Evans machine a comparative nightmare. However, if I wanted to consistently get from point A to point B in as short a time as possible, a specialist bike would be required. There would be hills, long straight stretches, mountain descents at high speeds with hairpin turns. It would take skill, daring and a whole new set of reflexes, but that's the price I'd pay. No matter how many coats of paint or shiny chrome bits get stuck onto the single speed machine, it's still that - a machine with limited capability. Certainly a racing track-cycle is exactly that as well, they don't even have brakes, but they are very good at going round in a circle in one direction, which is not much good for travelling long distances under varying conditions at high speed.

"Ordinary" typing in an office would be the equivalent of riding to the shop to buy a litre of milk, whereas audio transcription is like participating in the Tour De France. Very long, hard, mentally and physically taxing, but it must be done at incredible speed and accuracy.

Many employers and agencies like to have a typing speed of 50-60 wpm over 5 minutes. For transcription work I'd be wanting someone who could peak out at better than 150 wpm. When I was working for a contractor who supplied transcript to the local courts I was expected to achieve an average speed of 23 wpm - over 8 hours. Most of the people I worked with DID achieve that speed, but only at the cost of great physical exertion, and the possibility of injury to hands and arms etc. By using my word processor (WPDOS) as a text expander I was able to achieve parity in turnaround time, but at a MUCH easier "pace", and unlike everybody else, I had sufficient time "in the bank" so to speak, to be able to rewind my recordings and do a 100% sound check, whereas others just relied on visually scanning each page.

I don't always wear my lycra shorts when I'm transcribing, but sometimes I feel like I should.



PS Some thoughts on keyboard layout, ergonomics and efficiency.

And finally, a youtube video showing the system in action, transcribing the audio.


Audio Transcription - how and why

Audio Transcription.

Some people think it's hard (which it is if you go about it the wrong way) and others say, Oh, I could do THAT.

Where is audio transcription used?

Court reporting
Parliament. (Hansard recording of speeches).
Medical transcription. (Doctors notes etc).
Oral History interviews
Law (legal office work).
Media. Subtitling of TV programs.
General Office Wordprocessing.
Lectures (universities, colleges etc).
Real time capture of a speaker to assist people with hearing disabilities.

I live in Perth, in Western Australia.

I've been a court reporter since 1990 when I joined the Commonwealth Reporting Service, but prior that time I'd spent 10 years doing various audio work as a legal secretary/WPO. I also did a fair bit of work typing university student theses and essays, which gave me a fairly wide background on a number of subjects, and this generated the experience needed to get into court work.

In the '90s I also did a 12 month stint as a secretary (read transcribing WPO) for the State's chief forensic pathologist (I believe in some circles known as a medical examiner), doing post
mortem reports/autopsies.

Whilst there are CAT writers (stenotypists) in Australia, I've only ever seen one in person. The vast majority of audio work is done by WPOs transcribing from tapes sent down from the courts, although in recent times there has been an increase in "real time" transcription,
but I've done very little of that myself. The closest I've come to real timing is taking "copious notes" at meetings etc.

Every job I've done has been verbatim, even, in some cases, to the extent of putting in grunts
and incomplete words. Since the work is taken from audio recordings, it's not a difficult task.

When I was working for a contractor to the courts, I obtained a copy of the tender for an upcoming contract, and the requirement was initially that there was to be no more than one error in a page (an average page is about 355 words), but this was later revised up to two errors per page. As a WPO I was expected to be able to produce 4 pages of transcript per hour, including 100% sound check of everything ie replay the audio while reading the transcript. Obviously this was not always possible given the constraints imposed by the quality of
the recordings, but generally it was a "do-able" target. On a good day it was possible to produce 8-10 pages per hour, but alas, those days were few and far between.

For my work I use a veritable menagerie of techniques, including "vanilla" keyboard (ie typing on a 1:1 ratio - ie one keystroke in is one keystroke out), keyboard shorthand (using WordPerfect's QuickCorrect/QuickWords function), "hot keys" and speech recognition (Dragon Naturally Speaking). For keyboarding I've been using Maltron 3D ergonomic with the Malt layout of key distribution. I bought my first Maltron in 1986, and have used one ever since. When I was sent out on a job I used to take my Maltron with me and plug it into the
client's computer.

Whilst the clients were sometimes a bit nervous, once I'd shown how it worked, and how well it worked, they were universally very happy to accept my use of this strange device. In later times, I would take my own computer and 7" screen (not a laptop - back then laptops were not
always able to handle DNS because of electronic noise issues.)

Because they use a "laptop" CPU (Celeron M) they don't generate much heat, and thus are fanless, and hence totally inaudible. A fringe benefit is that the computer (and the 7" screen)

are both capable of running remotely, from a 12 volt DC source, such as a car battery etc. In my case, I work at home and run my computer/screen/transcriber off a bank of solar powered photovoltaic cells and batteries, so virtually, I'm now working off the sun, and if the mains power goes down (as happened only two days ago) I can still put in a full day or two's work without too much trouble.

Maltron Keyboard:

For those who've never seen one, there are several advantages. Firstly the keyboard is split into 5 major blocks, left fingers, right fingers, left thumb, right thumb and numeric keypad in the centre. (It is possible to buy the keyboard with a trackball, but I prefer to use the Logitech Marble Mouse),en

The key distribution was created by Lilian Malt back in the early-mid '70s

and a lot of hard work she did, but the results are impressive. She addressed several major issues in relation to keyboard related injury/damage.

The keys are in straight columns. The old "staggered key" arrangement was necessary back in the days of manual typewriters in order to facilitate the operation of the rods and levers needed, but since the days of electric typewriters (to say nothing of computers) this is a
dangerous hangover from the past. Elimination of the microshifts from side to side (a movement which the anatomy of the hand is not really designed for, it being evolved to grasp by closing the fingers in a straight line using tendons and muscles) gives instant reduction in the amount of work the arms/hands/shoulders have to perform.

The keyboard curve:
The keys themselves are mounted in a 3D curve which mimics very closely the natural movement of the fingers in grasping. In other words, the fingers "curl" inwards and upward. It's interesting to note the detail Ms Malt went to, where the "ring" fingers are assigned one fewer key because of the difficulty that finger has in operating "independently" - try curling the ring finger to touch the palm of the hand without moving other fingers.

Not only are the keys in a curve from top to bottom, but also from the outside to the centre, which takes into account the differing length of each finger, the middle finger being the longest, with its corresponding key being the "deepest".

The actual distribution of keys is so elegant it's difficult to describe if you haven't used it. There are many stories about the rationale behind the QWERTY layout, such as reshuffling the keyboard to slow the typist down. It may or may not be true, but the sad fact is that the QWERTY DOES create so much extra work, which becomes apparent when I go back to using one. It hits me like a brick wall.

According to the Maltron site (and my own decades of experience), if a WPO keeps the hands on the QWERTY "home keys" (ASDFG HJKL; Space) approximately 195 words can be typed, whereas with a Maltron layout about 7600 words can be keyed. (Note: In Maltron the left thumb operates "E", the right thumb operates the space bar. The "home keys" in Lilian Malt's layout are (E) ANISF DTHOR.) To give an example of the efficiency of Malt's work, look at the way the word "the" is keyed - right index, right middle, left thumb. A VERY quick run using the
strongest and most agile digits. Or the suffix "ation".)

There are other figures which are shown in the table towards the bottom of this link.

Such is the naturalness of the design that after glueing a couple of pieces of dense foam rubber to the "palm rests" on the front of the keyboard, I am able to key in almost every character without the necessity to lift my hands ie my hands are being supported by the keyboard, not by my arms and shoulders. This isn't necessarily recommended by the good people at Maltron, but it's made possible because of the size of my hands.

One final thing I love is the quality built in. The Maltron uses Cherry key switches and these are built to LAST. I'm still using my very first Maltron keyboard (which I bought when I was using an Apple II computer) and it still works perfectly. I sent it back to the UK to have the internals upgraded when I moved from Apple II to IBM compatible, but other than that except for the occasional cleanup with a brush and small vacuum cleaner, it's still chugging away 22 years

When I began my audio transcription career the department was just in the process of going to WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS. When I left my last employment with another contractor in 2006, they were still using the same program. It was such an utterly useful package for transcription
work, since I was able to create what I called "backward reading macros" which in effect was a type of "QuickCorrect"/"AutoCorrect" where instead of hitting the AltF10 key to activate the macro, entering the name of the abbreviation, then pressing "Enter" to execute the macro, it was reduced to keying in the abbreviation and THEN hitting an operator designated key to execute.

When I changed to Windows, I took to WordPerfect, but found that the "QuickCorrect" function was very restrictive, in that it would expand the abbreviation when I hit the space bar, rather than when I wanted it to expand. (Example: A logical system of abbreviations for days of the week/months of the year was to enter the first 2 letters - except June and July spoiled that, and I reasoned that a "logical" system with an exception was not logical or systematic. So I then moved up to the first 3 letters. But then a different problem arose. Several of the abbreviations, Sat, Sun, Wed, Jan, Mar, May etc were "proper" words which if used had the potential to expand unexpectedly/ unwantedly.) So rather than spend my life trying to think up abbreviations which would be unlikely to occur in the normal course, Ireasoned that it would be better if I could take the expansion function away from the space bar and attach it to another key, which I would then use ONLY when I wanted the expansion to occur.

It proved surprisingly easy to create this function, and I've been using it ever since. This means that I can now use any abbreviation that occurs to me without having to worry about whether it will turn around and bite me.

As luck would have it, this fitted in very well with the Maltron layout, since I was able to attach the expansion function to a key which was just next to my right thumb (the exclamation mark), so to activate the expansion, I merely moved my thumb from the space bar (its home key) about half an inch to the right. I use this function so often I've worn the shell of the keyboard away, and if I don't do something about it, I might actually put a hole there. (Since I don't use the exclamation mark very often, I haven't bothered re-assigning it, instead I use an abbreviation "xclmk" to insert it.)

Surprisingly, when I tried to do the same thing with MicroSoft Word, I found that whilst the steps matched EXACTLY what happened in WordPerfect, and that while it would in fact work if I did it manually, once I put the steps into a macro, they didn't do what they were supposed to do, so I was unable to use MS Word with the same degree of proficiency.

As an added benefit, I was able to get around the irritating habit of both QuickCorrect and AutoCorrect of putting a space at the end of the expanded text, whether I wanted one or not.

Further, one other function which WP has that MS Word doesn't is a very comprehensive "keyboard map", which shows which functions are attached to which keystroke combination. (Eg if I wish to attach a text string or macro to a particular key I can open the WP keyboard
map and scroll down and see immediately where there are "free keys", but MS Word only shows each individual function, and any keystrokes which are attached to it.)

To date, in my QuickCorrect list of abbreviations, I have approximately 4000, which I add to and, occasionally, subtract from as necessary. Some people in the past have commented about the limit to the number of entries that could be put in the MS Word AutoCorrect list.

I mentioned previously about "vanilla" keyboarding ie one keystroke in gives one keystroke out. About 6 years ago (when my QuickCorrect list was much smaller) I did an analysis of a transcript to determine my ki:ko ratio (keystroke in to keystroke out) and derived a ratio of
approximately 4:10 - ie on average 4 keystrokes in generated 10 characters on the screen. I haven't done a similar analysis recently, but I suspect that it would be pretty much the same.

Speech Recognition:
In about 1992, I was introduced to Dragon speech recognition software which was being developed for DOS at that stage. I wasn't particularly impressed but by about 1998 I was willing to take a punt and started out with version number 3, then, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7A. I found V5 was absolutely brilliant and after fiddling with the later versions for few months, I reverted back to V5. At the same time I was doing the WordPerfect series, again starting out with V3, then 5, 6, 7, 9, 12. Again, I found that the later version was not necessarily the best so I reverted to V9 (1999).

Such were the problems that were caused by using later versions of Dragon with later versions of WP that I found it necessary to build a computer with TWO separate hard drives so I could work out where the difficulty lay. I mounted the same Windows O/S (2000 - which I still use) on each bootable drive and eventually determined that ONLY Dragon 5 worked perfectly with WP 9 (and even then if I installed a service pack, the problem recurred.) However, such was the depth of the problems caused I had to do a complete deep level reformat of the HDDs and reinstall everything. (A couple of weeks of my life I'd rather forget!)

Now I am so wedded to speech recognition I just don't know how I ever worked without it. I have to say it is a technical tool, which requires great skill to get the best out of it, and many people discard it as being difficult - and they are right. But with perseverance it can do great things. (Just by way of a test I transcribed (from written text) at roughly 210 wpm, with an accuracy of about 97%. But as has been mentioned here before, it's capable of doing much better - which is one of my prime tenets - the "system" must always be better than the operator. The operator can nearly always learn to do better. The system cannot.)

A couple to tips to pass on. When you are using Dragon (I can only speak for that since I've never used anything else) be prepared to throw away a lot of hard work. Even with close on 10 years
experience, I still (in the last 6 months) find it necessary to start all over again, open a new set of speech files. This is because despite my best intentions errors do accumulate in the files and slow
the thing down.

Following on from this, "once only training". When you initially install Dragon, it requires initial training by hearing speech from the operator etc. To save time and effort later on, when the Dragon has been trained, but before you start properly working it, do a back up and restore of the files a few times. This will give you several "virgin" copies of the training, so when the time inevitably comes for you to throw out your error-riddled speech files, you just use one of these back ups, and this saves you having to go through the palaver of talking to the Dragon again. But bear in mind, that not only will the package have learned from you, you will have learned from the package, and so it might be worth your while to physically go through the training again, and get it right.

Training for a stranger. One of the tricks I was able to do with Dragon 5 (but not with later versions) was to train the package to recognise another speaker without them being aware of it. Whether it's worth the effort of doing, I've no idea, but it can be done. It involves getting some audio recording of the client, the best possible sound quality, and several minutes if you can score it, transcribing it manually, correcting it, then saving the transcript (after amendment) into a "further training" file. Whilst you may have to do the initial training yourself, if you select the "further training" option, you can select this file and with a digital copy of the recording, play it back through a sound player which activates the sound card. (I don't know if it will work playing out through a USB output). This way the computer will be hearing the voice speaking the words that are already on the screen. Having done that, I was then able to take subsequent audio from the same person, digitise it, and play it back through Dragon's built in transcribe function. (When you do this of course, you'll have to be on your toes at all times to make any "Dragon" corrections, as opposed to word processing corrections.

Stop the audio playback as soon as you see an error occur and correct it in the Dragon mode.)

Having gone through this process, it makes me realise that totally computerised transcription is still a ways off yet, because there'll still need to be human intervention SOMEWHERE along the line, even if only to correct these errors, because it's not feasible (and may never be) for the computer to correct itself. (Punctuation is another reason for not wanting computerised transcription. Even placing a comma in front of a word, rather than at the end of it, can reverse
the meaning of a phrase. I definitely have my automatic punctuation switched off at all times.)

Integrating word processing and speech recognition. To get the best from all my different functions, I had to learn to integrate them.

This involved my making decisions, literally second by second, as to which way to do something.

One thing to understand is that with SR (speech recognition - I use this term as opposed to voice recognition because in my area voice recognition is used for identification of a user, not for
transcription. In other words the machine says "Ah, that speaker is such and such. I'll let them access the system."), at least in Dragon, there is an "overhead" in processing time, which is really irreducible. One of the adjustments that can be made is the length of the pause to differentiate a command from straight text. If the pause is too short then it's possible for the program to misrecognise text.

Eg if I say "I will correct that document when I receive it", if there is no significant pause before the word "correct" the Dragon will take that as being a command to "correct" the phrase immediately following "that document when I receive it." If I wished to get this to actually happen I would say "I will [pause] correct [pause] that document when I receive it." So regardless of how quickly your computer works there MUST be a processing overhead time, which means that sometimes it is quicker to key something in rather than speak it.

During court proceedings, when there is a change in speaker (ie if counsel is examining a witness, and the other counsel objects) it is indicated in this fashion:

MR BROWN: So Ms Jones, you say you saw the accused in the area at the time?---Yes, he was in the car.

And did he drive this car in a dangerous manner?---Well I would - -

MR SMITH: I object, your Honour. Counsel is leading the witness.

HIS HONOUR: Yes, I think you should rephrase your question, Mr Brown.

MR BROWN: Thank you, your Honour, I will do that.

Normally I would have a separate keyboard file for each particular case, with all the speakers attached to keystrokes. Eg Alt 1 would have to following text string:
[enter] [enter] [HIS HONOUR:] [space] [space]

Alt 3 might be:
[enter] [enter] [MR BROWN:] [space] [space].

So when the speaker changes to say his Honour I merely press Alt 1, which does everything for me.

When using speech recognition, I would have to decide between several

Vanilla key in the full text string.


Speak [New Paragraph] [All Caps On] [mr brown colon] [space] [space] [All Caps Off]


Speak [Press Alt 1] (which is a command to the program)


Press the Alt 1 keystroke combo manually.

In this case, because of the pause necessary to separate text from a command, it would not be time efficient to use the speech recognition, but rather just press Alt 1.

So depending on how many abbreviations I have in my little list, I am forever making decisions about what to do, and obviously they must be made quickly. (AND accurately.)

In transcribing audio using my integrated system, I shadow speak, which as I understand it is similar to using a "steno mask". I'm listening to the speaker through headphones while simultaneously repeating what they say into my headset mic, at the same time inserting punctuation.

eg [Yes] [comma] [your Honour] [full stop] [I have that document] [full stop] [Shall I hand it up to you] [question mark]

I've found that when using Dragon, the longer the spoken phrase, the more accurately it recognises. I've found 15 seconds of continuous speech something which Dragon can handle. It still has a processing time overhead, but this is more to do with the speed of the computer's
processor and the amount of RAM installed. But certainly it is more time efficient to try for one big utterance rather than several shorter ones.

Tapes versus digital. Whilst I've been using tapes for several decades, digital recordings are becoming more common for me. And frankly the more experience I get with digital work the less I like it. Firstly, people sometimes try and send an audio file over the internet to me and in doing so they "compress" it (the analog equivalent of recording at half speed on a tape), which actually
removes data from the file, in order to save time downloading. This does not make BIG difference in the sound quality (but a difference nonetheless, depending upon the degree of compression or data stripping) but when I try and speed up the playback to transcribe it more quickly, a compressed file becomes almost unworkable, and I have to play and replay OR play at normal speed, which can leave me sitting there saying "Come on, come on, time's a wasting" whereas with tapes, I can speed up the playback while still hearing everything (one gets used to listening to the Chipmunks) but there is an upper limit, but it's certainly higher than a compressed audio file playback.

Secondly, autospace/return. When I take my foot off the transcriber's control pedal the tape rewinds a fraction so when I start again, I know I've not missed anything. It may be a "fault" of my software, but when I'm transcribing off digital audio, the rewind is only
selectable in whole seconds, whereas I prefer half a second or less, otherwise I'm again waiting for something to happen. The tape machine backspace is infinitely variable (although an individual tape may be too tight to rewind without my pressing the fast rewind button.) There are certainly packages which address this quirk, so it's not a big grumble.

For those interested, I use "Quikscribe" software and have absolutely no complaints. (A recent upgrade has given me the facility to backspace in parts of a second).

My tape transcriber is the old faithful cream Lanier 4 channel.

For transcribing off DVD/VHS etc. I've gotten around this in my own fashion by having
2 computers (always a good idea in any case - would probably cost the same or less than purchasing a dedicated Video transcriber.) Whilst I have a DVD/VHS player (as well as a reel-to-reel audio tape recorder) I can use these with Audacity software (or similar) and the patch cables described in other posts. If I've got say a DVD of about an hour or so length I plug the player into my second computer and start copying the audio track. When I've got about 10 minutes of recording done, I stop the recording, transfer the *.wav file onto a thumb drive, and put that into my primary machine, at the same time I transfer my USD external hard drive to the second machine, and re-start the recording but copy it into the HDD. I then commence
transcribing the audio from the thumb drive (or copy it into the internal hard drive) while the second computer is recording. The theory is that it will take me longer to transcribe the first
recording than it will for the second recording to be dubbed, so when I complete the first one, I swap my USB hard drive back to my primary computer, and take up where I left off.

I charge exclusively on a "recorded hour" basis. With the advent of digital recording with its time
coding I can get the job down the second, enter the time into my automated invoice and have the total cost instantly. (I generally will tell the client that a poor recording will cost more, and give them the option of withdrawing before I've gone too far.) This means of charging seems to be favourably regarded by clients, since, having told them my rate, they'll be able to work out the final cost for themselves, even before handing me the recording.

If anybody has any questions about something, I'll be glad to answer
them if I can.

I'll come back in a while and detail how to use your WordPerfect as a super efficient text expander.

Further, I'll go into an area which I think is badly addressed - ergonomics and efficiency.


ABBREVIATION LIST as at 28/8/2024  (about 9,800 as at this date)

...(discontinuity in recording)...    discon
...(indistinct)...    inds
...(indistinct)...    indis
...(on tape)...    ontape
'20s    20s
'50s    50s
'60s    60s
'70s    70s
'80s    80s
(No audible response).    noa
(Speaks language)    spkl
£    pound
%    percent
&    and
&    amper
1    one
10 o'clock    10o
100 per cent    100%
100 per cent sure    100pcs
100% sure    100%s
10th Light Horse    xlh
11 o'clock    11o
12    twelve
12 o'clock    12o
18th Century    18c
19th Century    19c
20th Century    20c
21st Century    21c
24 hours a day    24hd
35 hour week    35hw
38 hour week    38hw
7 days a week    7dw
a bit out of hand    booh
a long time ago    ltago
a lot of people    alopp
a number of reasons    anuors
a number of years    anuoyr
Aberdeen    abdn
abilities    ablys
ability    ably
able to    l2
able to be    l2b
able to do    l2d
able to provide    l2pvd
abnormal    abn
abnormality    abny
aboard    abd
Aboriginal    abo
Aboriginal Affairs    abaf
Aborigine    aboe
about    ab
about that time    abht
about to    ab2
above    abv
abrasion    abrn
absence    absc
absenteeism    absem
absolute    abs
absolutely    absy
absolutely not    absyn
academic    aca
academic    acde
academic    acdm
accelerate    xlr8
accelerate    aclr8
accelerating    aclr8g
acceleration    aclrn
accelerator    aclr8r
acceptable    apctl
acceptable    acptl
access    acs
access point    acsp
accessible    acsb
accessible    acsl
accessing    acsg
accident    acc
accidental    accl
accidentally    accy
accommodate    acm
accommodating    acmg
accommodation    acmn
accompanied    accoyd
accompanied    acmpd
accompanies    accoys
accompaniment    acoym
accompaniment    acmpym
accompanist    accot
accompany    accoy
accompany    acmp
accompanying    acoyg
accomplish    acmpl
accomplishment    acmplm
accord    aco
accord    acd
accordance    acon
according    acog
according to    acog2
according to    acd2
according to our records    acogrcd
accordingly    acoy
accordion    acdn
accordion player    acdnp
account    ac
accountability    acby
accountable    actl
accountancy    acncy
accountancy    actcy
accountancy    accty
accountant    acct
accounting    acg
accuracy    acuy
accurate    acu
accused person    acpsn
accreditation    acdtn
achieve    ach
achievement    achm
achieving    achg
acknowledge    ack
acknowledgement    ackm
acknowledging    ackg
acoustic    acst
acoustic engineer    acstce
acquaintance    aqtc
acquaintance    acqtc
acquaintanceship    acqtcs
acquainted    acqtd
acquire    acq
acquiring    acqg
acquisition    acqn
across    acr
across to    acr2
act for    ac4
acting for    actg4
acting for    acg4
acting on your behalf    aoybh
action    acn
action station    acstn
activation    actvn
activism    actvm
activism    actm
activist    actt
activist    actvt
activities    acts
activities    actys
activity    acty
actual    acl
actually    acly
actually    acy
addict    adc
addiction    adcn
addictive    adcv
addition    adn
additional    adl
address    adr
addressed    adrd
addressed to    adr2
addressing    adrg
Adelaide    adld
Adelaide Festival    adfsv
Adelaide Festival    afsv
adequacy    adqy
adequacy    adqc
adequate    adq
adequately    adql
adjacent    adjc
adjacent    ajc
adjacent    adja
adjoining    adjog
adjoining    ajog
adjoining    adjg
adjoining boundary    ajbdy
adjourn    aj
adjournment    ajm
adjustment    adjm
admin building    adminb
admin fee    admf
admin fees    adf
administer    admr
administering    admrg
administering    adming
administration    admin
administration order    admino
administrative    admv
administrative    adminv
administrative decision    admvdc
administrative determination    admvdtm
administrator    adminr
admirable    admrl
Admiralty    admty
Admiralty Group    admtyg
Admiralty Islands    admtyi
admiration    admra
admissibility    admy
admissible    adml
admission    adm
admission    ad
advance    adv
advancement    advm
advancing    advcg
advantage    advg
advantage of hindsight    advghi
advantageous    advgs
adventure    advu
adventurous    advus
adverse finding    advfdg
adverse to    adv2
advertise    advt
advertisement    advtm
advertisement    avm
advertisement    advmt
advertising    advtg
advertising costs    advtgc
advising    advsg
advisory    advy
advisory committee    advycte
advisory council    advyc
advisory group    advygp
advocates    advo
aerial photograph    aephg
aerodynamic    aedy
aeroplane    aeop
affair    afr
affidavit    af
affiliate    aflt
affiliation    afln
affirmation    afmn
afford    afd
affordable    afdl
affording    afdg
after a while    afaw
after that    afh
afternoon    aftn
afternoon shift    ash
afternoon shift    aftns
afternoon tea    aftnt
afterthought    aftght
afterwards    aftw
again    ai
again to    ai2
against    ais
against you    aisu
agencies    agc
agencies    agcs
agency    agcy
agenda    agd
agent    agt
agent's representative    agtr
aggravate    agv
aggravating    agvg
aggravation    agvn
aggregate    aggt
aggregation    aggn
aggression    agrn
aggressive    agrv
aggressor    agrr
aggrieved    agvd
aggrieved party    agvdp
aggrieved person    agvp
agree    ag
agree to    ag2
agree with me    agwm
agree with that    agwh
agreeable    agl
agreed bundle    agb
agreed bundle of documents    agbdo
agreed facts    agf
agreed to    agd2
agreed with    agdw
agreeing    agg
agreement    agmt
agreement to act    agm2a
agreement to purchase    agm2puc
agricultural    agcul
agricultural    agrcl
agricultural land    agcull
agriculture    agcu
agriculture    agrc
agriculture zone    agcuz
ahead of his time    ahoht
ahead of its time    ahoit
air conditioner    acnd
air conditioning    acndg
air fare    aif
air force    afc
aircraft    aic
airline    ail
Albany    alb
album    lbm
alcohol    alc
alcoholism    alcm
Alexandria    alx
Alice Springs    alsp
alienate    aln8
alienated    aln8d
alienating    aln8g
all about     aab
all kind of    ako
all kinds of    akso
all of a sudden    aosud
all of a sudden    aoasud
all of that    aloh
all of that    aoh
all right    ar
all right for    ar4
all right, thank you    artk
all right.      ar.
all sorts of    alsso
all sorts of things    assot
all that sort of stuff    alhsos
all that sort of thing    alhsot
all that sort of thing    ahsot
all that stuff    alhs
all that type of thing    ahtyot
all the time    altt
all this sort of thing    atisot
all you have to do    ayhv2d
allegation    algn
allege    alg
allege that    algh
alleged that    algdh
allegedly    algy
allegiance    algc
alleging    algg
alliance    alnc
allocation    alcn
allow    alw
allowance    alwc
allowed    alwd
allowed out    alwdo
allowed to    alwd2
allowing    alwg
along those lines    alotsl
along with    alow
already    alr
alternate    alt
alternative    altv
alternatively    altvy
although    altho
altitude    altu
altogether    altg
aluminium    alu
always    aly
amalgamate    amlga
amalgamate    amlg
Amalgamated Engineering Union    aeu
Amalgamated Metal Workers Union    amwu
Amalgamated Metalworkers Union    awu
amalgamation    amlgn
amalgamation    amlgm
amaze    amz
amazement    amzm
amazing    amzg
ambition    ambtn
ambitious    ambts
ambulance    ablc
ambulance officer    ambof
amend    amd
amendment    amdt
amenity    amny
America    amrc
America    mrca
America's Cup    mrcac
ammunition    amun
among    amg
amount    amt
amphetamine    amp
amusement    amsmt
analogue    anlg
analogy    nlg
analytical    nlytcl
and    &
and    a nd
and all that    aalh
and I know that    aikh
and of course    aoc
and once again    a1ai
and so forth    as4th
and so forth    as4
and so on    asoon
and so on    anson
and so on and so forth    asonso4
and so on and so forth    asos4
and so on and so forth    anson4
and so on and so on    anson2
and such like    asulk
and that kind of thing    ahkot
anecdote    ncdt
anecdotal    ncdtl
anger management    angmgt
anger management therapy    angmgth
Anglo-Saxons    angsx
animal    nml
annexe    nx
annexure    nxur
annexure    nxr
anniversary    nrvsy
anniversary    anvsy
announce    anc
announcement    ancm
annual    anl
annual audit    anau
annual general meeting    agm
annual report    anrp
annually    anly
another    ano
another one    ano1
another thing    anot
answer    ans
answer that question    anshq
answer to    ans2
answerable    ansl
answerable to    ansl2
answered to    ansd2
answering    ansg
Antarctic    antrc
anthropolog    anth
anthropologist    antht
anthropology    anthy
anti-depressant    atdp
anti-avoidance    antiv
anti-Fascist    afsct
anti-Communist    acmu
anti-Fascist league    afscl
anti-Semitism    antsem
antique    atq
anxiety    anxy
anxious    anxs
anxious    nxs
anxiously    nxsl
any doubt    adbt
any shadow of doubt    asodb
anybody    ayb
anybody else    aybe
anyhow    ayh
anymore    aym
anyone    ayo
anyone else    ayoe
anything    ayt
anything about    aytab
anything else    ayte
anything else    aytge
anything of the kind    aytok
anything like it    aytli
anything like that    aytlh
anything that you do say or do may be given in evidence     aytudo
anything to do    ayt2d
anything to do with    ayt2dw
anyway    ayw
anywhere    aywh
anywhere else    aywhe
Anzac Day    anzd
apart from    apf
apart from anything else    apfayte
apart from that    apfh
apartment    apam
apartment    aptm
apartment    apm
apologetic    apolgt
apologies    apole
apologise    apols
apology    apol
apparent    apa
apparently    apay
appeal    apl
appeal book    aplb
appear    ape
appear to be    ape2b
appearance    apec
appearance    aprc
appeared    aped
appeared to be    aped2b
appearing    apeg
appears to be    aps2b
appears to be    apes2b
appellant    aplt
appendage    apdg
appendix    apdx
Applecross    aplc
Applecross    aplx
applicable    aplcl
applicable    aplcb
applicable to    apl2
applicant    apt
application    ap
applied chemistry    achmsy
appoint    apo
appointed    apod
appointed as    apoda
appointing    apog
appointment    apom
appointment to act    apomta
appointment to act    apom2a
appraisal    aprsl
appraisal    apsl
appraise    aps
appraising    apsg
appreciate    apre
appreciating    apreg
appreciation    apren
appreciative    aprev
apprehend    aprh
apprehension    aprhn
apprehensive    aphv
apprentice    aptc
apprenticeship    aptcs
approach    apc
approachable    apcl
approaching    apcg
appropriate    apro
appropriately    aproy
appropriateness    apron
approval    apvl
approve    apv
approving    apvg
approximate    apx
approximately    apxy
April    apr
Aquinas    aqn
arbitrary    arby
arbitrate    arb
arbitration    arbn
arbitration commission    arnbco
arbitration court    arbnct
architect    archt
architectural    archtl
architecture    archu
architecture    archtu
archive    rchv
are able to    rl2
are to    r2
are you    ru
are you able    rul
are you able to    rul2
are you able to explain    rul2x
are you able to say    rults
are you able to say    rul2s
are you aware    ruawe
are you aware of    ruaweo
are you aware of that?    ruaweh
are you familiar with    rufmlr
are you happy    ruhp
are you happy that    ruhph
are you not    run
are you referring to    rurfg
are you saying    rusyg
are you saying    rusag
are you still    rust
are you suggesting that    rusgg
are you talking about    rutkab
are you willing    ruw
are your    rur
aren't you    rn2
aren't you    rntu
Argentina    argnt
arguable    agul
arguably    aguy
argue    agu
arguing    agug
argument    agum
argumentative    agumv
Armadale    amdl
army    rm
around about    ardab
around about    arab
around that tim    arht
arrange    arg
arrange for    arg4
arranged for    argd4
arrangement    argt
arrangement    argm
arranging    argg
arranging and effecting    argef
arrears    arr
arrival    arvl
arrive    arv
arrived    arvd
arriving    arvg
arrow    ro
art gallery    agly
article    rtcl
artificial    artfl
artillery    arty
artist    rtst
artist in residence    artirsd
artist in residence    airsdc
artistic    rtstc
artistic    rtctc
artistic advisor    artadv
artistic direction    adirn
artistic director    rtstcd
artistic director    artdir
artistic director    rtctcd
artistic vision    rtstcv
artistically    rtsty
artistically    rtstcy
artists in residence    asirdsc
Arts Orchestra    aorc
arts sector    arsec
as  I understand your evidence    asiustyev
as a consequence of    aacnsq
as a matter of fact    aamtof
as a matter of fact    aamtf
as a result    aarsu
as a result of    arso
as a result of    aarsuo
as far as    afa
as far as I can    afaic
as far as I can remember    afaicre
as far as I can see    afacc
as far as I could see    afaicc
as far as I knew    afaike
as far as I know    afaik
as far as I remember    afaire
as far as I understand    afaiu
as far as I was concerned    afaiwc
as far as I was concerned    afaiwcn
as far as I'm aware    afaiawe
as far as I'm aware    afai'aw
as far as I'm concerned    afai'cn
as far as I'm concerned    afaicn
as far as they were concerned    afatwcn
as far as we were concerned    afawwcn
as far as you knew    afayke
as far as you know    afayk
as far as you were concerned    afaywcn
as far as you're aware    afayawe
as far as you're concerned    afaycn
as far as you're concerned    afay'cn
as from    asf
as good as    aga
as I said    aisd
as I said before    aisbf
as I say    aisy
as I understand    asiust
as I understand    aiust
as I understand it    aiusti
as long as    ala
as much as    ama
as much as possible    amap
as opposed to    aop2
as quickly as    aqya
as quickly as possible    aqap
as simple as that    asiah
as soon as    asa
as soon as possible    asap
as soon as practicable    asapr
as the case may be    atcmb
as time goes by    atgb
as time went on    atiwo
as to what    a2w
as well    aw
as well as    awa
as you can see    asucc
as you know    ayk
as you say    ays
as you understand it    auusti
as you're aware    auawe
ascertain    asct
assailant    aslnt
assault    aslt
assault occasioning bodily harm    aobh
assault public officer    aspubof
assaulting    asltg
assembly    asy
assess    as
assessing    asg
assessment    asmt
assessor    asr
assets and liabilities    aslbl
assignment    asgm
assist    ast
assistance    astc
assistant    asst
Assistant Commissioner    astcor
assistant secretary    asecy
assistant station master    astnm
assisting    astg
associate    aso
associate with    asow
associated with    asodw
associating    asog
association    ason
association croquet    crqa
Astor Piazzolla    aspi
Astor Piazzolla    aspz
at a later stage    atalas
at a later stage    atals
at a later time    atalt
at any point    aa.
at any stage    atystg
at any stage    aas
at any time    aayt
at first glance    a1gl
at no point in time    anopit
at once    a1c
at one point    a1p
at one stage    a1s
at one time    a1t
at some point    as.
at some point in time    aspit
at some stage    atsmstg
at some stage    ass
at some time or other    astoot
at that    ah
at that document    ahdo
at that material time    ahmtlt
at that meeting    ahmtg
at that moment    ahmom
at that particular time    ahptt
at that particular place    ahptpl
at that particular point in time    ahptpit
at that particular time    ahpt
at that point    ah.
at that point    ahp
at that point in time    ahpit
at that point of time    ahpot
at that stage    athstg
at that stage    atstg
at that stage    ahs
at that stage of the game    ahsog
at that time    aht
at that time    atht
at the bottom    atbtm
at the end    ate
at the end of    ateo
at the end of the day    ateotd
at the end of the month    ateotm
at the end of the week    ateotw
at the end of the year    ateoty
at the last moment    attlmo
at the meeting    atmtg
at the moment    atmom
at the most    attmo
at the one time    at1t
at the other end    atote
at the point    att.
at the point     atp
at the present moment    atpmom
at the present time    atprt
at the right time    atrt
at the same time    atst
at the time    attm
at the time    att
at the top    attp
at the wrong time    atwt
at this meeting    atsmtg
at this moment    atsmom
at this moment    atimo
at this particular point    atptpt
at this point    ai.
at this point    at.
at this point    atpt
at this point    atti.
at this point    atip
at this point in time    atpit
at this stage    ats
at this stage    atis
at this time    atit
at this time    attit
at this time    atist
at what point    aw.
at which point    awi.
atmosphere    atmsp
attach    atc
attached to    atcd2
attaching    atcg
attachment    atcm
attack    atk
attacker    atkr
attacking    atkg
attempt to pervert the course of justice    atperjus
attend    atd
attend to    atd2
attendance    atdc
attendant    atdt
attended    atdd
attended to    atdd2
attending    atdg
attention    atn
attitude    atud
attorney    aty
Attorney-General    atygn
attraction    atrn
attractive    atrv
auction    aucn
auctioneer    aucne
auctioning    aucng
audience    audc
audit    aud
audit report    audrp
audit report    aurp
audited    audd
auditing    audg
audition    audn
auditor    aur
August    aug
Australia    aus
Australia council    ausco
Australia council    acoui
Australia Council    ausc
Australia Post    ausp
Australian    ausn
Australian citizen    actz
Australian citizen    auctz
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission    accc
Australian Council of Trade Unions    actu
Australian industry    ausni
Australian Labor Party    alp
Australian Nationalist Movement    anm
Australian Securities and Investment Commission    asic
Australian Tax Office    ato
Australian Taxation Office    atno
authentic    autc
authentic    aute
authenticate    autea
authentication    auten
authenticity    autcy
author    au
authorisation    aun
authorisation    auin
authorise    aui
authorised officer    auiof
authorising    auig
authoritative    auv
authorities    auys
authority    auy
authority to act    auy2a
authority to sell    auy2s
authorship    aush
autobiography    aubio
automatic    auto
automatically    autoy
automobile    aumb
automotive    aumv
autonomous    auts
autonomy    auty
auxiliary    auxy
availability    avy
available    av
available to you    av2u
avant-garde    avga
Avenue    Ave
average    avg
aviation    avn
avoidance    avdc
Avon Valley    avov
Avon Yard    avoy
award    awd
aware    awe
aware    awr
aware of    aweo
aware of it    aweoi
aware of that    aweoh
aware of this    aweot
aware that    aweh
awareness    awen
away from    awyf
awkward    awk
Aztec    az
babysit    bbs
babysitting    bbsg
Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor    tocfu
back to back    btb
back to work    btwk
back to work    b2wk
back yard    bkyd
background    bakg
backpacker    bkpk
backwards    bkw
backwards and forwards    bkfw
badminton    bdmt
balance    bal
balance of probability    balpro
balance sheet    balsh
balancing    balg
balcony    blc
Baldivis    bdv
Baldivis    bldv
Balladonia    bldn
Ballarat    blrt
ballpark    blpk
ballroom    blrm
bandoneon    bndn
bank account    bac
bank account    bkac
bank cheque    bcq
bank deposit book    bkdpobk
bank engine    beng
Bank of New South Wales    bnsw
bank statement    bkstm
bank statement    bstm
banking    bkg
banking engine    bnkge
bankrupt    bkr
bankrupt    bnkr
bankruptcy    bkry
BankWest    bnkw
banquet    bnq
baptism    bptm
baptism of fire    bptmf
bar table    btl
barbecue    bbq
bargain    bgn
bargaining    bgng
barley    bly
Baroque    brq
Barrack Street    brks
barracks    brk
barrister    brstr
barrister and solicitor    barsol
barristers and solicitors    barssol
basement    bsm
basically    bsy
basketball    bskb
Bass Strait    bas8
Bassendean    bsnd
bathroom    btrm
battalion    bn
battery    bty
battleaxe blocks    btlxb
Bayswater    bysw
Bayview Terrace    byvt
be able    bab
be able to    bel2
be able to    bl2
be able to go to    bl2g2
be aware of    baweo
be aware that    baweh
be utilised    butl
beanbag    beba
bear in mind    berim
bear in mind    bim
bear that in mind    bhim
bear with me    bwm
bear with me a moment    bwmam
bear with me a moment    bwmom
bear with me for a moment    bwmfm
bearing    berg
bearing in mind    bergim
beating    btg
beautification    btfn
beautiful    bfl
beautifully    bfly
beautify    btfy
became    bca
became aware of    bcaweo
because of that    bcoh
Bechstein    bch
become    bco
becoming    bcog
bedroom    bedrm
bedroom    bdr
bedroom    bdrm
been able to    bnl2
beer industry    bi
Beethoven    bthv
before    bf
before scenario    bfsc
before you    bfu
before you know    bfyk
beforehand    bfh
beg your pardon    byp
began    bga
begin    bgi
beginner    bgnr
beginner    bgir
beginning    bgig
begun    bgu
behalf    bhf
behave    bhv
behaving    bhvg
behaviour    bhvr
behind    bhi
behind closed doors    bhicd
being able to    bil2
being able to    bngl2
being able to    bgl2
Belarus    bls
Belgian    blgn
belief    blf
belief system    blfsy
believable    bll
believe    bl
believe it or not    blion
believe that    blh
believing    blg
believing    blvg
Bellevue    bvu
Belmont    bmt
Belmont Avenue    bmta
Belmont Forum    bmtf
belong    blng
belong to    blg2
belonged to    blgd2
belonging    blngg
below    blo
benchmark    bmk
Bendigo Bank    bdgob
beneficial    bnfl
beneficial interest    bnflint
beneficiaries    bnfys
beneficiary    bnfy
benefit    bnf
benefit of hindsight    bnfhi
Benghazi    bgz
beside the point    bt.
best interest    bint
best of my knowledge    bomkn
best of your knowledge    boykn
bestiality    bsty
between    bt
between the lines    bttl
betwixt    btx
beverage    bvg
beyond    byo
beyond a reasonable doubt    byard
beyond question    byoq
beyond reasonable doubt    byrd
bi-monthly    bmoy
Big Day Out    bdo
biodiversity    bdvt
biodiversity    bdvy
biodiversity    bdvst
birth certificate    bctfc
birthday    bthd
bisexual    bsx
bits and pieces    biapi
bitumen    btum
bizarre    bzr
black and white    bnw
Black Swan    blsw
blackboard    blkbd
blacksmith    blks
block of land    blolnd
blockage    blkg
blue collar workers    bcolw
blue collar workers    bclow
blueprint    blpt
board    bd
board members    bdme
board of directors    bdodir
board's agenda    bdag
boarding    bdg
boarding house    bdgh
boarding school    bdgsc
boarding school    bdsch
boardroom    brdrm
bodily harm    bdlh
body corporate    bcorp
body corporate    bcpt
boiler    blr
boiler maker    blmk
bollard    blrd
Bon Marche    bm
Bon Marche Buildings    bmb
bona fide    bnfi
bona fide control    bfctl
bona fide in control    bfictl
bond administration    badmin
bond administrator    badminr
bond money    bmn
boogie-woogie    bowo
book of documents    bodo
booking    bokg
booking office    bokgo
booking office    bkgof
bookkeep    bkp
bookkeeper    bkpr
bookkeeping    bkpg
booklet    bkl
bookshop    bksp
born again Christian    baix
borderline    bdln
borrow    brw
borrowing    brwg
Bossa Nova    bosno
botanist    btnt
botany    btny
bother with    botw
bottle shop    bots
bottleneck    btlnk
bottom    btm
bottom left-hand corner    blhc
bottom line    btml
bottom right-hand corner    brhc
Boulder    blda
Boulder    bou
boulevard    blvd
boundaries    bdys
boundary    bdy
bouquet    bq
bourgeois    brgs
boutique    btq
bowler    bwl
bowling    bwlg
bowling    bwg
bowling club    bwlc
box office    bxof
boy friend    byf
Boys Brigade    bbg
Boyup Brook    bybr
Boyup Brook    bybk
Boyup Brook    boyb
BP Kwinana    bpk
Bran Nue Dae    bnud
branch    br
branch line    brl
branch manager    brmg
branch office    brof
branch secretary    brsec
Bran Nue Dae    bnd
brand loyalty    bloy
breach of contract    brecot
breach of the peace    brepea
breakdown    bkdw
breakdown    brkd
breakfast    bkft
breaking    brkg
breakup    bkup
breath test    breats
brewer    bwr
breweries    bwys
brewery    bwy
brewing    bwg
Bridgetown    brdgt
brief adjournment    bajm
briefly explain    bxpl
brigade    bde
brigade    bgd
brilliant    brlt
bring your own    byow
Brisbane    brs
Brixton Street    bx
broadcast    brcst
broadcast    brdc
Broadway    bdwy
brochure    bro
Broome    brm
brother-in-law    brinlw
brother    brot
brother    sisinl
brother-in-law    botil
brother-in-law    broil
brother-in-law    brotil
brought to my attention    br2matn
bruising    brg
Brunswick    brwk
Brunswick River    brwkr
Brunswick Junction    bjnc
bruponorphine    brupno
budget    bgt
Buffalo    buf
Buffaloes    bufs
buffer    bfr
build    bld
build up    bldu
builder    bldr
building    bldg
building disputes tribunal    bdt
building disputes tribunal    bdsptb
building envelope    bldgenv
building industry    bldgi
building inspection report    bldginsprp
building inspector    bldgins
building licence    bldgl
building society    bldgs
building surveyor    bldgsvy
building surveyor    bsyvr
building trades    bldgt
building trades association    bldgta
Building Workers Industrial Union    bwiu
bulk traffic    btfc
bulk traffic controller    butracon
bulk traffic controller    butrco
bulldoze    bdz
bullet    blt
bulletin    bltn
Bunbury    bun
Bundaberg    bdb
bundle    bdl
bundle of documents    bundo
bureaucracy    burcy
bureaucrat    brct
bureaucratic    burct
bureaucratic    brctc
burglar    bgl
burglary    bgly
bus bay    bsb
bus shelter    bsh
bus stop    buss
bus stop    bstp
bushfire    bshf
bushfires board    bshfb
bushland    bshl
business    bu
business    bsn
business agent    bua
business broker    bubk
business broking    bubkg
business college    bucol
business day    bud
business model    bumd
business partner    buptn
business plan    bupl
business practice    bupr
businessman    bum
businesspeople    pupp
businesspeople    bup
businessperson    pups
businesswoman    buw
Busselton    bstn
but anyway    bayw
but anyway    bawy
but I know that    bikh
but I mean    buim
but of course    boc
but that was    bhw
butcher    btch
butchering    btchg
butchers' union    btchu
buttock    btk
buyer client    bcli
by-laws    bylw
by all means    byam
by and large    bandl
by and large    byal
by any means    baym
by any means    byanm
by that point    bhp
by that stage    bhs
by that time    bht
by the look of it    btlkoi
by the name of    btno
by the name of    bnto
by the same token    btstk
by the time    btt
by the way    btw
by this stage    bts
by this stage    btis
by this time    btit
Byzantium    byzm
cabinet    cbnt
caesarean    csrn
caesarean section    csrns
calculate    cal
calculation    clc
calculation    calcn
calculator    calr
Caledonian    cldn
Caledonian Pipe Band    cldnpb
calibrations    clbn
calibre    clb
California    clfn
camaraderie    cmrad
camaraderie    cmrdr
came about    cab
came to    ca2
camera    cmr
camouflage net    cmflgn
campaign    cmpg
Campaign to Save Native Forests    csnf
campaigner    cmpgr
campaigning    cmpgg
can take you to    ctyt
can understand that    custh
can you    cnu
can you confirm    cucnfm
can you confirm    cucfm
can you identify    cuidf
can you identify the writing    cuidfw
can you identify your signature    cuidfs
can you please    cupl
can you recall    curca
can you recall    cyrca
can you remember    cure
can you remember    cyre
can you tell the court    cytcrt
can't agree with    c'agw
can't recall    crca
can't recall    c'rca
can't rember    c're
Canada    cnda
Canberra    cba
Canberra    Cbra
cancellation    cancln
cancer council    cancou
candidate    cndd
candidate    cndat
cannabis    cnb
Canning Vale    cngv
Canning Vale    canv
Canning Vale brewery    Canvb
Cannington    cngt
cannot    cno
cannot recall    cnorca
Canterbury Court    cantc
capabilities    cpbys
capability    cpby
capable    capl
capable    cpbl
capacity    cpcy
capital    cptl
capital gains tax    cgtx
capitalism    cptm
capitalism    cptlm
capitalist    cptlt
capitalist    cptt
capitalist press    capre
captain    capt
captain    cap
Captain Stirling    capts
Captain Stirling hotel    captsh
car park    cpk
car parking    cpkg
caravan    cvn
caravan park    cvpk
caravan park    cvnp
carbon dioxide    co2
carbon neutral    cneu
cardboard    cdbd
cardboard box    cdbx
care and protection    carprot
careful    crfl
careful    crf
carefully    crfy
carefully    crfly
carefully    cfly
careless    crls
caretaker    ctkr
Carlisle    crl
Carlton    cltn
Carlton Special Beverages    cltnsb
Carlton United    cltnu
Carnarvon    crnv
Carnarvon     carn
Caroline McMaster 8 Besley St Cambridge Park NSW 2747      glory
carpenter    cpnt
carport    crpt
carriage    crg
carriageway    crgw
carriageway    crgwy
carried forward    crdfd
Carrington Street    crngts
cartridge    crtg
cartridge    cartg
cash offer    cofr
Castlemaine    cstlm
Castlemaine Perkins    cstlmp
Castlemaine Tooheys    cstlm
casualties    clsts
casualty    clst
cat cracker    cckr
cat reformer    crfmr
catalogue    ctlg
catalyst    caty
catastrophe    ctstph
catastrophic    ctstphc
catastrophic    catasc
catastrophy    cacasy
catastrophy    catasy
categorical    ctgl
categorically    ctgcy
categorically    ctgy
categorically    ctgly
categories    ctgs
categorised    ctgd
category    ctg
cathedral    cthd
Catholic    cth
caught    cgt
causation    caua
caution    ctn
caveat    cvt
caveator    cvto
caveator    cvtr
ceiling    celg
celebrant    cblt
celebrate    clbr
celebrating    clbrg
celebration    clbrn
cemetery    cmty
cemetery board    cmtyb
centimetres    cms
central control room    cctlr
centre    ctr
centre half-back    ctrhb
centre half-back    cthb
centre half-forward    cthf
centre half-forward    ctrhf
CentreLink    ctlk
century    ctury
Century 21    c21
ceremonial    crml
ceremonies    crmys
ceremony    crmy
certain    ct
certainly    ctly
certificate    ctfc
certificate of registration    ctfcregn
certificate of registration    ctfregn
certificate of stamp duty    ctfstdty
certificate of title    ctfct
certificate of title    ctftit
certification    ctfn
certified    ctfd
certified copy    ctfdc
certify    ctf
certifying    ctfg
chairman    chm
chairman of the board    chmbd
chairperson    chpsn
challenge    chlg
challenging    chlgg
chamber music    chmus
chamber orchestra    chorc
Chamberlain    chmb
champion    chmp
championship    chmpsp
championship    chmps
chancellor    chncl
changeover    chov
character    chr
character reference    chrfc
characterisation    chra
characterise    chrs
characterising    chrig
characteristic    chrc
charge    chg
Charles Court    Charles Court
chartered accountant    chacct
chartered accountant    caccnt
check    ck
checklist    ckl
checks and balances    chkbal
Cheeky Monkey    chmky
chemical    chmc
chemical engineer    chemngnr
chemical engineer    chemeng
chemical engineering    chemengg
chemist    chms
chemistry    chmsy
cheque    cq
cheque account    cqac
cheque butt    cqbt
chequebook    cqbk
chicken    chk
chief executive    cxcuv
chief executive officer    ceo
Chief Justice    cj
child abuse    chab
child care    cc
child care centre    ccc
child pornography    chpng
child support    chsup
child support agency    csagc
child support agency    chsupa
childhood    chdho
childhood    chdhd
children    chd
children and youth    chdy
children and youth    cyth
children's hospital    chsp
choreograph    chrg
Christian    xrn
Christian Brother    cbro
Christmas    xmas
Christmas Day    xmasd
Christmas Eve    xmase
Christmas Island    xmi
Christmas time    xmast
chromatographs    chrmg
chronic fatigue syndrome    cfs
Churchill Fellowship    cflos
Church of England    cofe
cigarette    cgrt
circulation    circn
circumstance    ci
circumstances surrounding    cisurg
circumstantial    cil
citizen    ctz
citizen    cz
citizenship    ctzs
citizenship    czs
citizenship education    ctzed
City Beach    ctyb
City of Belmont    cbmt
City of Gosnells    citgos
City of Nedlands    cndls
City of Nedlands    condl
City of Nedlands    citned
City of Perth    coper
City of Perth    cper
City of Stirling    costi
City of Stirling    cstir
City of Subiaco    citsub
City of Subiaco    ctsub
City of Subiaco    csub
City of Subiaco Oral History Project    csubohp
civil defence    cvdfc
civil jurisdiction    cjdn
civil proceedings    civpcdg
civil rights    civr
civilian    cvln
civilian life    cvlnl
civilisation    cvlsn
claim    cl
claim group    clgp
claimant    clt
claiming    clg
Claremont    clmt
Claremont speedway    clmts
clarification    clrfn
clarified    clrfd
clarify    clrf
clarifying    clrfg
clarinet    clrn
clarinet    clr
clarity    clrt
classical    clsc
classical music    clsclm
classical music    clasm
classical music    clscm
classical piano    clscp
classific    clsf
classification    clsfn
classified    clsfd
classroom    clrm
classroom    clsr
clause    cls
cleaner    clnr
cleaning    clng
clear zone    clz
clearance    clrc
clearing    clrg
clerical    clrcl
client    cli
client integrated account    clintac
client ledger    clgr
client ledger account    clila
clientele    clntl
Cliffs Robe River    crr
climate change    clich
climatologist    climot
close of business    clobu
closure    clsu
clubhouse    clbh
clubhouse    clhs
co-accused    coac
co-exist    coxst
co-offender    cofd
co-director    codir
Cockburn Cement    cocem
Cockburn Sound    ckbs
code of conduct    cocdu
coeducational    coedn
cognisant    cgnt
cognitive    cgnv
cognitive ability    cgnva
cohabitation    cohbn
coincidence    coidc
coincidental    coidl
collaborate    clab
collaborate    clbt
collaborating    clbtg
collaboration    colbn
collaboration    clabn
collaborative    clbtv
collaborative    clabv
colleague    colgu
colleague    clgu
collection    coln
collective    colv
collector    colr
college    colg
collegiate    colgt
Colombo    clbo
colourful    clrfl
column    clm
combination    cmbn
combine    cmb
combining    cmbg
combustion    cmbst
combustion chamber    cmbstc
come about    comab
come to that    c2h
come to the view    c2tv
comfort    cmf
comfort zone    cmfz
comfortable    cmfl
comfortably    cmfly
coming back    cmgb
coming from    cmgf
command    cmd
commander    cmdr
commanding officer    cmdof
commemorate    comr8
commemorate    cmr8
commen    cm
commence the interview    cmcitv
commencement    cmm
commencement    cmcm
commencement date    cmcd
commencement of the interview    cmmtitv
commencement of this interview    cmmtiitv
commencing    cmcg
commencing    cmg
commencing the interview    cmcgitv
commensurate    cmnsrt
comment    cmt
commentator    cmtr
commerce    cmc
commercial    cmcl
commercial agreement    cmcagmt
commercial negotiation    cmcngn
commission    co
commission statement    costm
commissioner    cor
commissioning    cog
commitment    cmtm
committee    cte
committee of management    ctem
committee of management    ctemgt
Commodore    comdr
common    ,n
common law    cmlw
common property    cppt
common property    coppt
common room    comrm
common sense    coms
commonly    ,y
Commonwealth    cw
Commonwealth Bank    cwb
communal    cmul
communal facilities    cmulf
communi    cmu
communicate    cmut
communicate    cmuc
communicating    cmug
communication    cmun
Communism    cmum
Communism    cmsm
communist    cmus
Communist Party    cmusp
Communist Party    cmup
Communist Party dissolution bill    cmupdisb
communities    cmuys
community    cmuy
community based order    cbo
community corrections    cmucrn
community engagement advisor    cmuyea
community service    cmusvc
community welfare    cmuywlf
companies    cys
companies    coys
companion    compn
companion    cmpnn
companionship    cmpnns
company    coy
company    cy
comparative    cprtv
compare    cmpr
compared to    cmpr2
comparison    cprsn
comparison    cmprn
compensation    cmpn
compensation magistrate    cmpnmgs
competence    cmptc
competition    cmptn
competitive    cmptv
competitiveness    cmptvn
competitor    cmptr
complain    cpl
complainant    cplt
complaining    cplg
complaint    cpt
complaints officer    cptof
completion    cmplen
complex    cplx
complexity    cplxy
compliance    cmplc
compliance notice    cmplcn
compliance officer    cmplof
compliance officer    cmplco
compliant    cmplt
complicate    cmplc
complication    cmpln
complied with    cmpldw
comply with    cmplw
compose    cmps
composer    cpsr
composer    cmpsr
composer    cposr
composition    cpos
composition    cmpsn
comprehensive    cmphsv
comprehensive    cmphv
comprehensive    cmprhv
comprehensively    cmprhvy
compress    cprs
compression    cprn
compromise    cmprm
compulsory professional development    cpfsldv
computer    com
computer program    compm
computer software    csfw
computer system    comsy
computerise    comi
conceived    cncv
concentrate    cnc
concentrating    cncg
concentration    cncn
concentration camp    cncnc
concentrator    cncr
conception    cncpn
concern    cn
concerning    cng
concert    cnct
concert    cnt
concert hall    cncth
concert hall    conch
concession    cnsn
concession    cncsn
conciliation    cncln
conclude    cncld
conclude    ccl
conclusion    cncl
conclusion    clu
conclusion    cnclun
conclusive    cnclv
concurrent    ccu
condition    cnd
condition of approval    cndap
conditional    cndl
conditional approval    cndapv
conditional approval    cndlapv
conditional release order    cndrelod
conditions apply    cndapl
conduct    cdu
conduct of this interview    cduitv
conduct of this record of interview    cdurcditv
conducting    cdug
conductor    cdur
confederation    confedn
confederation    cfdn
confederation    cnfdn
confederation    cfedn
Confederation of Industry    Cnfdidy
conference    cnf
confidence    cfdc
confident    cft
confident    cfdt
confidential    cfdl
confidentiality    cfdly
configuration    cfgn
configuration    cnfgn
configure    cnfg
confirm    cnfm
confirm    cfm
confirmation    cnfmn
confirming    cnfmg
conflict    cfl
conflict    cnfl
conflict of interest    cflint
conflict of interest    conflint
confrontation    cfntn
confuse    cnfs
cnfsn    cnfsn
congratulate    cngl
congratulations    cngln
congress    cgrs
congressional    cgrsl
conjunct    cjn
conjunction    cjnc
conjunctional    cjnl
conjunctional agent    cjncla
conjunctional agent    cjnla
conjunctional arrangement    cjncar
conjunctional arrangement    cnjnlar
conjunctional arrangement    cjnlar
conjunctional deal    cjnld
conjunctional sale    cjnls
conjunctivitis    cnjv
conjunctivitis    cjvt
conjuring    cnjg
connection    cnxn
connection    cnn
Connections     cnns
Connections nightclub    connsn
conquer    cnqr
conquest    cnqt
Cons Council    cocou
conscience    cnsci
conscientious    cnscts
conscientious    cnscit
conscientious objector    conob
conscious    cnsc
conscious of the fact    cnscotf
consciously    cnscy
consciousness    cnscn
consequence    cnsq
consequent    cnsqt
consequential    cnsql
consequently    cnsqy
conservation    cnsvn
Conservation Council of Western Australia    cocowa
Conservation Council    coco
Conservation Council    concou
conservation movement    cnsvnmv
conservative    cstv
conservative    cnsvtv
conservative    cnsvt
conservative    cnsrtv
conservatorium    cnsvtm
conservatorium    cnsvm
conservatory    cnsty
consider    cs
consider to be    cs2b
considerable    csl
considerably    csly
considerate    csdt
consideration    csa
considered to be    csd2b
considering    csg
consignment notes    consno
consisted of    cono
consistency    cony
consistent    con
consistent with    conw
consists of     conso
consolidate    cnsldt
consolidated revenue    conrev
consolidation    cnsldn
conspiracy    cnspy
constable    cob
constable    cnsb
Constable    constable
Constable    cnstb
constant battle    conbat
constituenc    consti
constitute    cnstu
constitution    cnstun
construct    cnst
construction    cstc
construction    cnstn
constructive    cnstv
consult    cnsu
consultancy    cnsly
consultancy    cslty
consultancy    cnslty
consultancy fee    csltyf
consultant    cnslt
consultation    cnsltn
consultation    cnstla
consultative    cnsuv
consumer    cons
consumer affairs    consaf
Consumer Affairs Act    consafa
Consumer and Employment Protection Division    conempd
Consumer Protection Division    conpro
contact    ctt
contacting    cttg
contain    cta
container    ctar
containerisation    ctan
containerise    ctas
containing    ctag
containment    ctam
contamination    cntmn
contemporary    cntpy
contemporary    ctpy
contemporary music    cntpym
context    ctx
continual    ctul
continually    ctuy
continuation    ctua
continuation    ctun
continue    ctu
continuing    ctug
continuity    ctut
continuous    ctus
continuously    ctusy
continuum    ctum
contraception    ctcpn
contraceptive    ctcpv
contract    cot
contract for sale    cot4s
contract for sale of land or strata title    cot4sl
contract law    cotlw
contract of employment    cotemm
contract of sale    cotsa
contract point    ctt.
contractor    cotr
contractual    cotl
contractual relationship    cotlr
contradict    ctd
contradiction    ctdn
contradictory    ctdy
contraption    cntpn
contrary    coty
contravene    ctv
contravention    ctvn
contribute    ctb
contribute    cntb
contribute to    ctb2
contributing    ctbg
contribution    ctbn
contribution to    ctbn2
contrition    cntrn
control    ctl
control room    ctlrm
controlled burn    ctlb
controller    ctlr
controversial    ctvl
controversy    ctvy
convenience    cnvnc
convenient    cnvnt
conveniently and properly audited    coproau
convenor    cvnr
convention    cnvntn
conventional    cnvnl
conventional    cnvl
conventional    cvntl
conversation    cnv
conversion ratio    cnvr
conveyancer    cnvyc
conveyancing    cnvycg
conveyancing    cvycg
conveyancing    cnvyg
conveyor    cnvyr
conveyor belt    cvyb
conveyor belt    cnvyrb
convict    cvct
convict    cnvi
conviction    cnvn
convince    cnvc
convincing.    cnvcg
convoy    cvy
cookbook    ckbk
Coolgardie    coo
coolroom    corm
cooperate    coop
cooperating    coopg
cooperation    coopn
cooperation    copn
cooperative    coopv
cooperative    copv
coordinate    cord
coordinate    coord
coordinating    coordg
coordinating    cordg
coordination    cordn
coordinator    cordr
coordinator    coordr
Cootamundra    ctmd
copper chloride    cucl2
copper chloride unit    cucl2u
copyright    cprt
corner    cnr
corner of    cnro
coroner    crnr
corporate    corp
corporate mentality    corpment
corporate philanthropy    corphil
corporate sponsorship    corspon
corporate trustee    corpt
corporation    corpn
correct    cr
correction    corn
correspond    crsp
correspondence    crsc
correspondence    crspc
correspondence course    crscc
correspondent    crspt
corresponding    crspg
corridor    crdr
Corrigin    crgn
corrugated iron    corgi
corvette    crvt
corvettes association    crvta
cost of living    colvg
costs agreement    cagmt
cottage    cotg
Cottesloe    ctsl
could be shown    cbs
could happen with    chapw
could you tell me about    cytmab
council    coui
council chambers    couic
council of trade unions     cotu
council planning committee    couipcte
councillor    couir
counsel    coue
counsel assisting    couea
counsel assisting the board    coueab
counselling    coueg
counsellor    couer
Countdown    ctdw
counterintuitive    couitv
counterpoint    ctp
counterweight    cw8
countries    ctys
country    cty
country-office    cof
country school    ctysc
countryside    ctysd
couple of    cplo
couple of days    couod
couple of months    couom
couple of years    couoy
course of action    coacn
course of conduct    coucdu
court    crt
court counselling    crtcg
Court government    crtgm
Court of Appeal    crtapl
court order    crtod
court order    ctod
court yard    ctyd
cousin    csn
covenant    covt
cover    cv
coverage    cvg
covering    cvig
covering    cvi
covering letter    cvglt
craft beer    cb
craft brewer    cbr
craft brewery    cby
Cranbrook    crnb
crankshaft    cksh
Crawley    crwl
Crawley    crw
Crawley Baths    crawba
creative    crtv
creative energy    crvnrg
creativity    crtvy
credibility    cdby
credible    cdbl
credit card    ccd
credit card    ctdcd
credit ledger    crlgr
credit provider    cpvd
creditor    cdtr
crescent    cres
Cribb Point    crip
cricket    ckt
cricketer    cktr
crime prevention    cprv
Crimes Act    cria
criminal    cri
criminal code    crico
criminal conviction    cricnvn
criminal conviction    ccnvn
criminal history    crihsty
criminal injuries    crijs
criminal jurisdiction    crijdn
criminal justice    crijus
criminal proceedings    cripcdg
criminal record    crircd
criteria    crita
criterion    critn
critical    ctcl
critical    crtcl
criticise    ctsc
criticise    ctcs
criticise    crtc
criticism    crtsm
croquet    crq
cross-examine    xxn
cross-examination    xxna
cross-section    xsc
cross-examining    xxng
cross-reference    xrfc
crossover    xov
crystal    xtal
crystal set    xtals
cubic metres    cum
culpability    clpby
cultivate    cltv
cultivation    cltvn
cultural    cltl
cultural    cltul
culturally    cltuy
culture    cltr
culture    cltu
cumulative    cmlv
Cunderdin    cund
cupboard    cpb
curiosity    crsty
curious    crs
current    cu
current period    cuped
currently    cuy
curriculum    cur
curriculum    crcm
custodial    csdl
custodian    csdn
custodian    cstdn
custody    csd
customary    cstmy
customer    cstm
cut and paste    cupa
cutting edge    cute
cyclone    cyc
cyclone    cyo
cyclones    cycs
cylinder    cyl
Czech    cze
Czechoslovakia    czea
Czechoslovakia    czev
Czechoslovakia    czch
Czechoslovakia    czesl
Czechoslovakian    czsl
Daglish    dgls
daily routine    dlyrt
Dalkeith    dlkt
Dalkeith    dlk
Dalwallinu    dwl
damage    dmg
Dampier    dmp
danger    dng
dangerous    dgrs
dangerous    dngs
dangerous    dngrs
dangerous driving    ddrvg
dare I say it    disi
darkness    dkn
darkness    dkns
Darlington    dlngt
Darlington    drlg
Darwin    dwn
database    db
date of birth    dob
date of settlement    dastlm
daughter    dgt
daughter    dght
daughter-in-law    dghtil
David Cruickshank    dcru
dawn service    dsvc
daylight    dylgt
day-to-day    dtd
day-to-day    d2d
day-to-day management    d2dm
day of the week    dotwk
day shift    dsh
day shift    days
de-register    dreg
de-registration    dregn
De Grey    dgy
De Grey river    dgyr
dead ringers     dri
deal with    dw
deal with     dlw
deal with that    dwh
dealer    dlr
dealership    dlrs
dealing    dlg
dealing with    dlgw
dealings with    dlgsw
deals with    dsw
deals with    dlsw
dealt with    dtw
death certificate    dctf
death certificate    dctfc
deceased estate    dcsest
deceitful and malicious    decmal
December    dec
deception    dcpn
decide    dcd
decision    dc
decision maker    dcm
decision making    dcmkg
decision making    dcmg
decision making process    dcmgp
decision making process    dcmkgp
declaration    dclrn
deconstruct    dcnst
deconstructing    dcnstg
decontaminate    dctm
decontamination    dctmn
decrepit    dcrp
dedication    ddcn
deduction    dedn
deed of company arrangement    docar
deed of settlement    dstlm
defacto    dfo
defactor relationship    dfor
defalcation    dfcn
defalcation    dflc
defamation    dfm
default    dfl
default notice    dfntc
default notice    dflntc
defence    dfce
defend    dfd
defendant    dft
defender    dfdr
defending    dfdg
defensive    dfsv
deferred to    dfd2
deficiencies    dfcys
deficiency    dfcy
deficient    dfcnt
deficit    dfct
definite    dfn
definite    def
definitely    dfny
definition    dfnn
definitive    dfnv
degeneration    dgna
degenerative    dgnv
degradation    dgrdn
degree    dg
degree of disability    dgdsb
delay    dl
delayed    dld
delegate    delg
delegate    dlga
delegation    dlgn
deliberate    dlb
deliberations    dlbn
deliberately    dlby
delicatessen    dlct
delicatessen    dltsn
delicatessen    dlcsn
delicious    dlcs
delight    dli
delightful    dlghf
delightful    dlif
deliver    dlv
deliveries    dlvs
delivering    dlvg
delivery    dlvy
demand    dm
demarcation    dmrcn
demarcation dispute    dmrcnd
demarcation issue    dmrcni
demeanour    dmnr
democracy    dmcy
democracy    demoy
democratic    dmcc
democratic    demot
democratic centralism    demcen
Democratic Labor Party    dlp
demonstrable    demol
demonstrate    demo
demonstrating    demog
demonstration    demon
Dempsey Day    dd
Dempsey Day Scaffolding    dds
Denmark    dmk
denomination    dnmn
depart    dpa
Department of Consumer Affairs    dconsaf
department    dept
Department of Commerce    deptcmc
Department of Commerce    dcom
Department of Commerce    deptcom
Department of Consumer and Employment Protection    docep
Department of Land Administration    dola
Department of Treasury and Finance    dtrsyfi
departure    dptu
depend    dpd
dependable    dpdl
dependence    dpdc
dependency    dpdcy
dependent    dpt
depending    dpdg
deploy    dpy
deployment    dpym
deposit    dpo
deposit funds    dpof
deposit moneys    dpomn
deposit moneys    dpom
deposit release form    dporlsf
deposit release form    dporf
deposit slip    dposl
deposited    dpod
depositing    dpog
deposition    dposn
deposition    dpos
depreciation    dprn
depression    dprsn
deputy chairman    dchm
deputy registrar    dregr
derailment    drlm
deregulated    drgld
deregulation    drgln
descend    dscd
describe    dscb
description    dscpn
deserve    dsv
deserving    dsvg
design    dsg
designation    dsgna
designing    dsgg
desirable    dsrl
desperate    dsprt
despite    dspi
destination    destn
destination    dsta
destination    dstna
destiny    dst
destroy    dsty
destruction    dstrun
detachment    detm
detachment    dtcm
detail    dtl
detain    dta
detective    det
detention    dtn
deteriorate    dtr8
deteriorating    dtr8g
deterioration    dtr8a
determination    dtmn
determine    dtm
determining    dtmg
deterrence    dtc
detonation    dtnn
detriment    dtrm
detrimental    dtrml
detrimental    dtml
detrimental impact    dtmli
develop    dv
developer    devr
developer    dvlr
developer    dvpr
developer    dvr
developing    dvg
development    dvm
development criteria    dvmcrt
development criteria    dvmctr
Devereux    dvx
diagnosis    dgn
diagnostic    dgnt
diagonal    dgnl
diagram    dgm
dialectical materialism    dialmat
dialogue    dilg
diameter    dia
diarrhoea    diar
diary    dry
diary note    dyrn
diary note    dryn
dichotomy    dicty
dictatorship    dctas
dictatorship    dctasp
did nothing about it    dinaobi
did you do    diyd
did you know    diyk
did you mean    diym
did you think about    diytkab
did you understand    diyust
didgeridoo    didg
didn't know    di'k
didn't make a great deal of difference    dmagdodfc
didn't think    di'tk
diesel    dsl
dieselisation    dsln
diesels    die
difference    dic
difference    dfc
differences of opinion    dfcsopi
different    di
differential    dil
differential pressure    dflpsu
differentiate    dina
differentiation    dinan
differently    diy
difficult    df
difficulties    dfs
difficulties    dfys
difficulty    dfy
digital    dgl
digital technology    dglt
dignity    dgny
diligence    dlgc
diligent    dlgt
dimension    dmn
dining room    dngrm
diploma    dpl
direct    dir
direct to    dir2
directed    dird
directed at    dirda
direction    drn
directive    dirv
directly    diry
director    dirr
director-general    dirrg
Director of Public Prosecution    dpp
directorate    dirt
directorship    dirrs
disabilities    dsbys
disability    dsby
disabled    disl
disabled    dsld
disadvantage    dadvg
disaffiliate    daflt
disagree    dag
disagreement    dagm
disallowed    dalwd
disappear    dap
disappearance    dapc
disappeared    dapd
disappearing    dapeg
disappearing    dapg
disappoint    dapo
disappointed    dapod
disappointing    dapog
disappointment    dapom
disapproved    dapv
disapproving    dapvg
disassociate    daso
disburse    dsb
disbursement    dsbm
disbursements    disbum
discerning    dscg
discharge    dsch
discharging    dschg
disciplinary    dscply
disciplinary action    dscpla
disciplinary proceedings    dscpdg
discipline    dscpl
disclose    dscl
disclosing    dsclg
disclosure    dsclu
disclosure of interest    dsclint
disclosure statement    dsclus
discomfort    dcmf
disconnect    dscn
disconnection    dscnn
discontinue    dctu
discount    dsco
discounting    dscog
discouraged    dscrg
discover    dscv
discover    dsc
discoverable documents    dscvldo
discovery    dscvy
discretionary    dscrny
discretionary beneficiary    dscrnbnf
discretionary trust    dscrnt
discriminate    dscm
discrimination    dscmn
discrimination    dscrmn
discuss    du
discuss    ds
discussed    dud
discussing    dug
discussion    dun
disgraceful    dsgcf
disgruntled    dgru
disgruntled    dsgru
disgusted    dgud
disgusting    dgug
dishonest    dhon
dishonest conduct    dishcdu
dishonesty    dhony
dishonesty    dhnst
dishonoured    dhond
disillusioned    dslu
disinterested    dintd
dismiss    dsm
dismissal    dsml
disorder    disod
disorder    dod
disorderly    dody
disorderly    disody
disorderly conduct    discdu
disorganised    dorg
dispensary    dspsy
displace    dplc
displace    dsplc
displaced person    dplcpsn
displacement    dplcm
displacement    dsplcm
display    dsp
disposal    dspl
dispose    dspo
disposition    dispos
disproportionate    disproa
disputation    dspun
dispute    dspu
disputes committee    dspuc
disputing    dspug
disqualif    dsqf
disqualification    dsqfn
disregard    drga
disregarding    drgag
disrespect    drspe
disrespectful    drspef
dissatisfaction    dstfn
dissatisfaction    dsatfn
dissatisfied    dstfd
disseminate    dsmn
dissemination    dsmnn
dissimilar    dsmlr
distance    dstc
distill    dstl
distillation    dstln
distinction    dstn
distinctive    dstv
distinguish    dstg
distinguishable    dstgl
distinguishing    dstgg
distraction    dstran
distribute    dstb
distribution    dstbn
distributor    dstbr
district    dstr
district committee    dcte
district committee    dicte
district council    disco
district council    dcoui
District Court    discrt
disturb    dsub
disturbance    dsubc
disturbing    dsubg
diversity    dvst
dividend    dvd
dividend    dvdn
divider    dvdr
Dividing Fences Act    dfa
division    div
divisional    divl
divisional president    divlp
divorce    dvc
do anything    daytg
do not know    dnnk
do not recall    dnorca
do not recall    dnrca
do not recollect    dnrco
do nothing about it    dnoabi
do you    dy
do you accept    dyac
do you acknowledge    dyack
do you agree    dyag
do you believe    dybl
do you do    doyd
do you do    dyd
do you feel    dyf
do you have    dyhv
do you know    dyk
do you know what    dykw
do you know what I mean    dykwim
do you know why    dyky
do you mean    dym
do you need    dyne
do you not    dyn
do you recall    dyrca
do you receive    dyrc
do you reckon    dyrk
do you recognise    dyrcg
do you recollect    dyrco
do you refer    dyrf
do you refer to    dyrf2
do you remember    dyre
do you require    dyrq
do you say    dys
do you say    dusa
do you say that    dysh
do you see    dyse
do you see    dyc
do you see that?    dych
do you think    dytk
do you think about    doytkab
do you understand    dyust
do you understand    dyuts
do you understand that charge?    dyustc
do you understand that?    dyusth
docket    dkt
doctor    dr
document    do
documentary    docy
documentary    doy
documentary evidence    doev
documentary evidence    doyev
documentary evidence    docye
documentation    doca
documentation    doa
doesn't    dsn
dollars    $
domestic    dmst
domestic refrigerator    drfgr
domestic violence    dmvc
domestic violence    dmvlc
domestic violence group    dmvg
don't agree with    d'agw
don't know    d'k
don't recall    drca
don't recall    d'rca
don't recollect    d'rco
don't remember    d're
don't you    d'y
donation    dna
Donnybrook    dbk
doorknock    dnk
doorknock    drnk
doorway    dwy
dormitories    drmys
dormitory    drmy
Dorothy Hewett    dhew
dot point    d.
double bank    dbank
double banking    dbankg
double bass    douba
double bass    dblb
double check    2ch
double header    dbhd
double shift    dbsh
double standards    dbstd
doubt    dbt
doubtful    dbtf
doubtfully    dbty
download    dwnl
downloaded    dwnld
downloading    dwnlg
downsize    dsz
dozen    dz
draft structure plan    dstrp
draftsman    drfm
drag addict    dadc
drainage    drng
draw your attention    dyatn
drawdown    ddw
drawing    drwg
dreaming    drmg
driver    drvr
driver's    dvrs
driver's licence    dvrl
driver's side    dvrsd
driver's ticket    drvtk
driveway    dvwy
driving    drvg
driving under suspension    dunsus
driving under the influence    drufl
driving under the influence    dunfl
driving without a licence    dwol
drug addiction    dadcn
drugs court    dcrt
due diligence    dudlgc
due diligence    ddlgc
due for    du4
due to    du2
due to    d2
dungeon    dngn
Dunsborough    dnsb
duplex    dpx
duplexes    dpxs
duplicate title    duptit
duration    durn
during    drg
during that time    drght
during this interview    drgtitv
duty counsel    dcoue
duty counsel    dcuoe
duty of care    dtyoc
dwelling    dwlg
dysfunction    dysfn
dysfunctional    dysfnl
dysfunctional    dyfncl
dynamic    dynm
e-mail    eml
e-mail address    emla
each other    eaot
earlier    rlr
early possession    eposn
earthmoving    emvg
earthmoving    earmv
earthmoving equipment    emvge
earthmoving equipment     earmve
earthquake    etq
earthquake    eaqk
earthworks    ewk
earthworks    eawk
easement    ezm
East Fremantle    efre
East Northam    enth
East Perth    eper
Eastern seaboard    eastsb
Eastern states    estat
ecological    ecol
ecologist    ecolt
ecologist    eclt
ecology    ecly
economic    ec
economic    ecc
economic    ecyc
economic rationalist    ecrat
economical    eccl
economically    eccy
economy    ecy
ecosystem    ecsy
ecosystem    ecos
ecstasy    xtc
Edinburgh    ednb
Edith Cowan University    ecu
editor    edr
educate    ed
educating    edug
education    edn
education department    edndpt
education department    ednd
educational    ednl
educational    edul
educational chamber orchestra    echorc
educator    edur
effective    fctv
effective    efcv
effective    eftv
effectively    eftvy
efficiency    efcy
efficiency    efc
efficient    eft
efficiently    efl
efficiently    efcl
Egypt    egy
Egyptian    egyn
eight    8
eight o'clock    8o
eighteen    18
either    ei
elaborate    elbrt
elbow    lbo
election    eln
election campaign    ecmpg
electoral commission    eleco
electric staff system    estsy
electrical    elctl
electrical    ell
electrical trades    electr
electrician    eltrn
electricity    ely
electronic music    emu
electronic music    emus
electronic musician    emusn
electronic synthesiser    esynr
electronic transfer    etfr
electronica    lctrna
electronically recorded interview    ercditv
electronically recorded interview    eyrcditv
electronics    lctrnx
electronics    lectx
element    lem
element    elmt
element    elm
elephant    lpht
elevation    elvn
eligibility    lgblt
eligible    lgbl
eliminate    lmna
elimination    lmnan
elsewhere    lswh
embankment    mbnkm
embarrass    mbrs
embarrassed    mbrsd
embarrassing    mbrsg
embarrassment    mbrsm
embassy.    mbsy
emergency    mrgc
emergency    emgy
emergency light    mrgcl
emergency lighting    mrgclg
emission    emsn
emission levels    elvl
emotion    emon
emotional    emonl
emperor    mprr
empire    mpr
employ    em
employee    ee
employer    er
employer's federation    erfdn
employing    emg
employing    emi
employment    emm
empower    empw
empower    mpw
empowered    empwd
empowerment    mpwm
Emu Bitter    eb
Emu Export    emx
enable    el
encapsulate    ncpsu
enclose    enc
enclosing    encg
enclosure    encu
encounter    encor
encourage    ncrg
encourage    ecrg
encouragement    ncrgm
encouraging    ncrgg
encumbrance    ecmbr
end-of-month    emo
end of month    eom
end of the month    eotm
end of the week    eotw
endangered    ndgr
endeavour    edv
endeavouring    edvg
enduring power of attorney    epwaty
Eneabba    ena
enemies    nmes
enemy    nme
enemy forces    nme4
energetic    nrgtc
energy    nrg
engage    ngg
engagement    ngm
engagement    nggm
engine    ngn
engine driver    ngndv
engine drivers and firemen's union    edfu
engine room    ngnrm
engineer    ngnr
engineer    eng
engineer's writer    ngnrw
engineering    ngnrg
England    ngld
England    ngla
English    egl
English    eglh
English    ngl
English    ngls
English as a second language    esl
English language    englang
Englishman    nglm
enjoy    nj
enjoy    ej
enjoyable    ejl
enjoyable    njyl
enjoyable    ejyl
enjoyed    ejd
enjoying    ejg
enjoyment    ejy
enjoyment    ejm
enormous    nrms
ensemble    nsm
ensemble    ens
enter into    enti2
enter into    ntri2
enter into    ei2
entered into    entdi2
enterprise    ntrp
enterprise bargain    entbag
enterprise bargaining agreement    entbagm
enterprise bargaining    entbagg
entertain    ntrtn
entertainment    ntrtnm
entertainment    ntrtm
enthusiasm    enthum
enthusiasm    nthsm
enthusiasm    nthum
enthusiastic    enthuc
enthusiastic    nthsc
enthusiastic    nthuc
entities    ntts
entitled to    ent2
entitlement    ntlmt
entitlement    ntltm
entitlement    ntttlm
entity    ntt
entrepreneur    ntrpnr
envelope    envl
enviable    nvbl
environment    env
environment centre    ectr
Environmental Protection Act    epa
equal    eq
equal opportunity    eqop
Equal Opportunity Act    eqopa
equal temperament    etmpm
equality    eqlt
equally    eqy
equate    eq8
equate    eqa
equation    eqn
equip    eqp
equipment    eqpt
equitable    eqtl
equity    eqt
equivalent    eqv
erection    ern
escape    esc
especially    espy
Esperance    esprc
Esperance    sprnc
esplanade    esp
esplanade    spld
esprit-de-corps    espdc
essence    snc
essential    sntl
essential    essl
essential    esnl
essentially    esy
establish    estb
establishing    estbg
establishment    estbm
estate    esa
Estate Agency    estay
estate agent    estag
estate agent    esag
estimate    est
estimation    estn
et cetera    etc
ethnographic    ethg
Eureka Youth League    eyl
Eureka Youth League    euyl
Europe    eu
European    eun
European Union    euu
European Union    eunu
evaluation    evaln
evaporate    evap
evaporation    evapn
eventually    evtly
eventually    evy
Eventually    evny
every now and again    enaai
every now and again    eynai
every now and then    enoat
every now and then    evnat
everybody    eyb
everybody else    eybe
everyday    eyd
everyone    evyo
everyone    eyo
everyone else    eyoe
everything    evyt
everything    eyt
everything else    eyte
everything like that    eytlh
everywhere    ewh
everywhere    eyw
everywhere else    eywe
evidence    ev
Evidence Act    evact
evidence in-chief    eic
evidence in-chief of this witness    eicow
evidence of this witness    evtwit
evident    evt
evidential    evtl
evidentiary    evtry
evidently    evty
ex-student    xsdt
ex-service    xsvc
ex-servicemen    xsvcm
ex-officio    xofc
exact    xac
exact    xct
exactly    xacy
exactly    xctl
exaggerate    xagr8
exaggerate    exag
exaggerating    exagg
exaggeration    xagr8n
exaggeration    xagn
exaggeration    exagn
exam    xm
examination    xna
examine    xn
examiner    xnr
examiner    xmr
example    xmp
excavate    xcv
excavation    xcvn
excavator    xcvr
exceed    xcd
exceeding    xcdg
excel    xl
excellence    xlnc
excellent    xlnt
except    xcp
except for    xc4
exception    xcpn
excerpt    xcrp
excess    xs
excessive    xsv
exchange    xch
excise    xcs
excited    xctd
excited    xci
excitement    xctm
excitement    xcmt
exciting    xctg
exclaim    xclm
exclaiming    xclmg
exclamation    xclmn
exclude    xcl
excluding    xclg
exclusion    xcln
exclusive    xclv
exclusive authority    xclva
exclusively    xclvy
- - excuse me - -     xcme
Excuse me.    xcm
execute    xcu
executing    xcug
execution    xcun
executive    xcuv
executor    xcur
exemption    xmpn
exercise    xrc
exercising    xrcg
exert    xrt
exhaust    exh
exhaust    xhst
exhaust    xha
exhaust system    exhsy
exhausting    xhstg
exhaustion    xhn
exhaustion    xhan
exhibit    ex
exhibit    xhb
exhibition    xhbn
exhibits officer    xof
exist    xst
existence    xstc
existential    xstl
existing    xstg
existing streetscape    xgstsc
Exmouth    xmo
expand    xpd
expanding    xpdg
expansion    xpn
expect    xpct
expectation    xpcta
expectation    xptn
expecting    xptcg
expecting    xpctg
expedition    xpdn
expeditious    xpdts
expend    xped
expenditure    xpdt
expense    xps
expensive    xpv
expensive    xpsv
experience    xpc
experiencing    xpcg
experiment    xpm
experiment    xpmt
experimental    xpml
experimental music    xmus
experimental music    xpmlm
experimentation    xpma
expert    xpt
expert evidence    xptev
expert witness    xptwt
expertise    xpts
expiration    xpin
expiration    xpirn
expire    xpi
expiry    xpy
explain    xpl
explain to me    xpl2m
explain to the Board    xpl2b
explain to you    xpl2u
explained to me    xpld2m
explained to you    xpld2u
explaining    xplg
explanation    xpln
explanatory    xplny
explicit    xplct
exploration    xplrn
explore    xplr
exploring    xplrg
explosion    xplsn
explosion    xplon
explosive    xplv
expose    xpo
exposure    xpsu
exposure    xpou
express    xpr
expressing    xprg
expression    xprn
expression of interest    xprint
expression of interest fee    xprintf
expressions of interest    xprsint
expressive    xprv
extend    xtd
extended family    xfml
extending    xtdg
extension    xtn
extension of time    xtnot
extension of time    xtot
extensive    xtv
extensively    xtvy
extent    xtt
extent    xt
external    xtl
external audit    xaud
external auditor    extaud
extinguish    xtg
extinguisher    xtgr
extinguishment    xtgm
extraordinarily    xordl
extraordinarily    xodl
extraordinary    xord
extraordinary    xoy
extraordinary    xod
extraordinary licence    xordlc
extreme    xtm
extremely    xtrmy
extremely    xtmy
eye-to-eye    i2i
eyewitness    iwt
eyewitness evidence    iwtev
fabricate    fbrc
fabricating    fbrcg
fabrication    fbrcn
fabrication    fabn
fabulous    fbls
face to face    ftf
face to face    f2f
facilit    fcl
facilitate    fclt
facilitating    fcltg
facilitator    fclr
facilities    fcls
facility    fcly
facsimile    fax
factories    facys
factory    facy
factual matrix    fmtx
faculty    fcu
fail to    f2
fail to produce    f2pd
fail to provide    f2pv
fail to respond    f2rsp
failure    flu
fair and reasonable    frsl
fair and reasonable    farsl
fair enough    fngh
fair enough    feng
fair enough    feno
fair go    fag
fair market value    fmv
fair to say    f2s
Fair Trading Act    fta
fair wear and tear    fwt
faithfully    fthfly
fall over    falov
fallen over    flnov
false representation    frpan
false statutory declaration    fstatdec
falsified    flsfd
falsify    flsf
familiar    fmlr
familiar with    fmlrw
familiarised    fmlrs
familiarity    fmlrt
families    fmls
family    fml
family consultant    fcnslt
family court    fmcrt
Family Law Court    flc
family trust    fmltru
family trust    fmltr
famous    fms
fanatic    fntc
fantastic    ftsc
fantastic    fnta
fantastic    fntsc
fantasy    fnts
far and above    faabv
farewell    fwl
fascinate    fscn
fascinating    fscng
fascination    fscnn
Fascism    fscm
Fascist    fsct
fashion    fsh
father    fat
father-in-law    fatil
father-in-law    ftil
Father Christmas    fatx
Father Christmas    fxmas
favour    fv
favourable    fvl
favourably    fvly
favourite    fvt
favouritism    fvtm
feasibility    fsby
February    feb
federal    fd
federal awards    fdawd
Federal Court    fdcrt
federal government    fdgvm
federal secretary    fedsec
federation    fedn
feed stock    fdst
feedback    fdbk
feeling    flg
fell over    felov
fellow    fe
fellow    flo
fellow traveller    ftrv
fellow travellers    fltrv
fellowship    flws
Fellowship    flos
feminism    fmnsm
feminist    fmnst
ferment    ferment
fermentation    fmnta
fertiliser    frtls
festival    fstv
Festival    fsv
Festival of Perth    fsvp
few and far between    fefabet
fidelity    fdlt
fidelity fund    ffu
fidelity guarantee    fgte
fidelity guarantee fund    fgf
fiduciary duties    fiduts
Field Regiment    fdrgt
fielding    fldg
fieldwork    fdwk
fifty-fifty    50-50
fifty-fifty    50:50
fight    f8
fighting    f8g
fighting    fii
figure    fg
figure out    fgo
figurehead    fghd
file and serve    fansv
file note    fno
final bond inspection    fbinsp
final inspection    finspn
finally    fnly
finance    fi
finance and planning committee    fiplcte
finance approval    fiap
finance broker    fibk
finance broking    fibkg
finance committee     ficte
finance company    ficoy
financial    fil
financial affairs    filaf
financial compliance officer    ficmplco
financial indicator    filind
financial institution    filins
financial member    fime
financial planner    fiplr
financial planning    fiplg
financial statement    fistm
financial year    fiy
financially    fily
finding    fdg
finding    fidg
fingerprint    fngpt
Finucane Island    fnui
fire brigade    fbg
fire brigade    fbgd
fire control officer    fctlo
fire control officer    fco
fire extinguisher    fxtg
fire officer    fof
fire station    fstn
fire truck    ftk
firearm    frm
Firearms Act    fmact
firearms licence    frml
firebox    fbx
firebreak    fbk
firecrackers    frck
firefighter    ffgtr
firefighting    ffgt
fireman    firm
fireman    frmn
fireman    fimn
firemen    frmne
firemen    firme
fireplace    fplc
fireworks    fwk
first    ft
first-class    1c
first-class    1cl
first aid    1a
first and foremost    1a4m
First Class Constable    1cc
first experience    1xpc
first home owners grant    fhog
first impression    1imp
first instance    1inst
first line    ftln
first month    1smo
First Nation    1na
first of all    ftoa
first of all    1oa
First of all    +oa
first one    ft1
first opportunity    1opu
first page    1p
first paragraph    1pg
first party    1pt
first point    ft.
first point of contact    1poctt
first section    1sc
first thing    1t
first thing that comes to mind    1thc2m
first up    1u
First World War    1ww
first year    ftyr
firstly    1ly
firstly    1ty
fisherman    fshm
fit and proper    fipro
fit and proper person    fipropsn
fit and proper person    fiprop
fit and proper person    fpps
fitter    ftr
fitter and turner    fitu
fitter and turner    fturn
fitter and turner    fiturn
fitters' strike    ftrs
Fitzroy    ftzy
Fitzroy    ftz
Fitzroy Crossing    ftzx
Fitzroy River    ftzr
five    5
five o'clock    5o
flavour    flv
flexibility    flxy
flexible    flx
flight simulator    flsim
Flinders    fld
floor    fl
floor plan    flpl
floorboards    flbd
flora and fauna    flofau
Floreat Park    flpk
florist    flrs
florist shop    flrss
flower    flw
Fly By Night     fbn
fly-in fly-out    fifo
folio number    fon
follow    fo
follow on    foon
follow up    fou
followed    fod
followed up    fodu
following    fog
following conditions    fogcnd
following day    fogd
following up    fogu
football    ftb
football    ftbl
football club    ftbc
footpath    ftp
footpath    fp
footpath    ftpt
footplate    ftpl
footprint    ftprt
footy    fty
for a little while    4alw
for a living    4alvg
for a moment    famom
for a moment    4amom
for a period    4aped
for a start    4ast
for a while    4aw
for about    4ab
for all intents and purposes    4aiapu
for all intents and purposes    faiapu
for anything    4ayt
for argument's sake    4agums
for each other    4eot
for example    eg
for identification purposes     fidfnp
for identification purposes    4idfnp
for instance    finst
for instance    4in
for one moment    41mom
for one reason or another    41rsoa
for one thing    41th
for or on behalf of    4obhfo
for ourselves    4osv
for profit    4p
for quite some time    4qst
for some reason    4srs
for some reason or other    4srsoot
for some unknown reason    4surs
for sure    4s
for that    4h
for that matter    4hmt
for that reason    4hrs
for the    4t
for the court    4tcrt
for the first time    41t
for the first time    4t1t
for the first time    4tftt
for the moment    4mom
for the moment    4tmom
for the other one    4tot1
for the record    4trcd
for the time being    4ttb
for themselves    4tmsv
for too long    42l
for voice identification purposes    4vip
for what it is worth    4wiiw
for what it was worth    4wiww
for what it's worth    4wi'w
for whatever reason    fwvrs
for whatever reason    4wvrs
for whatever reason    4wevr
for whatever reason    4wevrs
for you    4u
for yourself    4ys
forefront    4f
foreign    frgn
Foreign Investment Review Board    firb
foreigner    frgnr
foreman    4m
foremen    4me
forerunner    4rnr
foresee    4c
foreshadow    4shd
foreshadowed    4shdd
foreshore    4sh
forest    4st
forest department    fdept
forest management    4st
forever    frvr
forever    4ev
forfeit    4ft
forfeiture    4ftu
forgery    frgy
forgiven    4gvn
forgiveness    4gvs
forklift    fkl
form    from
formal interview    fitv
formation    fma
formation    fmn
former matrimonial home    fomathom
former matrimonial home    fmathom
formidable    fmdbl
formidable    frmdl
formidably    fmdby
formidably    frmdly
Forrestfield    frsf
Forrestfield    ffd
forte piano    fpno
forthcoming    4cmg
fortitude    ftud
fortnight    fn
fortnightly    fny
fortunate    fna
fortunately    fnuy
fortune    ftu
fortune    fnu
forward    fw
forwarded    fwd
foundation    fnd
founding    fodg
founding member    fodgm
foundry    fdy
four-wheel drive    4wd
four    4
four o'clock    4o
fractionating    frcg
fractionation    frcn
fractionation column    fraco
fractionation tower    frcnt
framework    fmwk
franchise    fr
franchise agreement    fragmt
franchisee    fra
franchisee    frae
franchising    frg
franchisor    frao
frangibility    fgby
frangible    fgb
fraud squad    frsq
free impro    fim
free improv    fimpv
free improvisation    fimpva
freedom of information    foi
freehold    fhd
freelance    frln
Freemasons    frms
Freemasons Hotel    frmsh
freezer    frz
freezer    fzr
freight    fr8
freight terminal    fr8t
Fremantle    fre
Fremantle Port Authority     fpa
French horn    frho
French Impressionists    frimp
frequency    frqc
frequent    frq
frequently    frql
frequently    frqy
Friday    fri
friendship    frds
friendship    fds
friendship    fshp
frivolous    frv
frivolous and vexatious    frvx
from    form
from memory    fmem
from memory    fmmy
from memory    fmy
from one end to the other    f1e2tot
from one to the other    f12tot
from side to side    fs2s
from start to finish    fs2f
from that point    fh.
from that point on    fh.o
from this point    fts.
from time to time    fttt
from time to time    ft2t
from year to year    fy2y
from your perspective    fyprspv
from your perspective    fyper
from your point of view    fypov
front counter    fctr
front end loader    feld
front line    frol
frontage    ftg
frustrated    frs
frustrating    frsg
frustration    frsn
fugitive    fgv
fuel consumption    fcnsp
fuel economy    fecy
fulfil    flf
fulfilled     flfld
fulfilment    flfm
full-time    fut
full-time experience    ftx
full-time position    futpos
full-time job    futj
Full Court    fcrt
full forward    ffw
full name    fun
full name and occupation    funoc
full strength    fust
fully aware    fuyawe
function    fnc
functional    fncl
functionaries    fncys
functionary    fncy
functioning    fncg
fund-raising    fdrsg
fund raising    fndraig
fund raising    fndrsg
fund raising    frsg
fundament    fndm
fundamental    fndl
fundamental    fundl
fundamentalism    fndlm
fundamentally    fndmy
funding    fudg
funding authorities    fudgas
funding authority    fudga
fundrais    fudr
fundraising    fudrg
funeral    fnl
funeral director    fnld
funeral director    fundir
funeral home    fnlh
funeral industry    fnli
funeral service    fnls
funnily enough    funlye
furnace    frnc
furniture    frnu
furniture factory    furnfac
further    fu
further and better    fubet
further down    fud
further down the track    fudtk
further to    fu2
further up    fuu
furthermore    futm
furthermore    ftm
gadget    ggt
Gage Roads    Gage Roads
galleries    glys
gallery    gly
gallery    glry
Gallipoli    glpl
Gallop House    glph
gambling addiction    gadcn
garage    grg
garden    gdn
garden bed    gdnb
Garden Island    gdni
gardener    gdnr
gardening    gdng
gas chromatograph    gcomh
gas chromatograph    gcromh
gas chromatography    gcomy
gas chromatography    gchromy
gas pipeline    gppl
Gascoyne    gso
Gascoyne    gsy
gasoline    gsl
gateway    gtw
gay community    gcmuy
gazebo    gzb
gazette    gz
Geelong    glg
Geelong    gl
general    gn
general account    gnac
general conditions    gncnd
general deterrence    gndtc
general ledger    glgr
general manager    gmng
general manager    gnmgr
general manager    gmgr
General Motors    gm
General Motors    gnmo
General Motors Holden    gmh
general operation    gnopn
general practitioner    gnprct
generalisation    gnia
generality    gnt
generally    gny
generate    gnr8
generation    gna
generation    gnn
generation    gnr8n
generator    gnr
generous    gnrs
gentlem    gtm
gentleman    gtma
gentlemen    gtme
genuine    gnu
genuinely    gnuy
geograph    geo
geography    geoy
geological    geolc
geologist    geolt
geology    geol
Geraldton    gtn
German    gmn
Germany    gmy
Gestapo    gstp
gesture    gstr
get into    gei2
get to that    g2h
get to the point    ge2.
get together    getg
get you to    gy2
Gibson Raison    gibra
Gibson Raison Settlements    gibras
Gidgegannup    gidg
Gilbert and Sullivan    g&s
Gin Gin    gg
girlfriend    gf
Girrawheen    gwhn
given    gi
given evidence    giev
given that    gih
given to    gi2
given to me    gi2m
given to understand    gi2ust
given to you    gi2y
given to you    gi28
giving    gvg
Global Financial Crisis    gfc
globalisation    globn
globalism    globm
go-between    gbt
go to    g2
Go to document    g2do
go to school    g2sch
godfather    gofat
godmother    gomot
goes to    gs2
going to    gg2
going to be    goi2b
going to do    gi2d
going to do    gg2d
going to go    gg2g
going to have    gg2hv
Goldfields    gdfd
Goldfields    gldf
Goldfields    glfd
Goldsworthy    glds
Goldsworthy    gdswy
Goldsworthy    gwy
Goldsworthy Mining    gwym
Goldsworthy Mining    gdswym
golf course    glfc
golf croquet    crqg
good character and repute    gchrpu
good old days    god
good reason    grs
goodbye    gdby
goods office    goof
Goomalling    gmlg
Gooseberry Hill    gsbh
Gosnells    gsn
got out    gout
got to be    g2b
got to do    g2d
got to have    g2hv
got to the point    go2.
got together    gotg
govern    gv
governance    gvc
governance    gvnc
governing     gvi
government    gvm
government house    gvmh
governor general    gvgn
gradually    grdly
gradually    grdy
graffiti    gft
gram    g
grand final    gfn
grand piano    gpno
grandchild    gchd
grandchildren    gchdn
granddaughter    gdght
grandfather    gndf
grandfather    gdfth
grandfather    gfat
grandkid    gkd
grandmother    gdmth
grandmother    gndm
grandmother    gmot
grandparent    gndprt
grandparent    gdpt
grandparent    gpat
grandparent    gpnt
grandparent    gprt
grandparents    gpar
Grangemouth    grgm
grass roots    groot
grateful    gtfl
gratification    gtfn
gravel    gvl
great-grandmother    ggmot
great-grandfather    ggfat
Great Britain    gb
great deal of difference    gdofc
Great Eastern Highway    gehwy
Great Southern    grso
green grocer    ggrcr
grievance    grvc
grievous bodily harm    gbh
groceries    grcs
grocery    grcy
grocery store    grcys
gross rental value    grv
Grosvenor    grsv
Grosvenor Hotel    grsvh
ground    gr
ground    gd
ground floor    gdfl
ground level    grlv
ground level    gdlv
ground of appeal    grapl
groundbreaking    grbkg
grounds of appeal    grsapl
groundwater    gdwt
groundwater    grwt
groundwater    gwtr
groundwork    gdwk
groundwork    grwk
groundwork    gwk
group    gp
group certificate    gpctf
group settlement    gpstlm
grower    gwr
guarantee    gte
guarantor    gto
guardian    grdn
guardianship    gdns
guardianship application    gdnsap
guess    gs
guessing    gsg
guidance    gdc
guide plan    gdpl
guide plan    gdp
guideline    gdl
guidelines    gdls
guiding    gdg
Guildford    gfd
Guildford Grammar    glfdg
Guildford Road    gfdr
guilt    gt
guilty    gty
guilty or not guilty?    gng
guitar    gtr
gymkhana    gyk
gymnasium    gym
gynaecologist    gynt
gynaecologist    gynat
gynaecologist    gynot
gynaecology    gyny
gynaecology    gynoy
had to be    hd2b
had to deal with    h2dw
had to happen    h2hap
haemorrhage    hmg
half a dozen    hdz
half an hour    hfhr
half forward    hlfw
halfway    hlfy
Hamburg    hmb
Hamersley    hmsl
Hamersley Iron    hmsli
Hamersley Road    hmsyr
Hamersley Road    hmslr
hammock    hmk
Hammond organ    hamo
Hampden Road    hmprd
hand-in-hand    haiha
hand-to-mouth    h2m
hand write    hdwrt
handbag    hdbg
handbook    hdbk
handbrake    hdbrk
handcuff    hdcf
handful    hdfu
handicap    hdcp
handicapped    hdcpd
hanging out with    hgow
handkerchief    hkc
handle    hdl
handlebars    hdbr
handling    hdlg
handover    hdov
handwriting    hdwrtg
handwriting    hdwtg
handwritten    hdwrtn
handwritten    hdwtn
handwrote    hdwro
handyman    hdym
happen    hap
happen to    hap2
happen to be    hap2b
happen to have    hap2hv
happen to you    hap2u
happened    hapd
happened to    hapd2
happened to be    hapd2b
happened to have    hapd2hv
happened to that    hapd2h
happened to you    hapd2y
happening    hapg
happiness    hpns
harass    hrs
harassed    hrsd
harassing    hrsg
harassment    hrsm
harbour    hbr
hard drive    hdd
hardship    hdsp
hardware    hdw
hardware store    hdws
harm minimisation    hmin
harmonies    hmys
harmony    hmy
harvest    hvs
harvester    hvsr
harvesting    hvsg
Has any threat, promise or inducement been held out to you    hasany
has to be    hs2b
have    hv
have a quick look at    haqla
have a quick look at that    haqlah
have got to be    hvg2b
have regard    hvrg
have to    hv2
have to be    hv2b
have to do    hv2d
have to have    hv2h
have you    hvu
have you ever    hvuev
have you ever    huev
haven't    hvn
haven't been able to    hvbl2
haven't you    hvnu
having    hvg
having regard    hvgrg
having to    hvg2
Hay Street    hys
hazard    hz
hazard    haz
hazardous    hzs
head of agreement    hdagm
head office    hdof
headache    hdch
header    hdr
heading    hdg
headlights    hdlgt
headlock    hdlk
headmaster    hdmst
headquarters    hq
heads of agreement    hdsagm
health and safety    hsft
health and safety    heasa
health and safety    h&s
health surveyor    hsvyr
hearing    hrg
heart attack    hatk
hearts and minds    hrtmi
heat exchange    hex
heavier    hvyr
heaviest    hvys
heavily    hvl
heavy    hvy
hectare    hec
hectolitre    hl
hectolitre    hecl
Hedland    hdla
Hedland    hdld
height    h8
heighten    h8n
heightened    h8nd
hemisphere    hmsp
her Honour    heho
herbarium    hbm
here and there    hath
hereinafter referred to    hinaft2
hereinafter referred to    hrf2
heritage    htg
heroin    hn
heroin    hrn
heroin addict    hrna
heroin addiction    hrnan
herself    hesf
hesitate    hsa
hesitation    hsan
Heytesbury Rd    hyts
Hiddlestone    hds
hierarchies    hrcys
hierarchy    hrcy
hierarchy    hiary
high fidelity    hifi
high pressure    hprs
high profile    hipf
high profile    hpfl
high quality    hqly
high school    hsch
high tensile steel    hitens
higher degree    hghdg
highlight    hghlt
highway    hwy
hilarious    hlrs
himself    hmsf
hindsight    hisi
hiring and firing    hifig
his Honour    hiho
His Majesty's    hmaj
His Majestys Theatre    hmajt
his Worship    hiw
historian    hstyn
historical    hstyl
historical society    hstsoc
historical society    hstyls
historically    hstcy
historically    hstly
histories    hstys
history    hsty
hockey    hky
holding    hldg
holding or obtaining a driver's licence    hldobt
holdings    hldgs
Hole in the Wall     hitw
holiday    hol
Hollywood    hywd
Hollywood    hlwy
home-office    hof
Home Building Society    hbldgs
home care    hoca
home economics    homec
home maker    hmkr
home open    hopn
homestead    hmst
HomesWest    hmsw
homework    hwk
homosexual    hmsx
honestly    hnsty
honestly    hnsl
honesty    hnsy
Hong Kong    hk
Honourable    honl
hopefully    hpfy
horizon    hoz
horizon    hzn
horizontal    hzl
horizontal    hozl
horizontally    hzly
horrible    hrb
horrible    hrbl
horrific    hrfc
horrified    hrfd
horseman    hsma
horsemen    hsme
Horseshoe Bridge    horb
hospice    hspc
hospital    hos
hospital    hsp
hospitality    hspy
hostel    hst
hot water system    hws
hour    hr
hours a day    hrsad
house    hs
house bound    hbo
household    hhd
household    hshd
housekeeper    hskp
housekeeping    hskpg
housekeeping matter    hskpgm
housewife    hswf
housewives    hswv
housework    hswk
housing indemnity insurance    houind
how about    hoab
how are you    hru
how do you    hdy
how do you do    hdyd
how do you explain    hdyxpl
how do you feel    hdyf
how do you know    hdyk
how do you make    hdymk
how long after    hlaf
how long before    hlbf
however    hwv
human being    hube
human error    humer
human error    huer
human nature    hunat
human resources    hursc
human resources    hrsc
humid    hmd
humidity    hmdy
humiliation    humln
hundred    00
hundred dollars    00$
hundred metres    00m
hundred per cent    009
husband    hsb
Hyde Park    hypk
hydrefiner    hydr
hydrocarbon    h2c
hydrogen    h2
hydroplane    hydpl
hydroponic    hydp
hydraulic    hydr
hydraulic transmission    hytx
hygiene    hyg
hypnosis    hypss
hypnotist    hypst
hypnotist    hypnt
hypocrisy    hypoy
hypocritical    hypoyl
hypothetical    hypt
I appear    iape
I appear as    iapa
I appear for    iap4
I appear on behalf of    iapebhf
I beg your pardon    ibyp
I believe    ibl
I believe so    ibls
I believe that    iblh
I believe the    iblt
I believe you    iblu
I can remember    icre
I can understand    icust
I can, yes    icay
I can't remember    ic're
I can't think    Ic'tk
I deal with    idw
I did know    idik
I did, yes    idiy
I didn't know    Idi'k
I didn't think    idi'tk
I do believe    idbl
I do believe    idobl
I do know    idok
I do know    idk
I do know why    idky
I do not believe    idnbl
I do not know    idnk
I do not know    idonk
I do not recall    Idnrca
I do not think    idntk
I do recall    idrca
I do remember    idre
I do think    idotk
I don't believe    ido'bl
I don't believe    id'bl
I don't have    id'hv
I don't know    id'k
I don't know that    id'kh
I don't know whether    id'kwhe
I don't know why    Id'ky
I don't like     id'l
I don't mean    id'm
I don't mind    id'mi
I don't really know    id'rk
I don't recall    id'rc
I don't recall    id'rca
I don't remember    id're
I don't see    id'c
I don't think    id'tk
I don't think    idtk
I don't think so    id'tks
I don't think so    idtks
I don't understand    idust
I doubt it    idbi
I forget    ifge
I forgot    ifgo
I guess    igs
I have no idea    Ihnid
I knew    ike
I knew that    ikeh
I knew the    iket
I know    ik
I know    iko
I know about    ikab
I know that    ikh
I know that much    ikhm
I know the    ikt
I know you    iky
I like to think    il2tk
I look forward    Ilf
I mean    im
I reckon    irkn
I reckon    irk
I remember    ire
I remember that    ireh
I see    ic
I see it    ici
I see myself    icmsf
I see that    ich
I see what you mean    icwum
I see what you mean    iswym
I see you    icu
I see you are    icur
I seem to    ism2
I suggest    isgt
I suggest    isg
I suppose    isu
I suppose so    isus
I take it    iti
I take you    ity
I take you to    ityt
I take your point    ity.
I tender that your Worship    itdryw
I think    itk
I think it was    itkiw
I think so    itks
I think that    itkh
I think that's right    itkh'r
I think that's right    itkhr
I understand    iust
I used to    iu2
I used to    iud2
I used to do    iu2d
I used to have    iud2hv
I used to say    iu2s
I want to put to you    iw2p2u
I was able to    iwl2
I would imagine so    iwis
I'd    I"d
I'd forgotten    idfgon
I'd like to think    i'l2tk
I'll refer to    i'rf2
I'll refer to as    i'rf2a
I'm afraid    imaf
I'm guessing    i'gsg
I'm not quite sure    inqs
I'm sorry    imsy
I've forgotten    ivfgon
iconic    icc
idealist    idlst
idealistic    idlstc
identical    idtcl
identifiable    idfl
identification    idfn
identification purposes    idfnp
identified    idfd
identifies    idfs
identify    idf
identifying    idfg
identity    idt
ideological    idol
ideological    idlgl
ideologically    idoly
ideologies    idlgs
ideology    idlg
if anything,    iayt
if I can take you to    iictyt
if I recall correctly    iircac
if I remember    iire
if I remember correctly    iirec
if I remember rightly    iirery
if it please    iip
if it please the    iipt
if it please your Honour    iipyh
if necessary    ine
if that's okay.    ihok
if that's right    ih'r
if you    iy
if you could    iyco
if you could go to    iycg2
if you could look at    iyclo
if you don't mind    iud'm
if you don't mind    iyd'm
if you go to    iyg2
if you knew    iyke
if you know    iyk
if you know what I mean    iykwim
if you like    iyli
if you like    iylk
if you like to put it that way    iyltpihw
if you like to put it that way    iylktpihw
if you look    iylo
if you please    iyp
if you're not careful    iyncfl
if you see what I mean    iycwim
ignition    ign
ignorance    ignc
illicit drug    ildr
illicit drug use    ildru
illustration    lstrn
image    img
imagination    imgna
imagine    imgn
immaterial    imtl
immeasurably    imslby
immediacy    imdcy
immediate    imd
immediately    imdy
immensely    mnsly
immensely    imnsly
impatient    iptn
implication    mplc
importance    ipc
important    ip
important to you    ip2u
imposition    ipos
impossibility    ipsby
impossible    ipsb
impressi    imp
impression    impn
impressionable    impnl
impressive    iprv
impressive    ipsv
imprisoned    impsn
imprisoned    iprsn
imprisonment    impm
improper conduct    impcdu
impropriety    ipty
improve    ipv
improvement    ipvm
improving    ipvg
improvisation    impva
improvisation    improa
improvisation    mpvsa
improvisation    mpvsn
improvise    impv
improvise    mpvs
improvising    impvg
in-office    iof
in a minute    iami
in a moment    iamo
in a nutshell    ianuts
in a nutshell    ianus
in accordance with    iaconw
in accordance with    inacow
in accordance with    iacow
in actual fact    iaf
in addition to    iadn2
in any case    iac
in any event    iae
in any event    iaev
in as much    iam
in as much as    iama
in association with    iasonw
in association with    iasow
in between    ibt
in between times    ibtt
in bona fide control    ibfctl
in conjunction    icjnc
in conjunction with    icjnw
in conjunction with    ijcw
in conjunction with    icjncw
in connection    iconn
in connection with    iccnw
in control of    ictlo
in due course    iduco
in due course    idco
in essence    iesnc
in fact    if
in front of me    ifom
in front of you    ifoy
in front of you    ifou
in general terms    ignt
in good faith    igf
in her own right    iheow
in hindsight    ihisi
in hindsight    ihds
in his opinion    ihopi
in his own right    ihow
in many respects    imnrsp
in my day    inmd
in my day    imydy
in my day    imyd
in my experience    imxpc
in my opinion    imop
in my own words    imow
in my respectful submission    imrs
in my submission    ims
in my submission    imsb
in my view    imv
in one piece    i1p
in one sense    i1s
in one way    i1w
in one way or another    i1wano
in order    iod
in order for    iod4
in order to    iod2
in other words    iow
in our view    iov
in particular    ipt
in person    ipsn
in preparation    iprpn
in real time    irt
in reference to    irfc2
in regard of    irgao
in regard to    irga2
in regards to    irgas2
in relation    inrel
in relation to    inrl
in relation to    irlt
in relation to    irel2
in relation to    irl2
in residence    irsdc
in respect of    irspeo
in respect to    irspe2
in response to    irsp2
in retrospect    irtrosp
in so far as     isf
in so much as    isomua
in some respects    isrspe
in support of    isupo
in terms of    itso
in terms of    ito
in that    ih
in that case    inhc
in that case    ihca
in that period    ihped
in that regard    ihrga
in that respect    ihrspe
in that respect    ihrsp
in that sense    ihs
in that situation    ihsi
in that situation    ihsu
in that time    iht
in that time    ihti
in that way    ihw
in the afternoon    itaftn
in the beginning    itbgig
in the best interest    itbint
in the circumstance    itci
in the context    itctx
in the context of    icotxo
in the early days    itedy
in the end    ite
in the event of    itevo
in the first instance    ifinst
in the first instance    it1i
in the first instance    i1inst
in the first place    it1p
in the first place    itfpl
in the first place    i1pl
in the future    itfu
in the long    itlo
in the long run    itlor
in the long run    itlr
in the long term    itlot
in the meantime    itmt
in the old days    itody
in the opinion of    itopi
in the process    itprc
in the way of    itwo
in their own right    ithow
in this case    itcs
in this case    itca
in this particular case    itptcs
in this regard    itrga
in those circumstances    itsci
in those days    itsdy
in those early days    itsedy
in those times    itsti
in writing    iwrtg
in your affidavit    iyaf
in your experience    iyxpc
in your opinion    iyopi
in your opinion    iyop
in your own words    iyow
in your position    iypos
in your view    iyv
inability    iably
inactivity    inacty
inactivity    iacy
inadequate    iadq
inadmissible    iadml
inadvertently    iadvty
inappropriate    iapro
inappropriately    iaproy
incapable    icpl
incapable    icpbl
incapacity    icpcy
incidence    icdc
incident    icd
incidental    icdl
incidentally    icdy
include    icl
including    icli
including    iclg
including but not limited to    ibnlt2
inclusion    icln
inclusive    iclv
income tax    ictx
incomprehensible    incomh
inconsistent with    iconw
inconvenience    icvc
incorporate    inc
incorporated body    incbd
incorporating    incg
incorporation    incn
incorrect    icor
incorrectly    icory
increase    icr
increasing    icrg
increasingly    icrgy
incredible    icrb
incredible    incdbl
incredible    icrdb
incredible    icdbl
incredibly    icrdby
incredibly    incdby
incredibly    icrby
incredibly    icdby
indeed    ide
indemnity insurance    iins
independence    idpc
independent    idpt
independent    idp
independent legal advice    idplegad
independent living unit    ilu
independently    idpty
independently    idpy
index    idx
index finger    idxf
indexation    idxa
Indian Pacific    indpac
indicate    ind
indicating    indg
indication    indn
indicative    indv
indicator    indr
indifference    idfc
indifferent    idif
indifferent    idi
indigenous    idgn
Indigenous    idgs
Indigenous Affairs    idgsa
indirect    idir
indirectly    idiry
indispensable    idspl
individual    iv
individually    ivy
Indonesia    indon
Indonesian    indonn
indulgence    idlgc
industrial    idl
industrial    idyl
industrial action    idlacn
industrial arbitration    idlarb
Industrial Arbitration Act    idlarba
industrial commission    idlc
industrial deafness    idldf
industrial relations officer    idlro
industrial relations    idlr
industrial relations    ir
industrial revolution    idlrv
industries    idys
industry    idy
inefficiency    iefcy
inefficient    iefc
inequalities    ieqls
inequality    ieqly
inequitable    ieqt
inequity    ieqy
inevitability    ievty
inevitable    ievt
inevitably    ievby
inexperienced    ixpc
infamous    ifms
infantry    infy
infection    infcn
inference    ifc
inflation    iflan
influence    ifl
influence of alcohol    iflalc
influencing    iflg
influential    ifll
inform    inf
information    infn
informative    infv
informing    infg
infrastructure    istr
infrequently    ifql
infringement    ifgm
ingredient    ngrdt
initial    inl
initialling    inlg
initially    inly
initiative    iniv
initiative    initv
inject    ijc
injection    ijn
injection    injn
injunction    ijnc
injure    ij
injuries    ijs
injury    ijy
injustice    ijst
innovation    inovn
inquire    iq
inquiries    iqs
inquiring    iqg
inquiry    iqy
insignificance    isgfc
insignificance    isfgc
insignificant    isgft
insignificant    isgf
insolvency    islvy
insolvent    islvt
inspect    insp
inspection    inspn
inspection report    insprp
inspection report    inspnr
inspector    inspr
inspiration    insprn
install    nstl
install    instl
installation    instln
installation    nstln
instead of    isto
institution    instun
institution    instu
institutional    instul
institutional child abuse    ichab
instruct    inst
instructing    instg
instructing solicitor    instgsol
instruction    instn
instructive    instv
instructor    instr
instrument    istrm
instrument    instrm
instrument    instm
instrument    nstrm
instrumental    nstrml
instrumentation    instrma
insufficient    insuf
insufficient    isuf
insurance    insc
insurance company    inscoy
insurance policy    inspol
insurer    insr
intangible    itgbl
integrity    itgty
integrity    itgy
intellect    intl
intellectual    intll
intelligence    intlgc
intelligence    itlgc
intelligent    itlg
intelligent    intlgt
intensification    itsfn
intensify    itsf
intensive    itsv
intensive supervision order    iso
intensive youth supervision order    iyso
intention    intn
interaction    iacn
interest    int
interest bearing    intbrg
interest bearing account    intbergac
interest bearing trust account    ibtrac
interest bearing trust account    intbergtrac
interest bearing trust account    ibta
interest of justice    intjus
interested    intd
interested in    intdi
interesting    inti
interesting    intg
interestingly enough    intge
interests of justice    intsjus
interfere    itf
interference    itfc
interfering    itfg
interim audit    inau
interim receipt    ircpt
intermediate    itmd
internal combustion engine    ice
international    intnl
international    ina
international    inal
internationalism    intnlm
internationally    intnly
internationally    intnaty
internet    inet
internet    in
interpret    itrp
interpret    intp
interpretation    itrpa
interpretation    intpn
interpretation    intpa
interpreter    itrpr
interpreting    intpg
interrupt    itrup
interrupt    itupt
intersection    isc
interval    itvl
intervention    itvn
interview    itv
interviewee    itve
interviewer    itvr
interviewing    itvg
intimate    ntm8
into    i2
into account    i2ac
into consideration    i2csa
into evidence    i2ev
intoxicate    itx
intoxication    itxn
intravenous    itvns
introduce    itd
introducing    itdg
introduction    itdn
introductory    itdy
invalid    ivd
invaluable    ivbl
invaluable    ivlu
invariable    ivlb
invariably    ivrbly
invariably    ivlby
invention    invn
inventive    nvnt
inventiveness    nvntn
inventor    invr
inventories    invys
inventory    invy
invest    inv
investigate    invg
investigating    invgg
investigation    invgn
investigative    invgv
investigator    invgr
investment    invm
investment property    invmp
investor    invsr
invisible    ivsb
invoice    ivc
invoicing    ivcg
involuntary    ivlny
involve    ivo
involved    ivod
involved in    ivoi
involved in    ivodi
involved in that    ivodih
involved with    ivodw
involvement    ivom
involvement with    ivomw
involving    ivog
iron ore    ior
iron ore    feo
iron ore industry    feoi
irreconcilable    irrl
irrelevant    irlv
irrespective    irspev
irrespective    irspv
irresponsible    irspl
is able to    il2
is it correct    iic
is it fair to say    iif2s
is it fair to say    iifts
is it fair to say that    iif2sh
is it the case    iitc
is that all right    ihar
is that correct    ihc
Is that correct?---Yes.    Itcy
is that right    itr
is that right    ihr
Is that right?---Yes.      itry
is that the case    ihtc
is that what you're saying?    ihwys
is that what you're saying    ihwus
is this correct    itc
is unable to    iul2
isn't it    i'i
isn't there    isnth
isolation    ison
issue    is
issue to you    is2u
issued to    isd2
issued to you    isd2u
issued with    isw
issued with    isdw
issuing    isug
It appears to be    iape2b
it goes without saying    igowsy
it had to happen    ih2hap
it is    ii
it looks to be mine    il2bm
it seems to me    is2m
it was all about    iwaab
Italian    itln
itinerary    itny
jack-of-all-trades    jacktra
jackaroo    jkr
Jandakot    jdk
Janet Holmes-a-Court    jhac
January    jan
Japanese    jpns
Jarrahdale    jhd
jealous    jls
jeopardy    jpd
Jersey Street    jst
Jesus Christ Super Star    jcss
jetties    jts
jetty    jt
jewellery    jwly
jillaroo    jlr
job number    jnu
job satisfaction    jostfn
job satisfaction    jstfn
jockey    jky
jockeys    jkys
joint account    jac
joint form    jfm
joint statement    jstm
joint tenants    jtn
joint venture    jvnt
joint venture agreement    jva
Jolimont    jmt
Joondalup    joo
Joondalup police station    joops
Joondanna    jood
Joondanna    jnd
journal    jnl
journalist    jnlt
journey    jny
judge    jdg
judging    jdgg
judgment    jm
judgmental    jml
judicial    jdl
judiciary    jdcy
judicious    jdc
judiciously    jdly
July    jul
junction    jnc
June    jun
junior    jnr
junior vice-president    jvp
junior worker    jwk
jurisdiction    jdn
just a matter of time    jmtot
just a matter of time    jamtot
just a minute    jami
just a moment    jamo
just a moment    jamom
just about    jab
just at the time    jatt
just bear with me    jwbm
just bear with me    jbwm
just bear with me for one moment    jbwm1m
just before    jbf
just coming back    jcmgb
just enough    jeng
just in case    jic
just in relation to    jirel2
just interrupt you    jiu
just interrupt you    jiy
just intonation    jinto
just prior to    jpr2
just sort of    jsof
just stop you    jsty
just stop you    j.u
just stop you at that point    jsyahp
just stop you at that point    jstyap
just stop you at that stage    jstyat
just take a seat    jtas
just take you to    jtyt
just that    jh
just wait and see    jw8nc
Justice of the Peace    jp
Justices of the Peace    jps
justifiable    jfyl
justifiable    jstfl
justification    jfn
justification    jsfn
justified    jfd
justified    jstfd
justified    jfyd
justify    jfy
justify    jstfy
juvenile    jvn
Juvenile Justice    JJ
juxtapose    jxtps
juxtapose    jxtp
juxtaposition    jxtpsn
juxtaposition    jxtpn
Kalamunda    kalm
Kalgoorlie    kal
Kambalda    kmbd
kangaroo    kgo
Kangaroo Island    kgoi
Karlheinz    kah
Karrakatta    kkt
Karrakatta cemetery    kktc
Karratha    krth
Karrinyup    kyn
Katanning    ktng
Katherine Susannah Prichard    ksp
keep in contact    kictt
keep in contact with    kictw
keeping in mind    kpgim
Kellerberrin    klb
Kendenup    knd
kerosene    ksn
kettle    ktl
Kewdale    kwd
key financial indicator    kfilind
keyboard    kyb
Khrushchev    krsc
Khrushchev    kru
kilogram    kg
kilometre    km
kilometres an hour    kmh
kilowatt    kw
kilowatt hour    kwh
kilometres per hour    kph
Kimberley    kmbl
Kimberley    kmby
kind of    ko
kind of people    kopp
kind of person    kopsn
kind of thing    kot
kindergarten    kdgt
kindergarten    kndg
kinds of    kso
King Edward Hospital    kehsp
King Edward Memorial Hospital    kemh
kingdom    kgd
Kings Park    kpk
kiosk    ks
kitchen    ktc
Kitchener Park    Ktcp
kitchenman    ktcm
knew about    keab
knew that    keh
know about    koab
know that    kh
knowledge    kn
knowledgeable    knl
Kojonup    kjn
Kondinin    Condinin
Koojedda    kjd
Koondoola    koo
Koongamia    koog
Kristiina    Christina
Kununoppin    kun
Kununurra    Kunr
Kurrawang    krw
Kurrawang    kwg
Kuttabul    ktb
Kwinana    kwn
Kwinana refinery    krfny
Labor government    labg
Labor Party    lapty
Labor Party    lbrpty
Labor Party    lapar
Labor Party    labp
laboratories    labys
laboratory    laby
laceration    lcrn
ladies and gentlemen    ldygtm
Lakewood    lkwd
Land Administration Act    ladmina
land degradation    ldgrdn
land subdivision    lsdiv
land use    ldu
land value    lval
Landgate    lgt
Landgate    ldgt
landlord    lnld
landowner    ldown
Landrover    ldrv
landscape    ldscp
landscaper    lscpr
landscaping    lscpg
landscaping    ldscpg
laneway    lnw
language    lng
last one    l1
last week    lwk
last year    lyr
later on    ltro
Latin America    latam
latitude    ltud
laughter    lght
laundry    ldy
law and order    laord
law complaints officer    lcpto
Law Society    lsoc
lawfully entitled    lwfent
lawn mowing    lwmg
lawyer    lwy
leader    ldr
leadership    ldrs
leadership    ldshp
leadership    ldsp
leading    ldg
leading hand    ldgh
leading seaman    ldgsm
leading up to    ldgu2
leaflet    lfl
leafleting    lflg
learning    lrng
learning curve    lrngc
lease agreement    lagmt
leasing    lsg
leather    lth
leave to appear    l2ap
leave to appear    lvtoape
leaving    lvg
lecture    lctu
led to believe    l2bl
ledger    lgr
ledger card    lgrc
Leederville    lve
Leederville    ldv
Leederville    ldvl
Leeuwin    lwn
Leeuwin    luw
left-hand side    lhs
left    l
left-hand    lh
left-hand corner    lhc
left-hand corner    lhcn
left-hand turn    lht
left-hand column    lhcl
left-wing    lw
left, right and centre    lrctr
left, right and centre    lrac
legacy    lgc
legal advice    legad
legal affairs    legaf
legal aid    legai
legal aid application    legaip
legal authority    leauy
legal costs    legc
legal counsel    lcoue
legal counsel    legcoue
legal documentation    lgdoca
legal fees    lgf
legal fees    legf
legal officer    legof
legal opinion    legop
legal practice    lprc
legal practitioner    legprct
legal practitioner    lprct
Legal Practitioners' Complaints Committee    lprctee
Legal Practitioners Complaints Committee    lprctcptcte
legal privilege    lgpv
legal proceedings    lpcdg
legal profession    lprfs
legal professional privilege    lgpfspv
legal representation    lrpan
legal representation    lrepn
legal representative    lrpav
legal representative    lgrpav
legal representative    lrpev
legal representative    lrepv
legally disentitled    legdis
legally represented    lyrped
legend    leg
legendary    legy
legislate    lgs
legislation    lgsn
legislative    lgsv
legislature    lgsu
legislature    lgsr
legitimacy    lgtmy
legitimate    lgtm
legitimise    lgtms
lending institution    linstun
Leninism    lnm
Leonora    lnr
lesbian    lsb
Lesmurdie    lsm
Lesmurdie Real Estate    lsmre
less favourably    lfly
lessee    lse
lesson    lsn
lessor    lsr
let's wait and see    lw8nc
letter    lt
letterbox    ltbx
letterhead    lthd
level    lv
level 6, 219 St Georges Terrace, Perth    lv6219
lever arch    lvar
lever arch file    lvarf
lever arch file    larchf
liabilities    lbls
liability    lbly
liable    lbl
liaising    liag
liaising    lia
liaising with    liagw
liaison    lisn
liaison officer    lisno
liaison officer    liaof
Liberal Government    libg
Liberal Party    lipty
Liberal Party    lipar
libertarian    lbrtn
libertarianism    lbrtnm
liberty to apply    libap
librarian    lbn
librarian    lbyn
libraries    lbys
library    lby
library skills    lbysk
licence    lcc
licence number    lccn
licence suspension    lsus
license    lcs
licensed agent    lagt
licensed agent    lcsda
licensed premises    lcsp
licensed real estate agent    lresta
licensed settlement agent    lstlma
licensed settlement agent    lcstlma
licensee    lcse
licensing    lcsg
licensing agreement    lcsga
Lieutenant    lieu
lifestyle    lfst
light duty unit    ldyu
lighthouse    lghth
lighting    lii
lighting design    liid
lightweight    lw8
like everyone else    leyoe
like I said    lisd
like I said    lkis
like I say    lisy
like it or not    lkion
like-minded    lkmd
like that    lkh
like to know    l2kn
like you to    ly2
likeable    lkb
likelihood    lklh
likely    lkl
likeness    lkn
likewise    lkw
limit    lmt
limitation    lmta
limited    ltd
limited release    ltdr
limousine    limo
line of argument    lagum
line of command    lcmd
line of view    lov
Lion Nathan    lina
liquid    lq
liquidate    lqt
liquidate    lqa
liquidation    lqn
liquidation    lqdn
liquidator    lqdr
liquidity    lqdt
liquor    lqr
liquor licence    lqlc
liquor licensing    lqlcg
listen    lst
listening    lstg
listing agent    lstga
listing agreement    liagmt
listing authority    liauy
literally    ltly
literally    ltrly
literary    ltry
literary    ltuy
literature    ltu
literature    ltru
literature    ltrt
Lithuania    lthu
litigation    ltgn
little    ltl
Little Creatures    lcre
Little Shop of Horrors    lsho
livelihood    lvlh
livestock    lvstk
living    livg
living quarters    lvgq
living quarters    lqtr
loan maintenance fee    lmf
local authorities    loauys
local authorities    lauys
local authority    loauy
local authority    lauy
local government    logv
local government    lgv
local government    locgv
Local Government Act    lgva
locality    locy
locate    loc
located    locd
location    locn
lock up    lup
lock up stage    lups
locomotive    lcvm
locomotive    locmv
locomotive    lcmv
locomotive    lcmtv
lodgement    ldgm
log of claims    locl
logistical    lgstl
logistics    lgstc
London    lnd
long enough     leng
long service    lsvc
long service leave    lsl
long service leave    lsvcl
long weekend    lwke
longitude    lgud
longitudinal    lngtd
look at    lka
look forward    lf
look into    li2
looked into    lkdi2
looking    lkg
looking    lokg
looking at    lkga
looking for    lkg4
looking forward    lkgfw
looks to be    lk2b
looks to be    lko2b
looks to be mine    lk2bm
Loretta Dixon    ldx
Lottery West    lotyw
loud speaker    lspk
lounge room    lngrm
lounge room    lgrm
lovely    lvl
low pressure    lprs
lower back    lwb
loyal    ly
loyalty    lylt
loyalty    lyt
lubricate    lub
lubrication    lubn
lukewarm    lkwm
luxurious    lxs
luxury    lx
machine    mac
machine gun    macg
machinery    macy
magazine    mgz
magic    mgc
magical    mgcl
magician    mgcn
magistrate    mgs
magistrates court    mgscrt
magnanimous    mgnms
magnificent    mgnfc
magnificent    mgnf
mahjong    mhj
Maida Vale    mdv
main crude distillation column     mcdc
main house    mhs
mainstream    mst
mainstream    mnstm
mainstream    mast
mainstream society    mstrsoc
mainstream society    mstsoc
maintain    mta
maintaining    mtag
maintenance    mtac
maintenance    mntc
major    mj
Major General    mjgn
majority    mjy
making    mkg
Malaysia    mlys
malfunction    mfnc
malnutrition    mlnu
malnutrition    mlntrn
malt house     mlth
malting    mlt
maltster    mlts
man management    mamgt
manage    mg
manageable    mngl
management    mgt
management    mgm
management agreement    mgtag
management authority    mgtau
management authorities    mgtaus
management letter    mgtlt
management plan    mgtp
manager    mgr
managerial    mgrl
managerial prerogative    mglp
managing    mgg
managing agent    mnga
managing agent    mgga
managing agent    mngag
managing authorities    mggauys
managing authority    mngau
managing authority    mggauy
managing director    mngdirr
managing director    mgdirr
mandatory    mndty
Mandogalup    mdog
Mandogalup    mndo
Mandurah    mndh
manifestation    mfn
manifestation    mnifsa
manifold    mnfo
manipulate    mnpl8
manipulate    mnpl
manipulating    mnplg
manipulation    mnpl8n
manipulation    mnpln
Manjimup    mjm
Manjimup    mjb
Manjimup    mjp
manner    mnr
manoeuvre    mnvr
manoeuvre    mnv
manpower    mnpw
manual    mnl
manual of procedure    mnlpcdu
manually    mnly
manufacture    mnf
manufacturing    mnfg
manuscript    manu
map reading    mprdg
Marble Bar    marba
march    mar
Margaret River    margr
marijuana    mjn
maritime    mrtm
maritime industry    mrtmi
maritime workers    mrtmwk
maritime workers union    mrtwu
marked for identification    mfi
market    mk
market appraisal    mkapr
market garden    mkgd
market garden    mkgdn
market value    mkv
marketing    mktg
marketing campaign    mktgc
marketing manager    mkgmgr
marketplace    mkp
marriage    mrg
marriage certificate    mctf
marvellous    mrv
marvellous    mvls
Marxism    mrx
Marxism    mxm
Marxism    mrxm
Marxist-Leninist    marlen
mass produced    mpd
mass production    mpdn
massive    msv
master plumbers association    mpa
material    mtl
material and financial resources    mfirsc
material and financial resources    mtlfirsc
material and financial resources    mtlfrsc
material science    mtlsc
material time    mtlt
materialism    mtlm
materially    mtly
maternal    mtnl
mathematical    mthml
mathematics    mthmc
Matilda Bay    matb
matrimonial home    mathom
matrix    mtx
matter    mt
matter-of-fact    mt-of
matter of fact    mtof
matter of time    mtot
maturity    mtuy
maximise    maxs
maximum    max
May    may
may be used in evidence    mbuiev
may it please    mipl
may it please the board    miplb
Maya MacLaren    maymac
maybe    myb
McCarthyism    mcarm
meals on wheels    mow
mean anything to you    mayt2y
meaning    mng
meaningful    mngf
meanwhile    mnwl
meanwhile    mnw
measure    msr
measure    ms
measurement    msm
measuring    msrg
meatwork    mtwk
meatworker    mtwkr
mechanic    mec
mechanic    mchc
mechanical    mecl
mechanical    mchl
mechanical engineer    mecheng
mechanical engineering    mechengg
mechanical engineering    meclngnrg
mechanism    mch
mechanism    mecm
Meckering    mek
Meckering earthquake    meaqk
media release    mrls
mediation    medn
medical    mdc
medical    mdcl
medical attention    mdcatn
medical centre    mdctr
medical certificate    mdctf
medical evidence    mdcev
medical examination    mdcxna
medical hospital    mhsp
medical practitioner    mdcprct
medical record    mdcrcd
medical report    mdcrp
medication    mdca
medicine    mdcn
mediocre    mdoc
meditation    medtn
meditative    medtv
Mediterranean    med
Mediterranean    Mdtrn
Meekatharra    mkth
meeting    mtg
Melbourne    mlb
Melbourne Theatre Company    mlbthc
melodies    mlds
Melville    mlv
Melvista Avenue    melva
member    mb
member    me
member of parliament    mprlt
members of the board    meobd
membership    mes
memorable    meml
memorable    myl
memorandum    memo
memorial    mmrl
memories    mems
memories    mys
memory    my
Mendelssohn     mnds
mention    mnt
mentioned before    mntbf
mentioning    mntg
merchandise    mrchd
mercury    hg
Merredin    mrdn
message    mesg
message    msg
messenger    mesgr
metal industry    metidy
metal trade workers    metrawk
metal trades    metra
metal work    mwk
metal workers    mwkr
metal workers union    mwku
metaphor    mtph
methinks    mtk
Methodist    mthdt
Methodist Ladies College    mlc
methodology    mthdy
methylamphetamine    mamp
metres    m
metropolitan    metro
metropolitan area    mtropa
metropolitan area    metroa
metropolitan council    metcou
Metropolitan Regional Planning Authority    mrpa
Mexican    mxn
Mexico    mxo
mic    Mike
micro-brewery    mbwy
microphone    mic
mid-month    mimo
mid-strength    mids
middle class    midcl
Middle East    mdle
Middle East    midea
middle management    midmgt
middle of the road    motr
Midland    mdla
Midland    mdld
Midland Railway Company    mrc
Midland Railway Company    mdldrc
Midland workshop    mdlwks
Midland workshops    mdldw
midnight    mdn
midwife    mdwf
midwifery    mdwfy
midwifery    mwfy
midwives    mdwv
might as well    miaw
miles an hour    mahr
militancy    mlty
militant    mltt
military    mltry
millimetre    mm
million    ml
million dollars    ml$
millionaire    mlna
mine maintenance    mmtac
mine worker    miwkr
mineral    mnrl
mineral sands    minsa
minesite    mnst
minesweeper    mswp
minesweeping    mswpg
minimal    mil
minimalism    mnlm
minimise    mis
minimising    misg
minimum    mi
mining companies    mcoys
mining company    mcoy
mining equipment    meqpt
minister    mnsr
minister    mnstr
minister    minr
Minister for Health    min4h
minister for the arts    m4a
ministerial    mnsrl
ministerial    minrl
ministerial consent    mnsrlc
ministerials    mnstrl
Ministry of Justice    minjus
minority    miny
minute    min
minute of proposed orders    minpod
misappropriate    mapro
misappropriation    mapron
misbehaviour    mbhvr
miscarriage    mcrg
miscellaneous    msc
miscellaneous equipment    msce
miscellaneous licence    msclc
Miscellaneous Workers Union    mwu
mischief    msch
misconduct    mcdu
misconduct restraining order    mrstgod
misdemeanour    msdm
misdemeanour    mdmnr
miserable    msrbl
miserable    msb
misfortune    mfnu
misleading    misldg
misleading    mldg
misleading representation    mldgrpan
mismanagement    msmgt
mismanagement    mmgt
misrepresentation    mrpan
mission    msn
missionaries    msnys
missionary    msny
mistake    mstk
misunderstand    musta
misunderstand    must
misunderstanding    mustg
misunderstood    musto
mitigate    mtga
mitigation    mtg8n
mitigation    mtgn
mixed use zone    muz
mixture    mxt
mobile    mob
mobile number    mobn
mobile phone    mopho
mobile phone    moph
mobile telephone    motl
model    md
moderate    mod
moderately    mody
Modern School    mods
Modern Women's Club    mwc
modernism    mdsm
modernism    modm
modification    mdfn
modified    mdfd
modified proposal    mdfp
modify    mdf
molecule    mclu
moment    mom
moment in time    momit
momentum    momu
momentum    mmtu
Monday    mon
monetary    mnty
monetary transaction    mntra
money    mn
money laundering    mnldg
money order    mnod
monitor    mntr
monotonous    mtns
monotony    monty
month    mo
month ago    mag
month to month    m2m
monthly    moy
months ago    msag
monument    mnmt
monumental    mnmtl
more important    mip
more often than not    mooftn
more often than not    motn
more often than not    moftn
more or less    mols
more or less    mool
moreover    mov
Morgan Realty Pty Ltd    morgrp
morning    mrng
mortgage    motg
mortgage broker    motgb
mortgagee    motge
mortgaging    motgg
mortgagor    motgr
Mortlocks    mtlk
Mosman Park    mospk
mosquito    msq
most important    mtip
most likely    mlkl
mother    mot
mother-in-law    motil
mother-of-pearl    motop
mother and father    motfat
motivate    mtv
motivating    mtvg
motivation    mtvn
motor driver's licence    mdl
motor mechanic    mmec
motor spirit    mspir
motor vehicle    mveh
motorbike    mbk
motorbike    mtbk
motorcycle    mcy
Mount Claremont    mtclm
Mount Hawthorn    mthwt
Mount Henry    mthn
Mount Lawley    mtlw
Mount Newman    mtnw
Mount Newman    mtnm
mountain    mntn
Mounts Bay Road    mtbyrd
Mounts Bay Road    mtbr
movement    mv
moving    mvg
moving on    mvgo
Mozart    mz
Mt Helena    mth
Mt Magnet    mtmg
Mt Pleasant    mtpl
much more important    mumip
Mukinbudin    muk
Mukinbudin    mkbd
Mullewa    mlw
multi-level    mltlv
multi-level car park    mlcpk
multi-residential    mrsdl
multi-skill    musk
multicultural    mcult
multicultural    mulcul
multiculturalism    mulculm
multidisciplinary    mdscpl
multinationals    mulnat
multiple    mltp
Mum and Dad    mad
Mundaring    mndg
Mundijong    mdj
municipal    mcpl
Municipal Workers Union    munwkun
municipality    munipy
municiple    munip
Murchison    murc
murderer    mrdr
musculature    musr
museum    musm
music    mu
music education    mused
music festival    mufsv
musical    musl
musical director    musdir
musical instrument    musli
musician    musn
musician    muscn
must have    mhv
my client    mcl
my friend    mf
my husband    mhsb
my instructions    minst
my learned friend    mlf
my learned junior    mlj
my opinion    mopi
my parents    mprnt
my partner    mpt
my respectful submission    mrs
my signature    msgnu
my understanding    myustg
my way of thinking    mwotk
my wife    mwf
myself    msf
myst    mystery
mysts    mysterious

Naltrexone    nltx
Nannup    nup
naphtha    nph
narrative    nrtv
Narrogin    nrgn
narrow    nrw
narrow gauge    nrwg
narrow gauge    nga
nationwide    natw
national    nal
National Australia Bank    nab
national estate    nesta
National Farmers' Federation    nff
national park    npk
National party    natp
National Party    natpar
national police certificate    npolctf
national police certificate    natpolc
National Portrait Gallery    naporg
national president    nprsd
National Rail    nara
National Rail    natr
National Rail Corporation    nrc
National Service    nsvc
nationalists    ntnlt
nationalities    nanys
nationalities    nalys
nationalities    nanls
nationality    nany
nationality    nalyt
native    ntv
native rights    ntvr
native title    natit
Native Title Act    natita
native title rights    natitr
natural    ntul
natural    ntutl
natural history    nhsty
natural justice    natjus
natural love and affection    natlovaf
naturalisation    ntula
naturalised    ntuli
naturalist    ntult
naturally    ntuy
nature    ntu
nature conservation    ncnsv
nature of offence    ntuofc
naughty    nght
naval    nvl
navigate    nvg
navigation    nvgn
navy    nv
Nazi Germany    nzg
near future    nfut
nearby    nrb
nearby residential properties    nbyrsdp
necessarily    necy
necessarily    nely
necessary    ne
necessity    nect
Nedlands    ndl
Nedlands City Council    ndlcc
need to be    n2b
need to do    n2d
needs to be    ns2b
nefarious    nfrs
negative    ngv
negativity    ngvy
negligence    nglc
negligent    nglt
negligible    nglb
negotiable    ngol
negotiate    ngo
negotiated    ngod
negotiating    ngog
negotiating committee    ngogc
negotiation    ngon
negotiation protocol    nptcl
neighbour    nghb
neighbourhood    nghbh
neighbouring    nghbg
neither    nei
neo-liberalism    nelib
nervous    nvs
nervous breakdown    nvsbkd
nervousness    nvsn
net zero    n0
Netbanking    ntbk
network    ntk
network    ntwk
networking    ntwkg
nevertheless    nvt
nevertheless    nvtl
New Australians    nausn
New England    nngla
New Guinea    ng
new music    nmus
new order    nod
New South Wales    nsw
New Year's Eve    nye
New York Philharmonic    nyp
New York Stock Exchange    nyse
New Zealand    nz
Newcastle    nwcs
newcomer    nwcm
Newman    nwm
newsagent    nwsa
newsletter    nwlt
newsletter    nwsl
newspaper    nwpp
newspaper    nwsp
next-of-kin    nok
next door    nxd
next door neighbour    ndnghb
next door neighbour    nxdnghb
next item    nxi
next month    nmo
next morning    nxmrn
next one    nx1
next week    nwk
next working day    nwkgd
Ngukurr    ngu
Nicholson Road    nicrd
Nicholson's    nch
night    ni
night locations    niloc
night school    nsch
night shift    nigs
night shift    nsh
night time    nit
nightclub    nclb
nightclub    nic
nightclub    nghc
nightmare    nghtm
nil balance    nbal
nine    9
nine o'clock    9o
nitrogen    n2
no-brainer    nbrn
no confidence    ncfdc
no doubt    ndbt
no doubt about that    ndabh
no later than    nlt
no matter    nmt
no one    n1
no one else    no1e
no one else    n1e
no problem    npb
no such thing    nosut
no such thing as    nosuta
no, that's fine    nh'f
no way in the world    nwitw
no worries    nwys
no worries    nows
nobody    nbd
nobody else    nbde
nominate    nma
nominate    nmn
nomination    nman
nomination    nmnn
nomination    nomn
nominee    nmne
non-government sector    ngvs
non-frangible    nfgb
non-existent    nxstt
non-conforming use right    ncur
non-frangibility    nfgby
non-conforming use    ncfu
non-compliance    ncmplc
non-addictive    nadcv
non-refundable    nrful
non-government agencies    ngvmagc
non-government    ngvm
non-government organisation    ngvmo
non-English speaking    nnglspk
non-worker    nwkr
non-profit    nprf
none whatsoever    nwsev
nonetheless    ntl
Noongar    ngr
Noonkanbah    nkb
Noonkanbah    nnkb
normal    n
normal practice    nprct
normally    ny
north    +n
North-West    nw
North America    nam
North American Indian    nami
North Cottesloe    nctsl
North Fremantle    nfre
North Melbourne    nmlb
North Perth    nper
Northam    nrth
Northam    Nth
Northam    ntm
Northam camp    nthc
Northbridge    nthb
Northcliffe    ncl
Northcliffe    norc
Northern Territory    norter
not-for-profit    n4p
not a problem    ntapb
not a problem    ntpb
not able    nl
not able to    nl2
not allowed to    nalwd2
not as far as I know    nafaik
not before    nbf
not for profit    nfp
not guilty    ngty
not only that    noh
not payable    npyl
not quite sure    nqs
not really    nrly
not that I can recall    nhicrca
not that I know of    nhiko
not that I recall    nhirca
not that I'm aware of    ntiaweo
not that I'm aware of    nhiaweo
not that long ago    nhla
not to my knowledge    ntmk
not to my knowledge    n2mk
notable    notl
nothing    ntg
nothing about it.     noabi
nothing else    ntge
nothing else to do    ntge2d
nothing like that    ntglh
nothing to do    ntg2d
nothing to do    nthg2d
nothing to do with    ntdw
notice    ntc
notice of inquiry    ntciqy
notice of termination    ntctrm
notice of termination    ntctmn
notice of variation    ntcvrn
noticeable    ntcl
noticing    ntcg
notification    ntfn
notified    ntfd
notify    ntf
notifying    ntfg
notwithstanding    ntw
novelty    nvlt
November    nov
novus actus interveniens    novacti
now and again    naai
now and again    nowaai
now present you with    npruw
nowadays    nwd
nowhere    nwh
nowhere else    nwhe
nowhere near    nwhn
nozzle    nzl
nuclear disarmament    nucdis
number    nu
number of    noof
number of    nuo
number of occasions    nuooca
number of years    nuoy
numerous    nmrs
Numurka    nmk
Numurka    nmrk
Nullarbor    nulb
nursery    nsy
nurses' union    nrsun
nursing home    nrsgh
Nutcracker    ntck
o'clock    o'cl
O'Neal    o'n
object    oj
objecting    ojg
objection    ojn
objectionable    ojl
objective    ojv
objectivity    ojvy
objector    ojr
obligation    obln
oblige    obl
obliged to    obl2
observance    obsvc
observation    obsvn
observe    obsv
observing    obsvg
obsession    obsn
obsessive    obssv
obstetric    obste
obstetric    obst
obstetrician    obsten
obstruction    obstn
obtain    obt
obtaining    obtg
obvious    obv
obviously    obvy
occasion    oca
occasional    ocal
occasionally    ocay
occupant    ocpt
occupation    ocpn
occupational health and safety    ohs
occupational therapist    occth
occupiers    ocpr
occur    ocu
occurred    ocud
occurrence    ocuc
occurrence book    ocucb
occurring    ocug
octane    8a
October    oct
odd thousand    o000
of course    oc
of course not.    ocn
of some sort    oss
of that    ofh
of that kind    ohk
of that nature    ohntu
of the day    otd
of the year    oty
of this kind    otk
of this nature    otntu
of those days    otsdy
off-the-plan    otpl
off-the-plan development    otpld
off the record    oftrcd
off the top of my head    otomh
off the top of my head    ottomh
off the top of your head    otoyh
off the top of your head    ottoyh
offence    ofc
offence report    ofcrp
offend    ofd
offender    ofdr
offending    ofdg
offending behaviour    ofdgb
offensive    ofsv
offer and acceptance    ofand
offer and acceptance    oanda
offers and acceptances    oandas
offers and acceptance    osanda
office    off
office    of
office bearer    ofber
office bearer    obberr
office bearing    ofberg
office manager    ofmgr
Office of State Revenue    ofsrv
Office of State Revenue    osrvnu
office protocol    optcl
officer    ofr
officer-in-charge    oic
officer of the day    ood
official    ofl
officially    ofly
oh my God    omg
oil refineries    orfnys
oil refinery    orfny
okay    ok
okay    ok.
okay    oko
Old Melbourne    omlb
old Swan Brewery    oswb
ombudsman    ombd
on-line    ol
on-the-job    otj
on behalf of    obhfo
on board    obd
on his behalf    ohibhf
on most occasions    omoca
on my behalf    ombhf
on one occasion    o1oca
on one occasion    o1oc
on one side of    o1so
on or before    oob4
on our behalf    oobhf
on strike    ost
on that    oh
on that document    ohdo
on that occasion    ohoca
on that occasion    onhoca
on that occasion    otho
on that one    oh1
on the contrary    otcoty
on the document    otdo
on the face of it    otfoi
on the first occasion    ot1oc
on the ground    otgr
on the last occasion    otloca
on the market    otmk
on the one hand    ot1h
on the one side    ot1s
on the other    otot
on the other hand    otoh
on the other side    otos
on the weekend    otwke
on the whole    otwh
on this basis    ontibs
on this document    oido
on this occasion    ontoca
on this occasion    otio
on those occasions    otsoca
on your behalf    oybhf
on your evidence    oyev
once a month    1amo
once a week    1awk
once a year    1ayr
once again    1ai
Once again    +ai
once before    1bf
once in a while    1iaw
once or twice    1co2c
once upon a time    1upat
one    1
one-to-one    121
one another    1ano
one day    1d
one her behalf    ohebhf
one month    1mo
one more thing    1mt
one o'clock    1o
one of the    1ot
one of the reasons    1otrs
one of the things    1ott
one of them    1otm
one of those    1ots
one of those things    1otst
one point    1.
one reason or another    1resoan
one reason or another    orsoran
one sort or another    1soanot
one that    1h
one thing and another    1thano
one thing and another    otaano
one thing led to another     1tl2ano
one way and another    owaano
one way or another    1woano
one way or another    owoano
one way or the other    owotot
one way or the other    1wotot
one week    1wk
one year    1yr
only a matter of time    oamtot
only a matter of time    omtot
Onslow Road    onrd
onto    o2
opera company    opcoy
opera company    opc
operat    op
operating    opg
operation    opn
operational    opnl
operational training    optrg
operative    opv
operator    opr
operetta    oprta
opiate    opa
opinion    opi
opinion evidence    opiev
opponent    opnt
opportunities    opus
opportunity    opu
opposite    opst
opposition    opos
optimistic    optmc
optimism    optmm
optometrist    optm
oral evidence    orev
oral historian    ohstn
oral history    ohst
Oral History Association of Australia    ohaa
oral history project    ohpj
oral history project    ohstp
oral submission    osb
Orbital    ob
Orbital Combustion Technology    obct
orbital engine    ongn
orchestra    orc
orchestra management    orcmgt
orchestral    orcl
orchestral managers    orchlmgr
order    od
orderlies    odys
orderly    ody
orders and requisitions    odrqn
ordinarily    ordl
ordinary    ord
ordinary seaman    ordsma
organisation    orgn
organisational    orgnl
organise    org
organised crime    orgc
organising    orgg
organism    orgm
orient    ornt
orientate    ornta
orientation    orntan
orienteer    orntr
orienteering    orntg
origin    ori
original    oril
originally    orily
originating    origg
orphanage    ophg
orthodox    odx
Osborne Park    ospk
other    ot
other one    ot1
other people    otpp
other ranks    ors
other than    otan
other than    oth
other than    ott
other than that    otth
other than that    othh
other than yourself    otanysf
otherwise    otw
ovu    overuse
ought to be    ou2b
our client    ocl
our records    orcd
ourselves    osv
out of balance    oobal
out of balance reconciliations    oobalr
out of character    oochr
out of control    ooctl
out of hand    ooh
out of my control    oomctl
out of tune    oot
out of your control    ooyctl
outcome    otcm
outgoings    otgg
outline of submissions    outsub
outline of submissions    ousb
outpatient    optn
outside clerk    oclk
outstanding    ostdg
outstanding    outsdg
outstanding    ostg
outstanding    otstg
outstanding cheque    ostgcq
outweigh    ow8
over    ov
over-award    ovaw
over and above    ovab
over and done with    ovadw
over strength    ovst
over the counter    ovtco
over the counter medicine    ovtcom
over the page    otpg
over the top    ovtt
over the weekend    ovtwke
over the years    ovty
over to    ov2
overall    ova
overbearing    oberg
overboard    ovbd
overcame    ovca
overcharge    ovch
overcharging    ovchg
overcome    ovc
overcome    ovco
overdose    ovdo
overdraft    ovdf
overdrawn    ovdn
overdrew    ovde
overdue    ovd
overhaul    ovha
overhead    ovh
overhead projector    ovhpj
overhead projector    opjr
overhead projector    ovpjr
overlap    ovl
overlook    ovlk
overlooking    ovlkg
overnight    ovn
overpayment    ovpym
overpayment    opym
overpower    ovpw
overseas    ovs
oversee    ovse
overseeing    ovsg
overshadow    ovsh
overshadowing    ovshg
oversight    ovsi
overtake    ovtk
overtaken    ovtkn
overtaking    ovtkg
overtime    ovt
overtook    ovto
overturn    ovtu
overview    ovv
overwhelm    ovwhm
overwhelming    ovwhg
overwhelmingly    ovwhy
overwhelmingly    ovwhmy
overzealous    ovzl
own volition     ovoln
owner-builder    o-bld
owner-builder    owbld
owner-builder    ownbld
owner builder    obldr
oxygen    oxy
OZ    ....??
ozone    o3
ozone layer    o3l
Pacific    pcf
Pacific Ocean    pcfo
Pacific Ocean    pacoc
pacifism    pcfm
pacifist    pcft
package    pkg
packaging    pkgg
packet    pkt
paddock    pdk
page    p
paginate    pgnt
pain relief    prlf
pain reliever    prlv
painters and dockers    paido
painters and dockers    pntdck
painters' registration board    prb
painting    pntg
painting    ptg
palliative care    pltvc
pamphlet    pmph
panel    pnl
Pantapin    pntp
paperwork    ppwk
Papua New Guinea    png
Paraburdoo    pbdo
Paraburdoo    prbd
parade    pde
parade ground    pdegd
paragraph    pg
paradox    pdx
paradoxical    pdxl
paradoxically    pdxy
parameter    pmtr
parapet wall    pptw
paraphernalia    phrpn
park    pk
park home    pkh
park home estate    pkhme
Parkerville    pkv
parking    prkg
parks and recreation    pkrc
parliament    parlt
parliament    prlt
parliamentarian    parltn
parliamentarian    prltn
parliamentary    prlty
parliamentary    parlty
parliamentary privilege    ppiv
part-time position    pttpos
part-time    ptt
part and parcel    papa
part of the problem    potpb
participat    ptc
participate    ptcp
participating    ptcpg
participation    ptcpn
participatory    ptcpy
particular    pt
particularly    ptly
partnership    ptns
parts per million    ppm
party to party    p2p
passage    psg
passageway    psgw
passenger    psgr
passion    pasn
passionate    psnt
passionfruit    psnf
passport    psp
password    psw
pastoral    pstl
pastoral industry    pstlidy
pastoral industry    pstli
pastoral lease    pastl
pastoral lease    pstls
pastoral worker    pstlw
pastoralist    pstlt
paternal    ptnl
patience    ptnc
patient    ptn
patrol    ptl
patronise    ptrns
patronising    ptrnsg
Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party    phon
pavement    pvm
pavilion    pvn
pavilion    pvln
pay-as-you-go    payg
pay period    pped
payable    pyl
payable    pyb
payable to    pyb2
payment    pym
payout    pyt
peculiar    pec
peculiar to    pec2
pedestal    pds
pedestrian    pedn
Peel Estate    pest
Peel Estate Settlement    pests
Peggy Holroyd    pho
Pemberton    pmb
penalties    pnlts
penalty    pnlt
penalty interest    penint
pensioner    pnsr
Pensioners' Action Group    pag
people    pp
pepper spray    ppspy
pepper spray    ppsp
pepper sprayed    ppspd
Peppermint Grove    ppmtg
per cent    %
per square metre    psqm
perceive    prcv
percentage    9g
perceptible    prcbl
perception    prcpn
percussion    perc
percussion    prcun
percussion    prcsn
percussion    pcun
percussionist    percnt
percussionist    perct
percussionist    pcuns
Percy Grainger    pegr
Perenjori    prj
perfection    prfcn
perform    pf
performance    pfc
performance criteria    pfccrt
performance criteria    pfcctr
performer    pfr
performing    pfg
performing arts    pfgar
perhaps    pe
period    ped
period of time    pedot
periodic tenancy    pedct
periodically    pedy
periods of time    pedsot
perjury    pjy
permaculture    prmcu
permanent    prmt
permanent hands    perm
permanent hands    prmth
permanent resident    president
perpetual    prpt
Perpetual Trustees    prpte
Perpetual Trustees    ppte
persevere    prsvr
perseverance    prsvrc
Persian carpet    pcarp
person    psn
person in bona fide control    pibfctl
person in bona fide control    pibf
person of interest    poi
person to person    ps2ps
personal    psnl
personal assistant    psnla
personal assistant    past
personal cheque    pcq
personal circumstances    psnlci
personal services    psnsvc
personal training    psntrg
personalities    psnts
personalities    psntys
personality    psnlt
personality    psnty
personally    psny
personnel    psnn
personnel    psnnl
personnel    psne
personnel officer    psnno
perspective    pspv
perspective    prspv
Perth City Council    pcc
Perth Flying Squadron    pfsq
Perth Jazz Society    pjs
Perth Modern    pmod
Perth Modern School    pmods
Perth Theatre Company    pertc
Perth Theatre Trust    pertt
Perth Theatre Trust    pertht
pessimistic    psmst
pest control    pctl
pest inspection report    pinspr
petty bourgeois    pbrg
petty bourgeois    pbor
petty bourgeois    pbrgs
petty officer    pyofr
petty officer    pofr
petty session    psess
Phaedra    phd
pharaoh    phr
pharmaceutical    phmcul
pharmaceutical    phmcl
pharmaceutical company    phmculc
pharmacist    phmct
pharmacist    phrmt
pharmacy    phmc
pharmacy    phrmy
phenomenal    phnml
phenomenon    phnm
Phil Sextone    psxt
philanthropy    philay
philanthropy    philanpy
Philharmonic    phlmc
Philippines    phlp
philosoph    phls
philosophical    phlyl
philosophy    phspy
philosophy    phly
Phoenix    phx
phone call    phnc
phone call    phcl
phone number    phnu
photocopied    phcd
photocopier    phcr
photocopy    phc
photocopying    phcg
photograph    ph
photograph    phg
photographer    phgr
photographing    phgg
photography    phgy
photography    phy
physical    phys
physical education    physed
physical training    phystrg
physically    physy
physician    phyn
physics    physs
physiology    physol
physiotherapist    physot
physiotherapist    physth
physiotherapist    phyter
physiotherapy    physoy
physiotherapy    physthy
pianist    pnt
piano    pno
piano accordion    pacdn
piano accordion player    pacdnp
piano forte    pnof
Piazzolla    pz
picket line    pktl
picket line    pikl
picture    pic
picture theatre    picth
picture theatre    pthtr
picturesque    picq
pigeon    pgn
Pilbara    pba
Pilbara    plb
Pilbara Iron    pbi
pilgrim    plgm
pilgrimage    plgmg
Pinjarra    pnj
Pink Boots Society    pbs
pioneer    pnr
pipeline    ppl
pipeline route    pplr
placards    plcd
place    palce
place of residence    plrsdc
place to place    pl2p
placement    plcm
plaintiff    ptf
planning    plng
planning commission    plancom
Planning Commission    plco
planning committee    plcte
planning process    pprc
planning scheme    plngs
plant operator    plopr
plantation    plnt
platform    plfm
platform    pfm
player    plr
playground    plyg
pleading    pldg
please    pl
please explain to me    plxpl2m
pleasurable    plsrl
pleasure    plsr
plebiscite    plbs
plumber    pbr
plumbing    pbg
pneumatic    pnmt
Pingelly    pngy
pocket money    pktmn
pocket money    pktm
poetry    poy
point in time    pit
point of contact    .ctt
point of no return    .onrtu
point of no return    ponrtu
point of time    pot
point of view    pov
points of claim    poc
points of defence    pod
points of view    psov
Poland    pld
polic    pol
police and citizens    pandc
police and citizens    polctz
police and citizens youth club    pcyc
police car    polc
police certificate    polctf
police clearance    pclrc
police force    polf
police liaison officer    plo
police officer    polof
police station    polstn
police union    polcun
police vehicle    polv
policeman    polm
policies    polys
policing    polg
policy    poly
policy development    polyv
policy officer    polyof
Polish    pls
political    poltl
political    pltcl
political activism    polact
political activism    pltacvm
political part    polpt
politically    polty
politically    plty
politician    pltcn
politician    poln
politician    poltn
politicking    poltg
politics    polt
politics    pltcs
politics    plt
pollute    polu
pollution    polun
pollution    pltn
pollution    puln
polystyrene    plyst
populace    popc
popular    popr
population    pop
pornography    porn
Port Adelaide    ptad
port authority    pauy
Port Hedland    pthd
Port Moresby    ptmsb
portfolio    ptfl
portfolio    pfl
Portuguese    prtgs
position    pos
positioning    posg
positive    psv
possession    posn
possession    pssn
possibilities    psbts
possibility    psbt
possible    psb
possibly    psby
post-graduate    pgrd
post and telegraph    postel
post master general    pstmgn
post office    po
postal ballot    pblt
poster    pst
potential    pntl
pounds per square inch    psi
poverty    pvt
powder    pwd
power    pw
power of attorney    pwaty
power point    pwpt
power station    pwstn
powerful    pwf
powerhouse    pwh
powerless    pwls
powerline    pwln
powers that be    pwshb
practical    prctl
practical experience    pracxpc
practical experience    prctxpc
practical experience    pxpc
practice    prcc
practise    prcs
practitioner    prct
pre-accident wages    pracwg
pre-accident occupation    pracoc
pre-hearing    prhrg
pre-accident duties    pracdu
pre-accident work    pracwk
pre-accident employment    pracem
pre-hearing conference    prhrgcnf
pre-accident    prac
pre-trial conference    ptlcnf
pre-arranged    parg
pre-trial conference    prtlcnf
pre-existing    pxstg
pre-trial conference    prtlc
pre-selection    psln
precedence    pcdc
precedence    prcdc
precedent    pcdt
precedent    prcd
precinct    pcnt
precious    prec
predecessor    pdcsr
predecessor    prdcsr
predicament    prdim
prediction    predn
predominance    prdmc
predominant    prdmt
predominantly    prdmty
prefer    prf
prefer to    prf2
preferable    prfl
preferable    prfb
preferably    prfby
preference    prfc
preferred    prfd
preferred option    prfop
preferred to    prfd2
prejudging    pjg
prejudice    pjd
prejudicial    pjdl
preliminaries    prls
preliminary    prl
preliminary breath test    prlbreat
preliminary final    prlmf
preliminary hearing    prlhrg
preliminary issue    prlis
preliminary review    prlrv
preliminary training school    prlts
Premier    prm
premiership    prmsp
premiership    pmsp
premises    prms
preparation    prpn
prepare    ppr
prepared by    ppby
prepared piano    ppno
prepared to continue    prp2ctu
prerequisite    prqst
presence    prce
present    pr
present day    prdy
present day    prd
present in court    pric
present in court    pricrt
present to you    pr2u
present you with    pryw
present you with    pruw
presentation    pra
presented to you    prd2u
presentence report    prstcrp
presently    pry
preservation    prsvn
preserve    prsv
presidency    prsdc
president    prsd
press release    prels
press release    psrel
pressure    prs
prestige    prst
prestigious    prstgs
presumably    prsby
prevalence    prvlc
prevalent    prvlt
previous    pvs
previous to    pvs2
previously    pvl
previously    pvsy
primarily    1mly
primarily    pmly
primary    1y
primary    1my
primary    pmy
primary school    psch
prime minister    pminr
prime mover    pmv
prime mover    prmv
Princess Margaret    pmarg
Princess Margaret Hospital    pmh
princip    pri
principally    priy
printout    prout
printout    pout
prior conduct    prcdu
prior possession    prpos
prior to    pr2
prior to settlement    p2s
prior to settlement    pr2stlm
prior to that    pr2h
prior to the commencement off the interview    pr2cmmi
prior written consent    pwc
priorities    prtys
priority    prty
prisoner    psnr
prisoner-of-war    pow
prisoner    prsnr
prisoners-of-war    pows
privacy    pvcy
private    pte
private capacity    pcpcy
private enterprise    prient
private enterprise    ptent
private enterprise    pteent
private hospital    pthsp
private hospital    prhsp
private practice    pprac
private practitioner    pprct
privatisation    pten
privatisation    ptein
privilege    pv
privy to    prv2
privy to    pvy2
probability    pbt
probably    pby
probation    pbn
probationary    pbny
probationary driver    pbnyd
problem    pb
problematic    pbc
procedural    pcdul
procedural    pcdual
procedural fairness    pcdulf
procedurally     pcduy
procedure    pcdu
procedure manual    pcdum
procedures manual    pcdumnl
proceed    pcd
proceeding    pcdg
process    prc
processing    prcg
procession    prcn
prodigious    prdgs
produce    pdu
produce    pd
producing    pdg
product    pdt
production    pdn
productive    pdv
productivity    pdvy
profession    pfs
professional    pfsl
professional development    pfsldv
professional development    pdvm
professional indemnity insurance    pfslii
professional indemnity    pfsli
professional opinion    pfsopi
professionalism    pfslm
professionally    pfsy
professor    prof
professor    pfsr
proficiency    pfcy
profit    pft
profit and loss    pandl
profit and loss    prolos
profit and loss statement    prolostm
profound    pfd
program    pm
programming    pmg
programming order    pmgo
programming orders    pmgod
progress    prg
progress payment    prgp
progressing    prgg
progression    prgn
progressive    prgv
progressively    prgvy
prohibit    phb
prohibition    phbn
prohibitive    phbv
project    pj
project management    pjmgt
project manager    pjmgr
projectile    pjl
projection    pjn
projector    pjr
Prokofiev    Prkv
proletarian    prltrn
proletariat    prlrt
promotional material    promlmat
pronouncements    prncm
propellor    prpl
properties    ppts
property    ppt
property appraisal    pptap
property condition report    pptcr
property condition report    pcndrp
Property Group    pptg
property indemnity insurance    pptii
property inspection report    pptir
property investment    pptinvm
property management    pptmt
property manager    pptmr
property title    ppttl
proportion    ppn
proposal    ppsl
propose    pps
proposed lot    ppsdl
proposed orders    ppsod
proposing    ppsg
proposition    ppos
proprietary    ppty
proprietor    pptr
prosecute    pscu
prosecuting    pscug
prosecution    pscn
prosecutor    pscur
protestant    prts
protocol    ptcl
protocol    prtc
prototype    proty
provide    pvd
provide to    pvd2
provided to    pvdd2
provided with    pvdw
providing    pvdg
provision    prv
provisional    prvl
proviso    prvo
provocation    pvcn
provocative    pvcv
proximate    pxm
proximity    pxmy
psychiatri    psyc
psychiatric    psycc
psychiatric nurse    psycnu
psychiatrist    psyct
psycholog    psyg
psychological    psygl
psychologist    psygt
public    pub
public advocate    pubad
public domain    pubdom
public health department    pubhd
public holiday    pubhol
public hospital    puhsp
public interest    pubint
public liability    publbly
public liability    plbly
public meeting    pubmtg
public meeting    pbmtg
public officer    pubof
public opinion    pubop
public participation    pptc
public record    pubrcd
public relations    prel
public relations    pubrel
public safety    pbsf
public sector    pbsec
public servant    pbsvt
public servant    psvt
public servant    pubsvt
public service    ps
public service    pubsvc
public transport    ptpt
public trust    pbtru
public trustee    pubt
publication    pbln
publication    pbla
publicity    pblty
publicity    pbly
publish    pbl
punishment    pnshm
purchase    puc
purchase price    pucp
purchaser    pcur
purchaser    pucr
purchasing    pucg
purpose    pu
purposes of the tape    puott
purposes of voice identification    pusvidf
pursuant to    pusto
pursuant to    pus2
pursue    psu
pushbike    pbk
pushbike    pshb
put it that way    pihw
put it this way    pitw
put it to you    pity
put to one side    p21s
put to you    pty
put to you    p2u
putting it to you    pgity
putting to you    ptgty
puzzle    pzl
Quairading    qrd
qualification    qlfn
qualified    qlfd
qualified audit report    qfarp
qualifies    qlfs
qualify    qlf
qualitative    qlv
qualities    qlys
quality    qly
quality assurance    qlyas
quality of life    qol
quality of life    qlyol
quantify    qtf
quantitative    qtv
quantities    qtys
quantity    qty
quantum    qm
quarantine    qtn
quarantined    qrnt
quarrel    qrl
Quarry Amphitheatre    qamp
quarter    qtr
quarter of an hour    qthr
quarterly    qtrl
quarterly    4ly
quartermaster    qrtm
quartermaster sergeant    qms
quartet    4tt
Queen Elizabeth II    qe2
Queen's Counsel    qc
Queens Park    qpk
Queensland    qld
queries    qys
query    qy
questionnaire    qna
questionnaire    qnn
quick    qk
quick look at that    qlah
quick off the mark    qotmk
quicker    qkr
quickly    qky
quid pro quo    qpq
quintessential    5esl
quintessentially    5esly
quite    qt
quite a bit    qtab
quite a few    qaf
quite a few    qtaf
quite a lot of    qtalo
quite a while    qtaw
quite amazing    qamzg
quite familiar with    qfmlrw
quite often    qof
quite often    qto
quite some time    qtsmt
quite some time    qst
quotation    qoa
quote    qo
R & I    randi
R & I Bank    randib
racecourse    rccs
racehorse    rchs
Rachmaninoff    rach
racial discrimination    rdscmn
radiation    radn
radiation    rdn
radical    rad
radioactive    rdact
radioactive    ractv
radioactive waste    ractvw
radiographer    rdgph
radiologist    rdlgt
radiology    rdlg
radiology    rdlgy
radiotherapy    rdth
railway    rlwy
railway line    rlwyl
railway line    rlyl
Railway Parade    rlwyp
Railway Parade    rlyp
railway station    rlwys
railway track    rlwyt
railway workshop    rwksp
Raindrops Are Falling On My Head    rain
Raine and Horne    raiho
raise the consciousness    raitcon
raising the consciousness    raigtcon
ramification    rmfn
rangelands    rngl
rank and file    randf
rank and file    r&f
rank and file    rkf
rank and file    rkfi
ratepayer    rtp
ratepayers    rtpy
rates and taxes    ratx
rather    ra
rather    rat
rather than    ratn
rather than    ratt
raw materials    rmtl
Ray White    ryw
re-examination    rxna
re-examination    rexna
re-examine    rexn
re-examine    rxn
re-inspection    rinspn
re-inspect    rinsp
re-subdivision    rsdiv
re-establish    restb
re-elected    reeld
re-elect    reel
re-establishing    restbg
re-register    rreg
re-registration    rregn
reaching    rchg
reaction    rean
reactor    rear
read between the lines    rbttl
reader    rdr
readily    rdly
readily available    rdlav
readily aware    rdlawe
readiness    rdyn
reading    rdg
readjust    radj
readjustment    radjm
ready    rdy
ready to    rdy2
ready to go    rdy2g
ready to proceed    r2pcd
ready, willing and able to    rwal
real estate    rest
real estate agency    restay
real estate agent    resta
real estate and business sales representative    restbu
real estate and business agents licence    rebal
real estate and business agent    restba
Real Estate and Business Agents Act    rebaa
Real Estate and Business Agents Act    restbaa
Real Estate and Business Agents Supervisory Board    reba
Real Estate and Business Agents Act 1978    rebaa1
real estate branch    restbr
real estate industry    resti
Real Estate Institute of Western Australia    REIWA
real estate representative    restrpv
real estate sales agent    restsa
real estate sales representative    restsrpev
real estate settlement agent    restlma
Real Estate Supervisory Board    resb
real estate transaction    restra
realise    rlis
realisation    realn
realistic    rlstc
realistically    rlstcy
reality    rlt
really    rly
reappear    rape
reappearance    rapec
reappeared    raped
reappointed    reapod
reappointment    reapom
rear view mirror    rvm
rear vision mirror    rvsm
rearrangement    rargt
reason    rs
reason for    rs4
reason why    rsw
reason why    rsy
reasonable    rsl
reasonably    rsly
reasoning    rsg
reasons for decision    rs4dc
reassess    reas
reassessment    reasm
rebuild    rbld
rebuilding    rbldg
rebuilt    rblt
recall    rca
recalling    rcag
receipt    rct
receipting    rctg
receive    rc
receiver    rcvr
receiver and action    rcac
receivership    rcsh
receivership    rcvsp
receiving    rcvg
reception    rcp
receptionist    rcpt
recession    rcsn
recipient    rcipt
recital    rctl
reckon    rkn
reckoning    rkng
reclamation    rclmn
recognise    rcg
recognising    rcgg
recognition    rcgn
recollect    rco
recollection    rcn
recollection    rclcn
recommencement    rcmmt
recommend    rcm
recommendation    rcma
recommending    rcmg
reconcile    rcl
reconcile    rcnl
reconciliation    rcln
reconciliation    rcnln
reconciliation    rcncla
reconciliation    rcncln
reconciling    rcnlg
reconciling    rclg
reconnaissance    rcnsc
reconsider    rcs
reconsideration    rcsa
reconstruct    rcnst
reconstruction    rcnstn
record    rcd
record company    rcdy
record companies    rcdys
record keeping    rcdkpg
record of interview    rcditv
recording    rcdg
recover    rcv
recovery    rcvy
recreation    recrn
recreation    rcrn
recruit    rcrt
recruit training    rcrtrg
recruit training    rctrg
recruiting    rcrtg
recruitment     rcrtm
rectification    rctfn
rectified    rctfd
rectify    rctf
recurrence    rcuc
recurring    rcug
Red Parrot    repa
Redback    rbk
Redcliffe    redc
redevelop    rdvp
redevelopment    rdvm
redevelopment    rdvpm
redistribution    rsdtbn
redocumentation    redoa
reduce    rdu
reducing    rdug
reduction    rdun
redundancies    rdncs
redundancy    rdcy
redundancy    rdnc
redundant    rdnt
reel-to-reel    r2r
refer    rf
refer to    rf2
refer to as    rf2a
refer you    rfy
refer you to    rfy2
refer you to    rfu2
refer you to document    rfu2do
referee    rfe
reference    rfc
reference to    rfc2
referendum    rfrnd
referendum    rfndu
referral    rfl
referred    rfd
referred for    rfd4
referred to    rfd2
referred to you    rfd2u
referred you    rfdu
referred you to    rfdu2
referring    rfg
referring to    rfgt
referring to    rfg2
referring you to    rfgu2
refers to    rfs2
refine    rfn
refineries    rfnys
refinery    rfny
refining    rfng
reflection    rfln
reformer    rfmr
refresh    rfsh
refreshment    rfshm
refrigeration    rfgn
refrigeration    rfgtn
refrigerator    rfrgr
refrigerator    rfgr
refrigerator    rfgtr
refugee    rfge
refund    rfu
refundable    rful
refurbish    rfb
refurbishment    rfbm
refusal    rfsl
regard    rga
regard    rg
regarding    rgag
regarding that    rgagh
regarding this    rgagt
regardless    rgal
regenerated     rgen
regeneration    rgnn
regeneration    rgna
regenerator    rgenr
regiment    rgmt
regiment    regt
regimental number    regtnu
region    rgn
regional    rgnl
register    reg
registered    regd
registered number    regnu
registered number    regdnu
registering    regg
registrar    regr
registrar caveats    regrcv
registrar of the board    regrbd
registration    regn
registration certificate    regnctf
registration number    regno
registry    regy
regular    rgl
regular basis    rglb
regularly    rgly
regulation    rgln
regulator    rglr
regulatory    rglt
regulatory authority    rglya
regulatory authority    rglta
rehabilitate    rhbt
rehabilitation    rehabn
rehabilitation    rhbln
rehabilitation    rhbn
rehearsal    rhsl
rehearsing    rhsg
reimbursement    reimbum
reinforce    rnfc
reinforcement    rnfmt
reinstatement    rinstm
reintegration    rinteg
reinterview    reitv
reject    rj
rejection    rjn
rejuvenate    rjv
rejuvenation    rjvn
relate to    rel2
related to    reld2
relating to    rlg2
relating to    relg2
relating to    reltg2
relation    rel
relationship    rels
Relationships Australia    relsaus
relative    rtv
relative    rltv
Relative Band Festival    rbf
relatively    rltvy
relax    rlx
relaxation    rlxn
release    rls
release form    rlsf
release of money    rlsom
released to    rlsd2
releasing    rlsg
relevance    rlvc
relevant    rlvt
reliability    rlbt
reliable    rlbl
relied upon    reldup
relief    rlf
relieve    rlve
relieve    rlv
relieving    rlvg
religion    rlg
religious    rlgs
relinquish    rlq
relinquishment    rlqm
rely upon    relup
remain    rma
remainder    rmad
remaining    rmag
remains unchanged    rmau
remand    rmd
remark    rmk
remarkable    rmkl
remarkably    rmky
remember    re
remember from    ref
remember what    rew
remembered    red
remembering    rei
remind    rmi
reminder    rmir
reminding    rmig
remnant vegetation    rmvegn
remorse    rms
remorseful    rmsf
removal    rmvl
removal of a caveat    rmvlacvt
removal of caveats    rmvlcvt
removalists    rmvli
remove    rmv
removing    rmvg
remuneration    rmna
remuneration    remun
remuneration    rmun
Renaissance    rnac
rendezvous    rdvz
renegotiate    rngo
renew    rnw
renewal    rnwl
renovation    rnvn
rent arrears    rarr
rent roll    rero
rent roll    rtrl
rent roll    rrl
rental arrears    rlarr
rental property    rppt
rental trust account    rtrac
reorganisation    rorgn
reorganise    rorg
repair    rpa
repatriation    repat
repayment    rpym
repercussion    rprc
repertoire    rprt
repetitive    rptv
replacement    rplm
report    rp
reporter    rpr
repository    rpsty
repository    reposy
represent    rpe
representation    rpan
representation    rpea
representative    rpev
represented person    rpsn
represented person    rpedp
represented person    rpepsn
representing    rpeg
repressed unconscious    rucnsc
reprimand    rpmd
reproduce    rpdu
reproduction    rpdn
reputation    rputn
reputation    rpun
reputation    repn
requalification    rqlfn
requalify    rqlf
request    rqe
requesting    rqeg
require    rq
require you    rqu
required to    rqd2
requirement    rqm
requires you    rqsu
requiring    rqg
requisite    rqt
requisition    rqn
requisition    rqsn
requisition notice    rqntc
reschedule    rschd
rescue    rcu
research    rsch
researcher    rschr
researching    rschg
reservation    rsvn
reserve    rsv
resettlement    rsltm
residence    rsdc
residency    rsdcy
resident    rsd
residential    rsdl
residential address    rsda
residential planning codes    rsdlpc
residential premises    rsdlp
Residential Tenancies Act    rsdlta
Residential Tenancies Act    rtcya
residential zone    rsdlz
residual    rsdul
residue    rsdu
resignation    rsgn
resilience    rslc
resist    rsst
resistance    rsstc
resistance    rstnc
resisting    rsstg
resolution    rsoln
resolve    rslv
resolving    rslvg
resource    rsrc
resource    rsc
resourceful    rscf
resources    rsrcs
respect    rspe
respect to    rspe2
respectability    rspey
respectable    rspel
respectfully    rspefy
respective    rspev
respite    rspi
respond    rspd
respond to    rspd2
respondent    rspt
respondent    rt
responding    rspdg
response    rsp
response to    rsp2
responsibilities    rspys
responsibility    rspy
responsible    rspl
responsible for    rspl4
responsible to    rspl2
responsive    rspv
restaurant    rstau
restaurant    rstnt
restaurant    restu
restoration    rstrn
restrain    rst
restraining    rstg
restraining order    rstgod
Restraining Orders Act    rstgoda
restrict    rstc
restrict    rstr
restriction    rstn
restrictive    rstv
restructure    rstru
restructure    restr
restructuring    rstrug
restructuring    restrg
restructuring    rsturg
resubdivision    resdivn
result    rsu
resulting    rsug
retail    rtl
retain    rta
retainer    rtnr
retainer    rtar
retaining    rtag
retaining wall    rtagw
retention    retn
retirement    rtrm
retirement village    rtmv
retirement village    rvlg
retirement village    rtrmv
retiring    rtrg
retrench    rtrc
retrenchment    rtrcm
retrospect    rtros
retrospectively    retrospy
return    rtu
return on investment    roi
return to    rtu2
return to work    rtw
returnable    rtul
returned to    rtud2
returning    rtug
returning officer    rtugo
returns to Nui Dat    rtnn
reunion    reun
reunion    reu
reveal    rev
revegetate    rvega
revegetation    rvegn
revelation    rvlan
revelation    revn
revelatory    revly
revenue    rvnu
reverse    rvs
review    rv
review hearing    rvhrg
review officer    rvofr
reviewing    rvg
revolution    rvln
revolution    rvoln
revolutionary    rvlny
reward    rwd
rewarding    rwdg
rezoning    rzg
rhythmic    rhymc
ridgeline    rdgl
ridiculous    rdcl
right    r
right-hand side    rhs
right-hand    rh
right-hand corner    rhc
right-hand column    rhcl
right-hand turn    rht
right-hand corner    rhcn
right-wing    rw
right from the beginning    rftbgig
right from the start    rfts
right of way    row
right opposite    ropst
right to be heard    r2bh
rigorous process    rigprc
riparian zone    rpz
risk    rk
risk assessment    rka
risk management    rkm
risk management    rkmgt
Rivervale    rvv
rivet    rvt
rivetting    rtvg
rivetting    rvtg
road    rd
road reserve    rrsv
Road Traffic Act    rotra
Road Traffic Act    rtfca
roadhouse    rdhs
roadworks    rdwk
roadworthiness    rdwn
roadworthy    rdw
robberies    rbys
robbery    rby
Robe River    robr
rock and roll    rnr
Rockingham    rkhm
Rocky Ridge    rr
Rocky Ridge Brewing    rrb
Roe Highway    roeh
Roger Smalley    rosm
Rokeby    rkb
Rokeby Road    rkbr
Rokeby Road    rkr
Romantic    rmtc
Romanticism    rmtcm
rotary engine    rngn
roughly    rghy
round about    rab
roundabout    rdab
Roy Weston    royw
Roy Weston Group    roywg
Royal Australian Navy    ran
Royal Commission    royco
Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club    rfbyc
Royal Melbourne Hospital    rmh
Royal Navy    rn
Royal Perth Hospital    rph
Royal Perth Yacht Club    rpyc
ruined accordion    racdn
ruined piano    rupno
ruined piano    rpno
rules of evidence    ruev
run of the mill    rotm
runner-up    rnup
runners-up     rnsup
running sheet    rngsh
rural residential    rures
rural residential    rrsdl
rural strategy    rstgy
rural zone    ruz
sacrifice    scrfc
safe working system    swkgsy
safeguard    sfg
safety    sft
safety officer    sfto
safety officer    sofr
Sail and Anchor    saanc
sailor    slr
Saint Brigid's    stbgd
sale of land contract    salcot
sale of land contract    solcot
sales administrator    sadminr
sales agent    saagt
sales commission    sco
sales commission advance    scoad
sales contract    scot
sales coordinator    scord
sales manager    smgr
sales meeting    slmtg
sales rep    srep
sales representative    srpev
sales transaction    stra
sales trust account    strac
salesman    sman
salesperson    spsn
salinity    slnt
salinity    slny
Salvation Army    salvo
Salvation Army    salvarm
same sort of     saso
sanctioned    snct
Sands and MacDougalls    smac
sandwich    sndw
sandwiches    sndws
satisfaction    stfn
satisfaction    sfn
satisfactorily    stfly
satisfactorily    stfl
satisfactory    stfy
satisfied    stfd
satisfy    stf
satisfy itself    stfit
satisfying    stfg
Saturday    sat
saving    svg
Sawyers Valley    swyv
saxophone    sxp
saxophonist    sxpt
say to myself    s2msf
say to yourself    s2ysf
scaffold    scf
scaffolders    scfr
scaffolding    scfg
Scarborough    scrb
Scarborough Beach Road    scrbchr
scenario    scnr
scenario    snro
scenario    scno
scepticism    scptm
schedule    schd
scheduling    schdg
scheme    sche
scheme of things    scheot
scheme of things    schot
Schoenberg    schb
scholarship    scls
scholarship    schls
scholarship committee    sclsc
school    sch
school holidays    schol
school of music    schmu
school student    ssdt
school teacher    stch
schooling    schg
sciatica    scia
science    sci
science    scic
science fiction    scifi
scientific    scif
scientist    scit
scope of works    scwk
script    scr
sculpture    sclp
sculpturing    sclpg
seamen    smn
seamen's union    semun
seamen's union    semu
Seamen's union    smnu
search warrant    swnt
search warrant    schw
seasick    ssk
seasickness    sskn
seasonal    snl
second    sec
second-class    2cl
second-hand    sech
second-guess    2gs
second-guessing    2gsg
second-guessing    secgsg
second in command    2ic
second last    secl
second one    sec1
second page    2p
second paragraph    2pg
second semi-final    ssfnl
second taped interview    2titv
Second World War    2ww
secondary    seca
secondary    2y
secondary    secdy
secondary school    ssch
secondly    2ly
secondment    secm
secretarial    secyl
secretary    sct
secretary    secy
section    sc
secure    scu
security    scy
security    secu
security    scut
security bond    secub
security guard    secug
see    c
see what you mean    icwym
seeking    skg
seeking to    skg2
seize    sz
seizing    szg
seizure    szu
seizure notice    szun
select    sel
selection    seln
selective    selv
self-esteem    slfstm
self-managed    slfmg
self-executing    sxcug
self-development    sdvm
self-confidence    scfdc
self-reliance    srlnc
self-satisfaction    sstfn
self-sufficient    ssuf
seller client    scli
seller's authority    selauy
seller's authority    s'auy
seller's disclosure statement    sdsclus
selling agency agreement    sayag
selling agency agreement    sagcyagmt
selling agency authority    sagauy
selling agency authority    sagcyauy
selling agent    sagt
selling agent    seagt
selling agent agreement    saagmt
selling agent agreement    sagtagmt
selling agreement    sagmt
selling authorities    sauys
selling authority    sauy
semi-trailer    smtr
semi-detached    semid
semi-trailer    stlr
semi-trailer    strlr
semi-final    sfnl
seminar    smnr
Senator Alston    senal
senior    snr
senior citizens    scz
senior citizens    sscz
senior citizens    sctz
senior citizens' centre    sctzc
senior constable    sencob
Senior High School    shs
Senior Sergeant    sensgt
senior vice-president    svp
seniority    snrt
sense of belonging    soblngg
sense of humour    soh
sensible    snsb
sensitive    snsv
sensitivity    snsvy
sent to you    s2u
sentence    stce
sentencing    stcg
Sentencing Act    stcga
sentencing hearing    stcgh
separate    sepa
separately    sepay
separating    sepag
separation    sepan
separator    separ
September    sep
sequence    sqc
sequence of events    sqcev
sequencing    sc4qg
sequential    sql
sergeant    sgt
serial number    serno
serious    srs
seriously     srsy
seriousness    srsn
Servetus Street    srvts
service    svc
service provider    svcpvd
service station    svcstn
serviceable    svcl
servicemen    svcm
servicing    svcg
sesquicentenary    sqcten
session    ssn
setback    stbk
setback    sbk
settle    stl
settlement    stlm
settlement agency    stlmay
settlement agent    stlma
Settlement Agents Act    stlmaa
Settlement Agents Act 1981    saa1
Settlement Agents Act 1981    stlmaa1
Settlement Agents Code of Conduct    sacocdu
Settlement Agents Supervisory Board    sasb
settlement date    stlmd
settlement fee    stlmf
settlement industry    stlmi
settlement on or before    stlmobf
settlement statement    stlmstm
settlement statement    stlms
settlement transaction    stlmt
settlement transaction file    stlmtf
settling    stlg
seven    7
seven o'clock    7o
several    sv
sex-offender    sxofd
sex based harassment    sxbh
sexual abuse    sxlab
sexual discrimination    sxdsc
sexual function    sxfnc
sexual gratification    sxgtfn
sexual harassment    sxhrm
sexual intercourse    sxi
Shaftesbury    shfts
Shaftesbury Theatre    shftst
Shakespeare    shks
Shakespearean    shkn
shareholder    shd
shareholding    shdg
shearer    shr
shearing    shrg
shearing team    shrgt
Shenton Park    shpk
Shenton Park Hotel    shpkh
Shenton Park Lake    shpkl
shift control    sctl
shift controller    sctlr
shift work    shwk
shift work    swk
Shighul    shl
ship-owner    show
ship building    sbldg
shipboard    shbd
shipment    shpm
ships, painters and dockers     spd
shipwrights    shpw
shock absorber    shabs
shop steward    shos
shop steward    sstew
shop steward    sstw
shopkeeper    shkp
shopping centre    shpctr
shopping centre    shctr
short adjournment    shaj
short stay    shst
shortage    shtg
shortfall    shfl
shorthand    sht
shorthand typing    shty
shovel    shv
show you this document    sutdo
siblings    sblg
sick berth attendant    sba
side of the road    sotrd
side to side    s2s
Sierra Nevada    snvd
signal    sgnl
signal box    sgnlb
signal box    sgnb
signal cabin    sigcab
signaller    sgnlr
signalling    sgnlg
signalling system    sgnlsy
signalman    sgnlm
signatories    sgnuys
signatories    sgnus
signatory    sgnuy
signatory    sgnty
signature    sgnu
significance    sgfc
significant    sgf
significantly    sgnfy
significantly    sgfl
signify    sgnf
silhouette    slht
similar    sml
similar to    sml2
similarity    smlt
similarly    smlly
simple    smp
simply    smpy
simultaneous    smltn
simultaneously    smltny
Singapore    sng
single-storey    ssty
single men's quarters    smq
Sir Charles Court    schaco
Sir Frank Callaway    sfca
sister-in-law    sisil
sister    sst
sister-in-law    sstil
site survey    ssvy
situated    sid
situation    si
six    6
six o'clock    6o
skill    sk
skill, care and diligence    skcdlg
skillful    skf
skipper    skp
slaughter    slght
Small Claims Tribunal    sctb
small scale    smsc
so as to speak    sa2sp
so far as     sfa
so far as I was concerned    sfaiwcn
so long as    sla
so on and so forth    sosf
so on and so forth    sos4
so that's that    sh'h
so to speak    s2sp
So what you're saying    swursag
social    socl
social activism    socactvm
social club    soclu
social inequalit    socineq
social injustice    socij
social justice    socj
social life    soclf
social media    smed
social revisionists    socrvn
social revolution    socrev
social security    socsec
social services    ssvc
social work    socwk
social worker    socwkr
social worker    scwkr
socialisation    socln
socialise    socls
socialised    socd
socialising    soclg
socialism    socm
socialism    sclm
socialist    soct
Socialist Party    soctp
socially    socly
societies    socs
society    soc
socioeconomic    socec
sociologist    soclgt
sociology    soclgy
software    sfw
soldier    sld
solicitor    sol
Solicitor-General    solgn
solidarity    sldty
solution    soln
some doubt    sdbt
some kind of    sko
some of the others    sotot
some of those    sots
some other ones    sot1s
some reason or other    srsot
some sort of    soso
some unknown reason    sunkrsn
somebody    smb
somebody else    smbe
somebody or other    smboot
somebody that I knew    smbhike
somebody that I knew    smbdhike
somehow    smhw
somehow    smh
somehow or another    smhoano
somehow or other    smhwot
somehow or other    smhoot
someone    smo
someone else    smoe
someone in your position     smoiypos
someone or other    smoot
something    smtg
something else    smtge
something like    smtgl
something like that    smtglh
something of the kind    smtgotk
something or other    smtgot
something to do    smtg2d
sometimes    smtm
sometimes    smt
somewhat    smwt
somewhat    smwa
somewhere    smw
somewhere along the line    smwatl
somewhere else    smwe
somewhere like that    smwlh
somewhere or other    smwoot
son-in-law    soil
son-in-law    sonil
sonata    snta
sonata    snt
sophisticated    soph
sophisticated    sphctd
sophistication    sophn
sorry    sry
sort of    srtf
sort of    sof
sort of    so
sort of business    sobu
sort of like    solk
sort of people    sopp
sort of person    sopsn
sort of stuff    sostu
sort of thing    sot
sort of thing    softg
sorts of    sso
sorts of people    ssopp
sorts of things    ssot
sound board    sobd
source    src
south-west    sw
South-West Highway    swhwy
South-West Regional Planning Committee    swrpc
South-East Asia    sea
South Africa    saf
South Australia    saus
South Belmont    sbmt
South Fremantle    sfre
South Hedland    shdl
South Melbourne    smlb
South Perth    sper
Southern Cross    sthx
southern hemisphere    shmsp
souvenir    svnr
Soviet Union    sovun
spacious    spcs
Spaniard    spnd
Spanish civil war    spciw
spark arrester    spkar
speak to    spe2
speak to    spk2
speaker    spkr
speaking    spkg
speaking to    spkg2
speaking with    spkgw
special    spc
special condition    spcnd
special conditions    spcnds
special residential    srsdl
special residential zone    srdlz
special residential    srdl
special rural zone    srz
special rural zone    sruz
specialise    spci
specialist    spclt
specialist    spct
specially    spcy
specific    spf
specific    spcf
specifically    spfy
specifically    spcfy
specification    spfn
specification    spcfn
specified    spcfd
specimen    spcm
spectacle    specl
spectacular    speclu
speculate    spcl
speculation    spln
speculation    spcln
speculative    specv
speculative    spclv
speculative    splv
speedboats    spdbt
speeding    spdg
speedway    spdw
Spencer's Brook    spcrb
sphere of influence    sphifl
spinifex    spx
spiritual    sprtl
spoke to    spo2
spoke to    spok2
spoken    spkn
spoken to    spkn2
spokesman    spksm
spokesperson    spksp
sponsor    spnsr
sponsorship    spnsrs
spring to mind    spr2m
squadron    sqn
square    sq
square metre    sqm
square metres    sq m
St Georges Hall    stgeoh
St Georges Terrace    stgeo
St John of God    stjog
St John of God    stjg
St John's    stj
St Kilda    stk
St Petersburg    stpet
stabilise    stbls
stability    stby
stability    stbly
stained glass window    stglw
stainless steel    sste
stakeholder    stkhd
stamp duty    stdty
standard    std
standard gauge    stdga
standard letter    stlt
standard of living    stdol
standard practice    stdp
standard practice    stdprct
standard procedure    stdpc
standing    stdg
standpoint    std.
starboard    stbd
State Administrative Tribunal    satb
State Engineer Works    sew
state government    sgvm
State Library    slby
state of affairs    stoaf
state of the art    start
State Planning Commission    splco
state president    sprsd
state revenue    srvnu
state revenue department    srvnud
state school    stsch
State Theatre Company    sthc
State Theatre Company    stc
statement    stm
statement of account    stmac
statement of affairs    stmafr
statement of agreed facts    stmagf
statement of claim    stmcl
statement of evidence    stmev
statement of experience    stmxpc
statement of facts    stmof
statement of facts    stmf
statement of issues, facts and contentions    stmisf
statement of material facts    stmtlf
station    stn
station master    stnm
station worker    stnwk
stationary    stna
stationery    stne
statistics    stst
status quo    stq
statutory    staty
statutory declaration    statdec
steadily    stdly
steady    stdy
steam engine    stngn
steamer    stmr
step grandfather     sgfat
step grandmother    sgmot
stepfather    sfat
stepmother    smot
stewards    stw
sticker    stkr
stimulate    stmla
stimulation    stmln
Stirling Highway    sthwy
stock exchange    sx
stockbroker    stkb
Stockhausen    stkh
stockpile    stkpi
stockpile    stkpl
Stoneville    stv
stop-work    stwk
stop-work meeting    swkm
stop you    sty
stop you at that point    syah.
stop you at that point    syahp
stop you at this stage    syats
stoppage    stpg
storekeeper    stkp
straight    str8
straight and narrow    str8nw
straight away    str8a
straight back    str8b
straight into    str8i2
straight line    str8l
straight run gasoline    srg
straight through    str8t
straight to    str82
straight to    stra82
straightaway    strawy
straighten    str8n
straightened    str8d
straightforward    str8f
strata company    strcoy
strata company    straco
strata complex    scplx
strata complex    strcplx
strata disclosure    stradsc
strata disclosure    strdscl
strata disclosure    stdsclu
strata lot    stral
strata management    stramt
strata management    stramgt
strata manager    stram
strata manager    stramr
strata mananger    stramgr
strata meeting    stramtg
strata plan    strap
strata plan development    strapd
strata property    strappt
strata referee    strarfe
strata survey    strsvy
strata survey plan    strasp
strata title    strti
strata title    strati
Strata Titles Act    stratita
strata unit    stru
strata unit    strau
strategic    stgc
strategy    stg
street    st
street address    stadr
streetscape    stsc
streetscape amenity    stsca
structural    strl
structural steel    strls
structure    str
structure plan    strp
strucural integrity    stritg
struggle    strg
struggling    strgg
student    sdt
studied    sdyd
studies    sdys
studio    sduo
study    sdy
studying    sdyg
stuff like that    stlh
stupefying drug    stpfd
sub-committee    scte
sub-branch    sbr
sub-contractor    scotr
subconsciously    subcony
subcontract    suct
subcontractor    suctr
subdivide    sdivd
subdivide    sdv
subdivider    sdivr
subdividing    sdivg
subdividing    sdvg
subdivision    sdiv
subdivision    sdivn
subdivision    sdvn
Subi Centro    subc
Subiaco    sub
Subiaco Football Club    subfc
Subiaco oval    subov
Subiaco oval    subo
subject    sj
subject land    sjl
subject lot    sjlo
subject property    sjp
subject to    sj2
subject to dealing    sj2dlg
subject to dealing    sj2d
subject to finance    sj2fi
subject to finance approval    sj2fiap
subjective    sjv
subjugate    sjg
submarine    sbmr
submission    sb
submit    sbt
subparagraph    sbpg
subpoena    sbp
subscription    spscp
subscription    sbscpn
subscription    subsn
subscription    sbscp
subsection    sbsc
subsequent    sbq
subsequent to    sbq2
subsequently    sbqy
subsidiary    sbd
subsidiary    sbsdiy
subsidiary    sbsdr
subsidies    sbsdys
subsidise    sbsds
subsidise    sbsd
subsidising    sbsdg
subsidy    sbsdy
subsoil    sbso
subsoil drain    sbsod
subsoil drainage    sbsodg
substance    sbs
substance abuse    sbsab
substandard    sstd
substantial    sbsl
substantial    sbl
substantiate    sbst
substantive    sbv
substation    sbstn
substitute    sbstu
substitute purchaser    subpuc
substitute purchaser    sbspuc
substitution    sbstun
subtotal    sut
suburb    sbu
suburb    sbb
suburb    subb
suburban    sbun
suburbia    sbba
succeed    suce
succeeded    suced
success    suc
successful    sucf
successfully    sucy
succession    sucn
successive    sucv
successor    sucr
such and such    susu
such like    sulk
sudden    sdn
suddenly    sdny
suddenly find    sdnlf
sufficient    suf
sufficient    sf
sufficiently    sufy
suggest    sg
suggest to you    sg2u
suggested    sgd
suggested to you    sgd2u
suggesting    sgg
suggestion    sgn
suggestive    sgv
suicide    sui
suitability    sutby
suitable    sutl
suitable    stbl
suitably    sutly
sulphur dioxide    so2
summarily    smly
summary    smy
summary of reconciliation    srcncl
Sunday    sun
Sunday school    sunsch
Sunday Times    sunt
Sunset Hospital    ssh
superannuation    supan
superannuation fund    supanf
superficial    spfc
superintendent    supt
superior    supr
superiority    supry
supermarket    supmk
supermarket    spmk
superphosphate    suph
superphosphate    supo
supervis    spv
supervised contact    spvctt
supervising    spvg
supervision    spvn
supervisor    spvr
supervisory    spvy
supplement    splm
supplemental brief    splmlb
supplementary    splmy
supplementary statement    splmys
supply chain    supch
support    sup
supported    supd
supporting    supg
supportive    supv
suppose    su
supposed to    su2
supposed to be    su2b
supposition    supn
suppression order    supod
Supreme Court    supcrt
surety    srt
surf lifesaving club    slsc
surface    sfc
surgeon    sgyn
surgery    sgy
surgical    sgyl
surprise    srp
surprised    srpd
surprising    srpg
surprisingly    srpsgy
surrender    srnd
surrounding    srdg
surveillance    svlc
survey    svy
survey of the national estate    svyna
survey strata    svystr
survey strata    sstra
survey strata plan    sstrap
survey team    svyt
surveyor    syvr
surveyor    svyr
survival    svl
survive    svv
survivor    svr
survivorship    svvs
survivorship    svs
susceptibility    susc
suspended sentence    sustc
suspension    sspn
suspicion    suspn
sustainable    sstnl
sustainability    sstnly
Swan River Trust    swrt
Swanbourne    swnb
Swan Brewery    sbwy
Swan Draught    swad
swearing    swrg
switchboard    swbd
Switzerland    swtz
swordsman    swdm
Sydney    syd
Sydney Theatre Company    sydtc
syllabus    syl
symbolic    symbc
symbolism    symbm
sympathy    symy
sympathy    symp
symphony orchestra    symor
symptom    sym
synagogue    syg
syndicate    synd
syndrome    syn
synthesiser    synt
synthesiser    synsi
synthesiser    synr
syringe    syr
system    sy
system in place    syip
systematic    sya
systematically    syy
systematically    syal
take into account    ti2ac
take into consideration    ti2csa
take into consideration    tki2csa
take you    ty
take you back    tyb
take you back to    tyb2
take you through    tyth
take you to    tyt
take you to    ty2
take your time    tyti
taken into account    tin2ac
taken into account    tni2ac
taken into account    tnirac
taken into consideration    tin2csa
taken into consideration    tkni2csa
taken over    tknov
takeover    tkov
talk about    tlkab
talking about    tlkgab
tally clerk    talc
tangible    tgbl
tanker    tkr
tape recorded    trcd
tape recorded interview    trcdi
tape recorded interview    trcditv
tape recorder    tprcd
taped interview    titv
tariff    trf
task force    tkfc
Tasmania    tas
tax deduction    txdn
tax department    txdp
tax file number    txfnu
tax invoice    tivc
tax invoice    txi
tax liability    txlbl
tax office    txof
tax return    txrtu
taxable    txl
taxable income    txlic
taxation    taxn
taxonomist    txnt
taxonomy    txny
taxpayer    txpy
taxpayers' money    txpym
Tchikatcheff    tchi
tea-room    trm
teach    tch
teacher    tchr
teaching    tchg
team leader    tml
team leader    tldr
teamwork    tmwk
technical    tcn
technical advisor    tcnad
technically    tcny
technician    tcnn
technician    tchn
technique    tcq
technological    tcnol
technology    tcno
tedious    tds
teenage    tng
teenager    tngr
teleconference    tlcnf
telegraph    tgph
telegraph    tlg
telemarketing    tlmkg
telephone    tl
telephone call    tlcl
telephone conversation    tlcnv
telephonist    tlt
telephonist    tli
television    tv
tell me about    tmab
temperament    tmpm
temperature    tmp
temporary    tpy
temporary    tmpy
temporary visa    tpyv
ten    10
tenancies    tncs
tenancy    tncy
tenancy agreement    tncya
tenancy agreement    tnyagm
tenancy bond    tncyb
tenant    tnt
tenant in-common    tnic
tenants-in-common    tntic
tenants in-common    tnsic
tenants in common    tincom
tendency    tdcy
tender    tdr
tenement    tnm
terminal    trml
termination    trmn
termination    tmn
termination audit    tmnau
termite    tmt
termite inspection report    tinspnrp
termite report    tmtr
terms and conditions    tcnd
terms of reference    torfc
terrace    tce
terrible    trbl
terribly    trbly
terrific    trfc
terrified    trfd
terrify    trfy
territory    trty
test cricket    tckt
testament    tstm
testify    tstf
testimonial    tstml
testimony    tstmy
tetrahydrocannabinol    thcan
text message    xmsg
textbook    txb
textbook    txtb
texture    txt
Thailand    thl
thank you for that    k4h
thank you very much    tkvm
thank you very much    kvm
thanks very much    tksvm
that about    hab
that afternoon    haftn
that all right    har
that as far as    hafa
that had to happen    hh2hap
that I knew    hike
that I know of    hikoo
that in mind    him
that is    ie
that is correct    tic
that is correct    hic
That is correct, yes.    ticy
that is why    iey
that kind of    hko
that kind of stuff    hkosu
that kind of thing    hkot
that means that    hmh
that one    h1
that period of time    hpedot
that point in time    hpit
that point of view    hpov
that relates to    hrels2
that sort of    hso
that sort of stuff    hsosu
that sort of stuff    hsos
that sort of thing    tsot
that sort of thing    hsot
that the one    ht1
that type of stuff    htyos
that type of thing    htyot
that used to happen    hu2hap
that was    hw
that was another thing    hwanot
that was it    hwi
that was that    hwh
that was the    hwt
that would be right    hwbr
that you have    hyhv
that'd be right    h'wbr
that'll be all right    h'lbar
that'll do    h'ld
that's    that's
that's    thats
that's about    h'ab
that's about all    h'aba
that's about it.    h'abi
that's all    h'a
that's all right    h'ar
that's another story    h'anos
that's because    h'b
that's beside the point    hbt.
that's cool    tcl
that's correct    tc
that's correct    h'c
that's correct, yes    tcy
that's correct, yes    h'cy
that's fair enough    h'fe
that's fine    h'f
that's for sure    h4s
that's for sure    h'4s
that's good    h'g
that's it    h'i
that's mine    h'm
that's not correct    h'nc
that's not the case    hntc
that's okay    hok
that's okay    h'o
that's right    h'r
that's right, yes.    try
that's right, yes.    h'ry
that's that    h'h
that's the one    h't1
that's the point    ht.
that's understood    h'ust
that's where    h'w
that's why    h'y
the author of    tauo
the Board    tbd
the first thing    t1th
the first time    t1t
the first to agree    12ag
the Murchison    tmurc
the name of the game    tnotg
the next one    tnx1
the only one    to1
the other    tot
the other day    totdy
the other day    totd
the other one    tot1
the other side    tots
the other side of    totso
the other thing    tott
the other way    totw
the other way round    totwr
the point is    t.i
the situation is    tsis
the sort of fellow     tsoflo
the time by my watch    ttbmw
the type of thing    ttyot
theatre    thtr
theatre    tre
theatre    ther
theatre    thea
Theatre Company    thtrc
themselves    tmsv
then what happened?---    twhap
therapeutic    thpc
therapy    thpy
therapy    thy
there    th
there is    thi
there ought to be    tou2b
there ought to be    thou2b
there used to be    thud2b
there used to be    thu2b
there was    thw
there were    thwe
there you are    thur
there you go    thyg
there's no doubt about that    thndabh
thereabouts    thab
thereafter    thaft
therefore    tf
therein    thn
thereunder    thun
thermometer    thm
things like that    thlkh
things like that    thlh
things like that    thgslh
things like that    thslh
things like this    thsli
things of this nature    totntu
think    tk
think about    tkab
think about it    tkabi
think to yourself    tk2ysf
thinking    tkg
thinking about    tkgab
thinking about it    tkgabi
third parties    3pts
third party    3pt
this afternoon    taft
this day and age    tdayaa
this day and age    tdaya
this incident    ticd
this kind of thing    hikot
this point on    t.o
this sort of    tiso
this sort of thing    tisot
this type of thing    tityot
this week    twk
Thomas Street    thst
thorough    thrg
thorough    through
those    ts
those days    tsdy
those kind of    tsko
those kind of issues    tskoi
those kind of things    tskot
those sort of    tso
those sorts of    tsso
those sorts of things    tssot
thousand    000
thousand dollars    000$
thousand years    000y
threat, promise or inducement been held out to you    threproindb
threat, promise or inducement    threproind
three    3
three o'clock    3o
three phase    3p
threshold    tshd
threshold    thsh
through    thorough
through to    thrg2
throughout    thrgo
throughput    thrp
Thursday    thu
Thursday Island    thui
ticket    tkt
timberworker    tmbwkr
time frame    tmfm
time of the day    tiotd
time to time    ttt
time to time    t2t
timetable    ttbl
timetable    ttl
timetable    tmtb
timetabling    ttblg
timetabling    ttlg
tip of the iceberg    toticb
tissue    tis
tissue paper    tisp
title search    ttls
titles office    titof
to a certain degree    2actdg
to a certain extent    2actx
to a certain extent    2actex
to a large extent    2alext
to another    2ano
to attend    2atd
to be    2b
to be able    2bl
to be able to    2bl2
to be accounted for    2bac4
to be honest    2bh
to be honest    tbh
to be honest with you    2bhwy
to be involved    2bivo
to be quite honest   
to begin with    2bgiw
to deal with    2dw
to do    2d
to each other    2eot
to go to    tg2
to my attention    2matn
to my knowledge    tmkn
to my knowledge    tmk
to my knowledge    2mkn
to refer to    2rf2
to see    2c
to some extent    2sext
to start off with    2stow
to the    2t
to the best of my knowledge    2bomkn
to the best of my knowledge    2tbomk
to the best of your knowledge    ttboyk
to the best of your knowledge    2tboyk
to the best of your recollection    2tboyrcn
to the extent that    2txtth
to what degree    2wdg
to what degree    twdg
to you    2u
to your attention    2yatn
to your knowledge    tykn
to your knowledge    2ykn
to yourself    2ysf
tobacco    tbc
today    td
together    tg
together with    tgw
Tom Price    topr
Tom Price    tomp
tomorrow    tm
tonight    tn
Toodyay    tdy
toolbox    tbx
top right-hand corner    trhc
topographical    tpgphl
topography    tpgph
Torres Strait Islander    tsi
Tos    toss
tourist    tst
tournament    trnm
toward    tw
town clerk    tclk
Town of Vincent    tvin
town plan    tpl
town planning    tplg
town planning committee    tpcte
town planning department    tpdept
Town Planning Development Act    tpda
town planning scheme    tps
Tracey Waugh    tracw
trade union    tun
trade union    trun
trade union movement    trunm
trade union movement    trum
trade union movement    tunm
trade union official    trunof
trademark    trmk
trades and labour council    trlc
Trades and Labour Council    tlc
trades assistant    trast
Trades Hall Council    thc
trades unions    tsun
tradesman    tdsm
tradesman    tdsma
tradesmen    tdsme
tradespeople    tdspp
tradesperson    tdsps
tradesperson    tdpsn
trading account    trdac
trading as    trdga
trading as    tras
tradition    tdn
traditional    tdl
traditionally    tdly
traffic    tfc
traffic control    tfctl
traffic controller    tfctlr
traffic density    tfcd
traffic infringement    tifg
tragedy    tgd
trailer    tlr
train station    tstn
trainee    trne
trainee nurse    trnrs
training    trg
training officer    trgof
trajectory    tjy
tramways    trmw
trans    x
transaction    tra
transaction fee    traf
transaction file    trafi
transactional experience    trax
transcript    tx
transcription    txn
transfer    tfr
transfer of land    tfrl
Transfer of Land Act    tfrla
transferred    tfrd
transferring    tfrg
transform    xfm
transformation    tfma
transformed    xfd
transformer    xfmr
transition    trnsn
transitional    trnsl
transition period    trnsnp
transmission    tnxn
transport    tpt
transport officer    tpto
transport workers     tptwk
transport workers union    twu
transportable    tptl
transportation    tptn
trauma    trm
traumatic    trmt
traumatise    trms
travel    trv
travel agency    tragy
travel agent    trag
travelling    trvg
Trayning    tryg
treasurer    trsr
treasury    trsy
treating    trtg
treatment    trt
Tree Society    tsoc
tremendous    trmds
trial balance    trbal
tribunal    tb
triennial    3l
triennial    3nl
triennial funding    3nlf
Triple J    jjj
trivial    trvl
trouble    tbl
true and correct    trucor
trust account    trac
trust accounting    tracg
trust cheque    trcq
trust deed    trd
trust fund    trufu
trust ledger    tldg
trust ledger    tlgr
trust ledger account    trla
trust officer    trofr
trustee    trst
trustee    trse
try to do    tr2d
trying to do    trg2d
trying to do    tryg2d
trying to explain    trg2xpl
Tuart College    tucl
Tuart Hill    tuhi
Tuesday    tue
turn to    t2
turn to    tu2
turn to page    tu2p
turn to the    tutt
turnaround    tuar
turnaround    trna
turnaround manager    trnamgr
turnover    tov
turnover    tnov
turnover    tuov
turntable    tutb
two    2
two and a half thousand kilometres    212k
two o'clock    2o
type of thing    typot
type of thing    tyot
typewriter    typw
typical    typ
typing pool    typo
ultimate    ult
ultimately    ulty
unable    ul
unable to    ul2
unapproved    uapv
unauthorised    uaui
unauthorised    unaui
unauthorised withdrawal    unauiw
unavailability    uavy
unavailable    uav
unaware    uawe
unbalanced    ubal
unbalanced trust account    ubaltrac
unbelievable    ublv
unbelievable    ubll
uncertain    uct
uncertainty    ucty
unclaimed    ucl
unclaimed moneys    uclmn
uncomfortable    ucmfl
uncompetitive    ucptv
uncompetitive    ucmptv
unconditional    ucndl
unconditional finance approval    ufiap
unconditionally    ucndly
unconscious    uncsc
unconscious    ucnsc
unconsciously    ucnscy
unconsciousness    ucnscn
uncontrolled    uctl
unconventional    ucvntl
uncover    ucv
uncovered    ucvd
under cover    udcv
under the circumstances    utci
under the influence    underi
under the influence    uifl
undercarriage    ucrg
underestimate    uest
undergo    ug
undergoing    ugog
undergraduate    ugra
underground    ugr
underground power    ugrp
underlying    udlg
underneath    unea
underpayment    upym
underprivileged    upvl
understand    ust
understandable    ustl
understandably    usty
understanding    ustg
understatement    ustm
understood    usto
undertake    udt
undertaken    udtn
undertaking    udtg
undertook    udto
undervalue    uvlu
undervalued    uvlud
underway    udw
underway    uw
Underwood Avenue    undav
undisciplined    udscpl
undisputed    udpu
undoubtedly    udbty
uneconomic    uec
unemployed    uem
unemployment    uemm
unemployment    unemp
unequivocal    uqvcl
unfamiliar    ufmlr
unfavourable    ufvl
unfinancial    ufil
unforeseen circumstances    ufci
unfortunate    unf
unfortunate    ufnu
unfortunately    unfy
unfortunately    ufnuy
unhappiness    uhpn
unhappy    uhp
unheard of    unho
unidentified    uidf
uniform    unfo
unimportant    uip
unimproved    uipv
uninhabitable    uihab
uninhabitable area    uihaba
uninteresting    uintg
union    un
union movement    unmv
Union of Australian Women    uaw
union official    unof
unique    unq
unit entitlement    unent
unit holder    unhd
unit holder    uhld
unit trust    unitr
unit trust    untr
unit trust    utt
United States    unsta
unitholding    unhdg
universities    unis
university    uni
University of Western Australia    uwa
unjustifiable    ujsfl
unjustifiable    ufufl
unjustified    ujstf
unjustified    ujuf
unknown    unk
unlawfully    ulfwy
unlawfully    ulwfy
unlicensed    ulcs
unlicensed    ulsc
unmistakable    umstkl
unmitigated disaster    udis
unnatural    untul
unnecessarily    unecy
unnecessary    une
unnecessary    unne
unofficial    uofl
unopposed    uop
unorthodox    uodx
unpopular    upop
unpresented    upr
unpresented    unpr
unpresented cheque    uchq
unpresented cheque    uprcq
unpresented cheque    unprc
unprofessional    upfsl
unprofessional conduct    upcd
unprofessional conduct    upfslc
unreasonable    ursl
unreasoning    ursg
unrecognisable    urcgl
unrecognised    urcg
unreconciled    urcnl
unreconciled transaction report    urtp
unrelated    url
unreliable    urlb
unrepresented    urped
unresolved    urslv
unsatisfactory    ustfy
unsolicited    unsol
unsuccessful    usuc
unsupervised    uspv
unthinkable    utkbl
unthinkable    utkl
until    uti
until about    utiab
until further notice    utifuntc
untoward    utw
untruthful    utrtfl
untruthful    utrfl
untruthfully    utrfly
untruthfully    utruy
unusual    uus
unusually    uusy
unviable    uvil
unworkable    uwkl
unworkmanlike    uwkml
up-front non-refundable admin fee    ufnraf
up and down    uado
up and running    uprug
up market    umkt
up to a point    u2a.
up to date    utd
up to them    u2t
up to you    u2u
upgrade    ugd
upgrading    ugdg
upper floor    upfl
uranium    urn
urban bushland    ubshl
urinalysis    urnys
Ursula Ladzinski     ulzi
used to    ud2
used to be    u2b
used to be    ud2b
used to be    ud25
used to come    ud2co
used to come down    ud2cod
used to come in    ud2ci
used to come up    ud2cou
used to do    ud2d
used to do    u2d
used to do that    ud2dh
used to get    ud2g
used to go    u2g
used to go    ud2go
used to go to     ud2g2
used to happen    u2hap
used to happen    ud2hap
used to have    ud2hv
used to have    u2h
used to have    ud2h
used to have    u2hv
used to have to    ud2hv2
used to know    ud2k
used to make    ud2mk
used to take    ud2ta
used to think    ud2tk
used to use    ud2u
used to work    ud2wk
useful    usf
usual    us
usually    usy
Utah Construction    utc
utilise    utl
utility    uty
utility    ute
uttering    utrg
vacancies    vacys
vacancies    vcans
vacancy    vcy
vacancy    vacy
vacancy    vcan
vacant    vcat
vacant possession    vpos
vacation    vac
validation    vldn
validity    vldt
valley    vly
Valley People    vpp
valuable    vlb
valuable    vlul
valuable    vall
valuation    valn
valuation    vlun
value    vlu
value    val
value add    vluad
value added    vluadd
value adding    vluadg
value judgment    vlujm
valuer    vlur
Valuer General    vlgn
Valuer General    vlugn
valuing    vlug
variability    vrby
variable    vrb
variable outgoings    vrbo
variance    vrnc
variation    vrn
variety    vrt
various    vrs
vast majority    vmjy
vegetable    vg
vegetables    vgtb
vegetated    vegt
vegetation    vegn
vehicle    veh
velocity    vlcy
vendor    vdr
vendor client    vcli
vendor finance    vfi
vendor finance    vdrfi
vendor loan    vdrl
venue    vnu
verandah    vrd
verandah    vndh
verandah    vrnd
verbal agreement    vagmt
verbal approval    vapvl
verification    vrfn
verified    vrfd
verify    vrf
verifying    vrfg
vertical    vtl
very first    v1f
very important    vi
very often    vof
very well    vw
vessel    vsl
vexatious    vx
viability    vblt
viable    vil
viable    vl
vibration    vbn
vice-president    vprsd
vice- chancellor,    vchncl
vice versa    vive
vicinity    vcny
Vickers Hoskins    vicho
Victoria    vic
Victoria Park    vicpk
video    vd
video camera    vdc
video interview    vditv
video record of interview    vdrcditv
video record of interview    vrcditv
video taped record of interview    vdtrcditv
videotape    vdt
videotape    vt
videotaped record of interview    vtrcditv
Viet Nam    vn
viewing    vwg
viewpoint    vp
vigilance officer    vglco
vigilant    vgl
vigorous    vgrs
village    vlg
Villers-Breteneaux    vbret
violence    vlc
violence restraining order    vrstgod
violent    vlt
violent personal offence    vpsnofc
violently    vlty
violin    vln
violin    vio
violinist    vlns
violinist    vilnt
violinst    vlnt
virtually    vrtly
virtuoso    virto
visibility    vsby
visible    vsb
vision    vsn
visitor    vstr
voice identification purposes    vidfp
voice identification purposes    vidfnp
voice identification    vidfn
volition    voln
Volkswagen    vkw
volleyball    vlyb
volume    vol
volume and folio    vofo
volume and folio number    vofon
voluntarily    vlnly
voluntary    vlny
volunteer    vtr
volunteer    volt
volunteering    vlng
versus    vs
voyage    vyg
vulnerable    vlnb
WA Planning Commission    wapc
WA Symphony Orchestra    waso
WA Theatre Company     watc
wagon    wgn
wait a minute    wamin
wait and see    w8nc
walk-in robe    wir
walks of life    wkol
wall-to-wall    wl2wl
wallpaper    wpp
Wanneroo    wno
want to do    wn2d
war service    wsvc
war zone    wz
warehouse    whs
warrant    wnt
warranty    wnty
Warrawaringa    wrwg
was able to    wl2
was able to be    wl2b
was concerned    wcnd
was unable to    wul2
washing machine    wmac
waste management    wmgt
watch house    wtch
watchmen    wtchm
water supply scheme    watsups
waterfront    wtf
waterside workers    wswk
Waterside Workers Federation    wwf
waterways    wtwy
we don't know    wd'k
we used to    wu2
we used to    wud2
we used to be    wu2b
we used to be    wud2b
we used to get    wud2ge
we used to go    wud2go
we used to go to    wu2g2
we used to have    wud2hv
we used to use    weud2u
we used to use    wud2u
weakness    wkn
weapon    wpn
wear and tear    wrtr
wearing    wrg
weather    wea
weatherboard    wtbd
weatherboard    wthbd
Webern    wbn
website    wbs
wedding    wdng
Wednesday    wed
week to week    w2w
weekend    wke
weekly    wky
weigh    w8
weighed    w8d
weighed up    w8du
weighing    w8g
weight    w8t
weight of evidence    w8ev
weighted    w8td
weird and wonderful    weawo
welcome    wlcm
welcoming    wlcmg
welfare    wlf
well-being    wlbg
well-to-do    wl2d
well and truly    watru
well known    wknn
well meaning    wlmng
well that's right    wh'r
Wellard    wld
went into    wi2
went into it    wi2i
went to    w2
were able to    wel2
were able to    wrl2
were looking for    wlkg4
were you aware    wuawe
were you aware of that    wuaweoh
were you aware that    wuaweh
were you not    wyn
Wesfarmers    wsf
West Australia    wa
West Australian    wan
West Australian Government Railways    wagr
West Australian Newspapers    wanp
West Australian Planning Commission    wanpc
West Australian Symphony Orchestra    wanso
West Leederville    wldv
West Leederville    wlve
West Leederville    wldvl
West Northam    wntm
West Northam    wnth
West Perth    wper
West Subi    wsubi
West Subiaco    wsubia
Western Australia    wna
Western Australian Planning Commission    wnapc
Western Mining    wnmg
Western Mining Corporation    wmc
Western Power    wpw
Western Power    wnpw
western suburbs    wsub
Westernport    wstp
Westrail    wstr
wetland    wtl
wetlands    wtls
Wexcombe    wx
what    w
what about    wab
what about if    wabi
what actually    wacy
what are    war
what are you    wru
what are your    wrur
what did    wdd
what do you    wdy
what do you call it    wdyci
what do you call them    wdyctm
what do you do    wdyd
what do you mean    wdym
what do you recall    wdyrca
what do you remember    wdyre
what do you think    wdytk
what do you understand    wdyust
what do you want    wdyw
what do you want to do    wdywtd
what for    w4
what had happened to    whhapd2
what had to happen    wh2hap
what happened    whap
what happened    whapd
what happened to    whapd2
what happens    whaps
what have you    why
 what have you    whvy
what I mean    wim
what I want to put to you    wiw2p2y
what it was all about     wiwaab
what kind of    wko
what kinds of    wkso
what other    wot
what other kind of    wotko
what other kinds of    wotkso
what period of time    wpedot
what sort of    wso
what sort of thing    wsot
what sort of things    wsots
what sorts of thing    wssot
what to do    w2d
what to expect    w2x
what used to happen    wu2hap
what you have    wyhv
what you mean    wym
what you understand    wyusta
what you understood    wyusto
what's a name    w'san
what's a name    w'an
what's a name    wsan
what's happened    w'hapd
what's his name    w'hn
what's that    wtt
what's that    w'h
whatever    wev
whatever    wtev
whatever else    wteve
whatever else    weve
whatever it was    weviw
whatever reason    wvrs
whatever the case was    whtvtcw
whatsoever    wsev
wheat beer    wb
Wheatbelt    whtb
wheelchair    wlch
when did    wndd
when I say    wisa
whenever    wnev
whenever    wnv
where    whr
where did    wrdd
where were you    wwy
whereabouts    whabs
whereabouts    whab
whereabouts    wheab
whereas    whas
whereby    whb
wherever    whv
wherever    wrev
wherever    whev
wherewithal    wwthl
wherewithal    whwal
whether    whe
whether or not    wheon
whether you like it or not    wylkion
whether you like it or not    wheylkion
which ever    whiv
whichever    wcev
whichever    whiche
whichever    wiev
whichever    wce
white collar workers    wcolw
Whittakers    whk
whoever    whov
why    y
why are you    yru
why do you    ydy
why do you    ydu
why do you need    ydyne
why do you say    ydusa
why do you say that    ydysh
why do you think    ydytk
why not    yn
why you    yu
Wickepin    wkp
wicket    wkt
wicketkeeper    wktkp
wilderness    wldn
wildflower    wldf
wildflowers    wflw
wildlife    wldlf
wilfully and unlawfully    wlflaw
will become    wbco
Willetton    wltn
willfully    wlfy
William    Wlm
William Street    wlms
Wiluna    wln
windscreen    wdscr
winemaking    wmkg
winery    wy
with all due respect    wadrspe
with due respect    wdrspe
with each other    weaot
with reference to    wrfc2
with regard    wrga
with regard to    wrga2
with regards    wrgas
with regards to    wrgas2
with respect    wr
with respect    wrspe
with respect to    wr2
with that    wh
with that in mind    whim
with that one    wh1
with this one    wt1
withdraw    wd
withdraw    wda
withdraw that    wdh
withdrawal    wdl
withdrawal of caveat    wdtcvt
withdrawal of caveat    wdlcvt
withdrawing    wdg
withdrawn    wdn
withdrew    wde
withheld    wthe
withheld    withe
withheld    whed
withhold    witho
withhold    wtho
withhold    wthh
within    wn
within reason    wnrs
without    wo
without any shadow of doubt    woasodb
without further ado    wofuado
withstand    wista
withstood    wisto
witness    wt
witness box    wtbx
witness could be shown    wtcbs
witness statement    wtstm
witnessing    wtg
Wittenoom     wtnm
woman    wma
women    wme
women's cricket    wmckt
won't be able to    wbl2
wonder    wnd
wonder    wdr
wonderful    wndf
wonderful    wdfl
wonderfully    wdfly
wondering    wndg
wondering    wdrg
wonderment    wndm
Wongan Hills    wongh
Wongan Hills    wngh
Woodside    wds
woodwinds    woow
woodwork    wdwk
Woolworths     wwo
word for word    w4w
word of mouth    womou
word of mouth    wom
work    wk
work experience    wkx
work experience    wkxpc
work for    wk4
work in progress agreement    wipag
work of art    wkoa
Workcover    wkcv
worked for    wkd4
worker    wkr
workers comp    wkcm
workers compensation    wkcmp
Workers' Star    wkrs
workforce    wkf
workgroup    wkgp
working    wkg
working arrangement    wkgargt
working class    wkgcl
working class    wkgc
working conditions    wkgcnd
working day    wkgd
working for    wkg4
working group    wkggp
working hours    wkghr
working knowledge    wkgkn
working life    wkgl
working party    wkpty
working people    wkgpp
working relationship    wkgr
working with    wkgw
workload    wkl
workmanlike    wkml
workmanlike manner    wkmlm
workmanship    wkms
workout    wkot
workplace    wkpl
works manager    wkmgr
Worksafe    wksf
worksheet    wksh
workshop    wksp
Workskil    wksk
World Zoo Conference    wzc
World War I    ww1
World War II    ww2
worst case scenario    wcscnr
worthwhile    wwl
worthwhile    wthw
worthwhile    wwh
would agree with me    wagwm
would happen with    whapw
would have    wuhv
would have been    whvb
would it be fair to say    wibfts
would it be fair to say    wibf2s
would that be right    whbr
would you accept that?    wyach
would you agree    wyag
would you agree with me    wuagwm
would you believe    wybl
wouldn't you agree    wnyag
writing    wrtg
written    wtn
written agreement    wagm
written agreement    wagmt
written approvals    wrapvl
written authority    wauy
written confirmation    wcnfmn
written consent    wrcon
written contract    wcot
written instruction    winstn
written material    wmtl
written outline of submissions    wotlsb
written presentence report    wprstcrp
written reasons    wrs
written references    wrfc
written report    wrp
written report    wrpt
written statement    wstm
written submissions    wsb
written to    wtn2
Wundowie    wndw
Wyalkatchem    wyk
Wyndham    wynd
X-ray    xr
yachtsmen    ychtm
year    yr
year ago    yag
year old    yo
year period    yped
year period    yrped
year to year    yty
year to year    y2y
yearbook    ybk
years ago    ysag
years and years    yrayr
years of age    yroa
years old    yso
years old    yrso
yeast    yt
yellow    ylo
yes, he is    yhi
yes, I agree    yiag
yes I am.    yia
yes, I can    yica
yes, I did    yidi
yes, I do    yido
Yes, I have    yihv
yes, I know    yik
Yes, I see    yic
yes, it does.    yids
yes, it is.    yii
yes it was    yiw
yes, of course    yoc
Yes, okay.    yok
yes, thank you    ytku
yes, that is correct.    ytic
yes, that's correct    ytc
yes, that's correct    yh'c
yes that's fine    yh'f
yes, that's right    yhr
yes, that's right    yh'r
Yes, that's right    ytr
yes we did    ywdi
yesterday    yst
Yokine    ykn
you able to    yl2
you are    ur
you are not obliged to say or do anything unless you wish to do    yrnot
 you are not obliged to say or do anything unless you wish to d    caution
you are not obliged to say anything    urnobl
you believe    ubl
you can't recall    ycrca
you can't remember    ycre
you do    yd
you do know    ydok
you don't know    yd'k
you don't know    ydk
you don't recall    yd'rc
you don't remember    yd're
you don't think    ydtk
you guys    ugy
you had to    uhd2
you have to    uhv2
you have to remember    uhv2re
you knew    yke
you knew about    ykeab
you know    yk
you know about    ykab
you know it is    ykii
you know that    ykt
you know that    ykh
you know what    ykw
you know what I mean    ykwim
you know when    ykwn
you know where    ykwr
you mean    ym
you mean    um
you name it    unami
you need to    und2
you need to be    un2b
you need to do    un2d
you said    usad
you saw    usw
you say    usa
you say that    usah
you see    uc
you see    ys
you see that    uch
you see that?---Yes.    uchy
you think    ytk
you think    utk
you to    u2
you understand    yust
you understand    yusta
you understood    yusto
you'll    y'l
you'll see    ulc
you're    y'
you're free to go    yftg
you're happy that    y'hph
you're quite right    y'qr
you're referring to    y'rfg2
you've    yv
you've    y'v
you've given evidence    ygiev
Young Christian Workers Movement    ycwm
Young Christian Workers     ycw
Young Offenders Act    yoa
young people    ypp
young person    yp
your account    yac
your attention    yatn
your brother    ybro
your claim    ycla
your client    ycl
your counsel    ycoue
your evidence    yev
your Grace    yg
your Honour    yh
your husband    yhsb
your own free will    yofw
your partner    ypt
your perspective    yprspv
your point of view    ypov
your signature    ysgnu
your statement    ystm
your understanding    yustg
your version of events    yvoev
your version of events    yvev
your wife    ywf
your Worship    yw
yourself    ysf
yourselves    ysv
youth community based order    ycbo
youth orchestra    yorc
Yuanmi    yum
Yugoslav    ygs
zealous    zl
Zeppelin    zpl
Zincalume    zal
zodiac    zd
zone    z
zoning    zng
zoning    zg
zoological    zolc
zoology    zoy
[Plays]    [p
[sings]    [s

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About Me

Learned to type '67 in the Army. Took up word processing in 1979, then became court reporter in 1990 with Commonwealth Reporting Service 1996 Awarded Diploma of Teaching, (Word Processing)